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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Those who believe in the Lotus Sutra are as if in winter, but winter always turns to spring."

(Winter Always Turns to Spring - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 536) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, April 25th, 2008

* "Faith in the Lotus Sutra means bravely making our way through the winters of adversity. By taking on the arduous task of changing our karma, we are able to greet the spring and build happiness and good fortune in our lives. Therefore, we must not avoid the trials of winter. If we have the courage to face winter's challenges, then we can advance boundlessly towards the wonderful springtime of attaining Buddhahood and achieving kosen-rufu.

"The Lotus Sutra teaches the importance of surmounting life's winters. And the Daishonin assures us: 'Winter always turns to spring.' Our continuous effort to transform winter into spring is the fundamental path for achieving unsurpassed fulfilment and growth in our lives, By advancing with all our might on this path, we can open the way to attaining Buddhahood in this lifetime and enjoy a glorious, spring-like state of being that will shine with immeasurable good fortune and benefit across the three existences of past, present, and future."
(Learning from the Gosho: The Hope-filled Writings Of Nichiren Daishonin by SGI President Ikeda, SGI Newsletter No. 7521)


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"In a letter to Nanjo Tokimitsu's father Nanjo Hyoe Shichiro, Nichiren Daishonin writes: 'However great the good causes one may make, or even if one reads and copies the entirety of the Lotus Sutra a thousand or ten thousand times, or attains the way of perceiving three thousand realms in a single moment of life, if one fails to denounce the enemies of the Lotus Sutra (the Mystic Law), it will be impossible to attain the way' (WND-1, 78). He sought to impress these words deeply on his follower's heart. Unless we have the courage to speak out resolutely against the 'enemies of the Lotus Sutra' --namely, against injustice or inhumanity that destroys people's happiness--we will not be able to attain Buddhahood."

SGI Newsletter No. 7529, Words of Truth Are the Citadel of Courage, translated April 21st, 2008 from the May 2008 issue of Daibyakurenge, the Soka Gakkai monthly study journal.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Our faith and practise is
about challenging ourselves.
Let's conquer what we were yesterday,
and today, with all our might,
let's overcome the obstacles in our life and establish an even higher state of life.
Let's courageously challenge ourselves
and achieve a really significant revolution in our circumstances!

Daisaku Ikeda


I'm alive and going to a chanting meeting, thanks for keeping me in your prayers!

I'm alive and going to a chanting meeting, thanks for keeping me in your prayers!

Life is the most precious of all treasures. Even one extra day of life is worth more than ten million ryo of gold. The Lotus Sutra surpasses all the other sacred teachings of the Buddha's lifetime because of the "Life Span" chapter. The greatest prince in the land of Jambudvipa would be of less consequence than a blade of grass if he died in childhood. If he died young, even a person whose wisdom shone as brilliantly as the sun would be less than a living dog. So you must hasten to accumulate the treasure of faith and quickly conquer your illness.

The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin: On Prolonging One's Life Span
Written to the lay nun Myojo in 1279


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The Daishonin writes:

"'My wish is that my disciples will be cubs of the lion king, never to be laughed at by the pack of foxes. It is hard to encounter a master like Nichiren, who since distant kalpas in the past down to the present day has never begrudged his body or life in order to expose the faults of his powerful enemies.' (WND-2, 1062).

"The cubs of the lion king have the potential to become lion kings as well. In order to do so, they need to struggle selflessly, brimming with the spirit of propagating the Daishonin's Buddhism. Embodying the mentor's spirit means fighting against and defeating powerful enemies.

"The essence
of leading a noble existence
is to be found in you
who are dedicated
to kosen-rufu.

"The Scottish poet Robert Blair (1699-1746) wrote: 'Those only are the brave that keep their ground, / And keep it to the last.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 7516, THE LIGHT OF THE CENTURY OF HUMANITY, March 16--The Eternal Starting Point of Mentor and Disciple, translated April 2nd, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
True happiness in life exists amidst
the constant efforts we make and the unceasing struggles we undertake.
Just like the tree rings of a strong, unshakable tree,
let's create a glorious history,
continually and ceaselessly,
this year, next year and then the next.

Daisaku Ikeda


Active member

Nam myoho renge kyo my brothas!!!!

wwoooooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Wow I went the meeting and felt like crying but I also felt like I had no tears left from crying a few times this week. I've been being really hard on myself, my education, my job and my relationship. In fact, I'm really fortunate to have my gf telling me to chant while I have continued to complain how much I want out of this relationship. Actually I'm learning I have to be a little more selfish with myself and keep trying new tricks to love myself so that I could once again learn to love and someday truly love others as I should.

First I know it is a question of faith: I have not been chanting, I've been speaking out against the Mentor Disciple relationship (at my last study meeting 10 days ago), pushing everyone away and pretending to hate others is really a quick way to hell. I been taking everything all at once, its been alot.

Didn't get accepted to my third choice college, but I still have my first two choices.... Secondly, I'm not giving up, I almost gave up completely on myself but I got Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! and you guys, so I'll keep yall posted.

Stay up amigos!



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The Tang dynasty poet Bai Juyi wrote a well-known poem related to the Dragon Gate. It tells the story of a carp that attempted to climb the waterfall but fell back and, having cut its forehead on the rocks below, decided to abandon the endeavor. Bai Juyi asks what the carp must be feeling, and provides an answer to the effect. 'Apparently, if you become a dragon, you have the hard work of ascending into the heavens and making the rain fall. Rather than taking on such hardship, it's probably better to remain a carp and swim about freely.' Having observed the vicissitudes of the political realm, Bai Juyi no doubt held the sentiment that one might be happier where one is now, living just as one pleases, rather than shouldering onerous responsibilities that often come with success.

"Dragons have the job of making the rain fall--this same work can be regarded as a burden or as a mission, depending on how one looks at it. This difference in outlook or attitude is also what determines whether we will be defeated by negative influences, or evil friends, or successfully attain Buddhahood. Truly, as the Daishonin says, 'It is the heart that is important' (WND-1, 1000). And this difference in heart or spirit comes down to whether or not we embrace the 'great vow' that is mentioned in this letter.

"To bring our practice of the Lotus Sutra, or the Mystic Law, to successful completion means that we must eagerly and joyfully embrace the mission of taking on the sufferings of still more and more people and of challenging even greater difficulties in our cause for human peace and happiness. The Daishonin urges us to actively seek this way of life, to valiantly climb the Dragon Gate of faith as successors of kosen-rufu, and attain Buddhahood without fail. As practitioners of the Mystic Law, this is what it means for us to 'live based on a great vow.'"

SGI Newsletter No. 7536, LEARNING FROM THE GOSHO: THE HOPE-FILLED WRITINGS OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN, [7] "The Dragon Gate" "My Wish Is That All My Disciples Make a Great Vow" -- Carrying On the Great Vow for the Happiness of All Humanity, translated April 30th, 2008
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Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Whatever trouble occurs, regard it as no more than a dream, and think only of the Lotus Sutra."

(Letter to Brothers - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, Vol. 1, page 502) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, May 3rd, 2008


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Easy, (damn your good)....thanks for that point blank "honesty!" You always rebound, and each time you get stronger and more enlightened is what I've witnessed from you. Your different in a mystical way, it seems to me. Man I want the best for you!!!

T, my mind has been mastering me over work politics from the last few days. I've had to work with some devils and I finally stood up for myself, and let them know how I felt. The cowards and back stabbers......negative bastards just generate hate......how can they?

Bonz baby, you are everywhere and everything, Bro!!!

Bud is the backbone of this thing!!!

SoCal is a great Healer.

Hitman is the truth!!!

Love you all!!!



Active member
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to You Desidarata, Thanks. Peace to everyone!

Buddhists have to have a no-ban policy!

Good=Good. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo! Bud, ever since your encouragement about how you should feel massive amounts of appreciation while chanting I've been soaring like a bird that is free to the open sky. I try to soar from beginning to end and fell gratitude for having the opportunity to chant at that moment!

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo - Faith!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"The only way to repel this fierce attack of the devil king is to base one's life on 'a great vow' (WND-1, 1003). We cannot bring forth the strength to withstand great hardships or persecution for the sake of the Lotus Sutra unless we make our ultimate goal the attainment of Buddhahood in this lifetime and dedicate our lives to the great vow of the Buddha for the realisation of kosen-rufu. Therefore, the Daishonin calls out from the depths of his being: 'My wish is that all my disciples make a great vow' (WND-1, 1003). A life based on a great vow is truly profound and unshakable."

SGI Newsletter No. 7536, LEARNING FROM THE GOSHO: THE HOPE-FILLED WRITINGS OF NICHIREN DAISHONIN, [7] "The Dragon Gate" "My Wish Is That All My Disciples Make a Great Vow" -- Carrying On the Great Vow for the Happiness of All Humanity, translated April 30th, 2008


"The Great Vow" for me is to rebound from the slums of my life and stand up despite the bullshit by telling other about Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! and living as best I can using Gohonzon to get what I want. Problem with me is using Gohonzon is still a relatively new thing, I bet in a few days I'll post I got into both my first and second choice schools. I get everything I chant for, and when I wasn't chanting I was afraid to chant because I had alot of painful stuff on the mind and nobody wants to chant for others to experience some hurt as they have inflicted on you. At least not me, so I mean I had alot of breakdowns, you know just crying and realizing that my daimoku is my spiritual backbone and also the fuel for my spirit.

I've been really questioning things hard after taking Philosophy this semester and questioning everything, but honestly I never doubted Gohonzon for a second, but I did doubt myself and that was weird because I seem to perceive my life as Gohonzon and vice versa, but like Tom has posted this sneeky fundamental darkness is a grimy thing and we gotta be on guard for the worst even if we're feeling close to the latest pinnacle. I had no clue I could get blindsided out of nowhere then let all the hurt I have hidden in the depths of my heart resurface and demolish my life condition.

It took months to build up all the daimoku and the life condition peak I recently reached and sustained with diligent daimoku and great efforts for kosen-rufu. None of my efforts for Nichiren Buddhism go unrewarded, I'm not telling you that this practise is all about reward but damnit we need benefit to continue, don't we? Sure we do! I know I do and I got so much f'ning benefit from this thread and guys like Bonzo, Hitman, Desi, Babba, Socal, Scegy and Thomas.

Actually not sure if Scegy got his official Gohonzon yet... I think it may have happened since we were patiently waiting for May for Scegy's Gohonzon to arrive. I've been chanting for my amigo Scegy to receive his Gohonzon and really advance with Gohonzon, I'm feeling it may have possibly happened! Looking forward to the good news.

Desi, your right, two years in this, I been giving it all I got and I know that the struggles are piling up but honestly I'm so thrilled to be back here posting that the optimism has arisen like a bright sunny Summer Solstice and the outlook is nothing but clear skies ahead! The DROUGHT IS OVER AND YOUR BOY IS BACK, THANKS FOR KEEPING MY SPOT WARM BONZ, BABBA, and Socal!

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! we're Bodhisattvas of the Earth because we chant, isn't that totally brilliant? Sure is to me!

Easy Does it aka Easy's Back aka Myoho Disco


Active member
hehe, you always fill me with the joy of our journey Disco!

while I have continued to complain how much I want out of this relationship. Actually I'm learning I have to be a little more selfish with myself and keep trying new tricks to love myself so that I could once again learn to love and someday truly love others as I should.

i always have a sweat rush all over me when i come to the last prayer, i will reveal my buddah nature and others. i will change my negative carma and make true my wishes now and in the future!...you see for me, it was always easier to give then to recieve, despite the devils that arise in other ppls minds and in mine too as a consequence.

telling you that because i have come to a conclusion that i could practically date every woman i find somewhat attractive, i always had the energy to fight the differences between us, but i give up in time, always(want "immediate" results)
but i am the one who knows how hard it is to fight the devils in my head, and it is even harder to see the buddah nature in someone else if you'r still fighting ur own devils...the cure for me is to accept them, one by one, which ofcourse takes time
so i try hard to be patient, and NMRK is something besides the weed that gives me that patientce, and makes it even stronger every morning and evening

as an effect, i'm constantly improving relationships with the ones i care(and sometimes degrading the one we have with my gf-you know Disco), and doing a lot of work and exams at the same time, it is liberating to to be able to separate my devils from my subjective mind and look at the facts no matter how it hurts at the beginning

doesn't make me cry, just a tear in my eye
i have no supperior thoughts, if i see them in my mind, i take that as a slander against what i want and i take joy crushing them and remodeling them in something deep and soul penetrating sometimes

after all, when my gf comes back to me, i still have my devils waiting for us, armored.....haha, but patience as water moves mountains, will provail, it hurts sometimes, but i know it DISCO

that means that i'm battling hard right now(seeding, not enjoying the fruits...yet i still hope)

i won't say our gfs are right or wrong, but they sure do have a point, which is impossible to ignore---->fact in our face amigo!

i'm cherishing the gohonzon in me more, day by day
i'm not impatient
i'm getting sick of the printed gohonzon for sure
i'm thankfull for your support, from my heart

may is here, the day will come, don't know the date yet, but i can feel it, can't you feel it too? :D

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo and all the love around it brothers and sisters
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SoCal Hippy

Active member
Though the teaching that I am now propagating seems limited, it is
extremely profound. That is because it goes deeper than the teaching
expounded by T'ien-t'ai, Dengyo, and others. It is the three important
matters in the "Life Span" chapter of the essential teaching.
Practicing only the seven characters of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo seems
limited, but since they are the master of all the Buddhas of the three
existences, the teacher of all the bodhisattvas in the ten directions,
and the guide that enables all living beings to attain the Buddha way,
it is profound.

(WND, 317)
Earthly Desires Are Enlightenment
Written to Shijo Kingo on May 2, 1272


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
"Arouse deep faith, and diligently polish your mirror day and night. How should you polish it? Only by chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."

(On Attaining Buddhahood in This Lifetime - The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, page 4) Selection source: "Kyo no Hosshin", Seikyo Shimbun, May 5th, 2008


gosh I've been feeling just insane again the last couple hours, I chanted after class but honestly at this moment I'm coming down from like a mini breakdown, I was spasming in an arm before class after class the entire right side of my body start spasming and then when I got home and joined my lady chanting, yeah suggested "lets chant" and we started then she got up for a second and I think she tried to touch me in a few moments after that and I jumped like 5 feet in the air and had fists up! I was shocked at myself and quickly sat down and continued chanting, wtf? Been making mountains outta mole hills and relating them to sex! I swear if this devil of the 6th heaven isn't the evilest piece of shit around my name wouldn't be .... GOLLLY SO GLAD I COULD VENT A LITTLE MORE IN HERE.

For the sake of being constructive with my post and creating value, dudes I'm freaking out over here because I caught some mini anxiety attacks and all the problems recently plaguing me that feel like they were problems I was just repressing just keep resurfacing and forcing me to somewhat (i say somewhat cus I've been a pussy dealing with so many things) deal with those extra sensitive issues. I dunno but this has been insane, just the way I feel, up and down and round and round. I'm chanting the moral is I'm chanting, the value is I really reaching out to Nichiren and I'm like "Master, lets um help me make the best decision, whateever the flying f uck it is! Help me see the problems better!" What I got was the problem is I'm mixing feelings and emotions and issues and the mix is devastating. I even made my woman swear if I had a heart attack not to tell our families. Kinda embarassing to say it but more painful to just hold it in. If I didn't have to see that silly arjan banner as I write this I swear it would be a little easier to be more descriptive (DG there should be an option for loyal users shut off the propaganda while posting, lol, just kidding!) .

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! I really am understanding how this even applies to the insane, truly universal that in the depths of my hell, I can chant. Thanks Gohonzon for protecting me, now and always. Thanks to my icmag family for supporting me as well. Thank you so much.

Nam-myoho-renge-kyo! Screaming it! Nam-myoho-renge-kyo!!!!
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