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Mh and HPS


I have a Mh conversion bulb I mostly used for vegging.

Last time around I did not replace it with a Hps until 30 days into flower. What was evident was the lack of strech, and generally, better looking plants.

I have been looking around and to me it seems that a lot of yanks use the Mh all the way through flowering. Europeans dont. Why is that ?

Is there difference in yield or quality and how much does the better PAR spectrum in a Mh outweigh the lumens in a HPS.

Another thing puzzling my mind is whether I would benefit more than the watts spend if I gave my darlings maybe 4-6 hours of supplmental HPS/Mh.

Like 30 days with 12 hours Mh and 4 hours of supplemntal HPS and then switch to 30 days 12h HPS/4 hours Mh.

Anybody done any experiments with "light boost hours" anyway. I tried it out and it seemed my buds really got much more compact and excellent yield.

I figured that you get rewarded for the amount of watts spent, in weight but it seemed like i got more than i put in. I was thinking a bit like it emulated a normal day with more intense sunlight at the peak of the day.

Any comments ?


By the way.....thinking in watt saving....When in the flowering period would it be most beneficial to increase lighting. Last month or last two weeks.


Active member
the only problem with those conversion bulbs is they dont have a very high lumen per watt ratio when compared to a hps.
Dont get me wrong I have one myself, but I also have a true 400w Mh


Hej Oldsmoker...

I am aware of the lumen matter, but a lot of folks questions the validity of lumens as the sole component for growth and always refer to the PAR spectrum as more important than lumens.
Also the cultural divide with a lot of yanks swearing to the Mh bulbs makes me wonder if they are into somehing i dont know about.

Maybe I should set up an experiment with some clones half gets Mh other half gets HPS, but this test must have been done ages ago by some one else. But threads always end up with some semireligious discussions among the debaters, but no facts.

Oldsmoker, did you ever use Mh all the way through flowering and when do you change bulbs in general. Usually I changed ferts and HID when i switched to 12/12 but i like the reduced stretch and more compact growth pattern from the Mh in the first 30 days flowering.

I guess this is a trial and error question but I guess it should concern us all. How to the most bang for your watts.
satyr said:
Hej Oldsmoker...

Maybe I should set up an experiment with some clones half gets Mh other half gets HPS, but this test must have been done ages ago by some one else. But threads always end up with some semireligious discussions among the debaters, but no facts.

:yeahthats :yeahthats :yeahthats :yeahthats

Jeg så i en gammel Canna-video at de siger at man skal bruge et forhold på 2 MH til 1 HPS i blomstrings perioden..

Og så lige et dumt spørsmål.. Jeg har aldrig prøvet MH i praksis:

Så hvad er forskellen på en "Ægte" MH og en "conversion" MH..?

Og kan jeg bruge en Ægte MH i en HPS/MH Balast.. ?


Active member
Hi Satyr in the past I have kept the Mh and added an additional Hps at flower time
that works great as you get Mh tight plants and the bloom of hps :)


Sharing Is Caring!
I am currently running a 400wmh conv. lamp. i am 3 days in 12/12 and plan on switching to hps when first flowers form (c.a. 2 weeks into flower). I love mh in veg. Gives tight and healty plants:)


Active member
Sorry BS didnt see your post , one big difference is price of bulb
MH are expensive but as you only need to use them for a few weeks
they last a long time.
also I got mine some 20 years ago and I remember that the ballest cost
twice as much as the Hps I got at the same time.
as for how they compare to conversion bulbs, do a google and see
oldsmoker said:
Sorry BS didnt see your post , one big difference is price of bulb
MH are expensive but as you only need to use them for a few weeks
they last a long time.
also I got mine some 20 years ago and I remember that the ballest cost
twice as much as the Hps I got at the same time.
as for how they compare to conversion bulbs, do a google and see

Hej Oldsmoker..(og andre ;)

Jeg har prøvet at google på det man forstår det desvære ikke..

Hvis vi siger at jeg har en HPS/MH balast kan den så kun køre med "conversion bulbs" henholdsvis HPS eller MH ??

Jeg ville da mene at mine HPS pære er ægte HPS og ikke conversion bulbs..
Er jeg helt galt på den ?

Og vil jeg få flere lumens ved at købe en balast til hver ?

Jeg har overvejet at sætte 2 balaste op og køre vegge + de første 3-4ugers blomstring på en 400w ægte MH og de sidste 4-6uger på en 600w ægte HPS..

Bright-Light-Shadow ;)


Du har sikkert en hps ballast. Ved mindre det er en elektroninsk en af slagsen kan du anvende en Mh conversion bulb som Venture Sunmaster. Jeg bruger selv en og jeg har læst mig til at en del usgrowers sværger til at den forhøjede andel af UVA og UVB giver en mere velsmagende og harpiks "coated" bud nå man bruger den i den sidste eller de to sidste uger.
Men kombi skulle være sagen. I den forbindelse kunne 6 timers daglig Mh tilskud måske give det, der mangler ved kun at køre HPS. Det skal da prøves af. Min lille fikse ide for tiden.


Hey BS så skal du have 2 ballaster hvis du ikke vil bruge conversions bulbs. Der er en udgift ved at bruge conversionbulbs både hps og mh i forhold til "outputtet" af lumens,på en rigtig hps lyskilde med en hps ballast eller en mh i en mh ballast.
Mon ikke du bare skulle beholde din 600w hps ballast og så købe en 600w conv.Mh Ved mindre du vil fyre alle 1000watt af samtidig, hvilket jo ville være det eneste rigtige....HEHE...


du skal ikke være forvirret.......det er en Metal halide eller High preassure Ionide(tror jeg nok) Hovedsagen er at den giver blåt-lysspektre....men det med din ballast...er det en digital ballast fra gib, den blå??? for så kan du køre både veg og bloom pærer med den. men det plug and play kit er kun til veg så skal du ha 2 hvis du vil køre det på den måde. Mener også det var derfor GIB lavde deres extreme output med extra blåt spektrum, så den kunne bruges til både veg og bloom, men planterne har jo ik brug for blåt lys efter en 14 dage i blomst, så jeg fortrækker en digital ballast eller 2 forskellige... :wave:


Sharing Is Caring!
.....jeg poster billeder senere i dag af mine MH tøser 4 dage ind i blomst. Så kan i se fordelene ved at bruge MH i veg og tidl blomst. Jeg har en philips HPI (MH) som har 4500K lys og afgiver 35000 lumen og en blå GIB digi ballast. Den har indbygget switch som skifter imellem hps og mh styring helt automstisk....kan klart anbefales!!!
Min GIB balast er en magenetisk 400w std. ren HPS balast..

hvis jeg ville købe en Digital 400w og en ren MH og en Super bloom HPS (ikke GIB Extreme Output)..

hvilke 2 pærre ville i så anbefale ?


Enig.....og det kan godt være min sunmaster kun smider 50.000 lumens i forhold til min GIB HPS 95.000 lumens , men det ses ikke på planternes udvikling og trivsel. Tværtimod ville jeg sige kørte 3 uger med Mh.Skal også prøve den af igen i den sidste uge for at se om den giver ekstra "klister"


Active member
these are the bulbs I have used all gave me great results


Active member
alle 3 pærer er HID pærer ......den "pæreformede" er sikkert en hpti lavet til at hænge vertikalt ("alm." MH pærer er ikke glade for at hænge horisontalt ...de brænder ufatteligt hurtigt ud så) og så har den coating


Active member
nope all three are horizontal mounted
the first is a true mh bulb
next is a conversion bulb
and the last is a hps bulb