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Design A Banner for....Big Buddha!!

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Sneak attack critical
soilgro said:
I just thought a hand-drawn piece thru the creativeness of cannabis would make a company look good,

how would I scale 468x60 to paper? In inches? I will then scan it on here.
Hand drawn ≠ fine art...

Thats the thing that always killed me about the fine art types, they're always thinking that just because they use their hands to hold a pencil or brush, they're superior to communication artists (graphic designers), who usually use a computer to compose their work. What these people fail to realize is that the computer is simply a tool, just like the pencil or brush.

And if it takes smoking bud to make you creative, then you are a bigger hack then you've already made yourself out to be. Creativity isn't a switch to be flipped on or off. Either you've got it or you don't, there's no forcing it...


whats that comedians name???

"you might as well throw all your cd's out the window, cause they were real fuckin high" Beatles, zeppelin, boston, skinnerd, and so on.

people dont feel like that anymore,
I wander why.....


whats that comedians name???

"you might as well throw all your cd's out the window, cause they were real fuckin high" Beatles, zeppelin, boston, skinnerd, and so on.

people dont feel like that anymore,
I wander why.....

DUDE!!! you have no class. Put up! Until then, shut up.

And it was Bill Hicks...and if he were alive he would tear you apart if he heard this dribble.

And if it takes smoking bud to make you creative, then you are a bigger hack then you've already made yourself out to be. Creativity isn't a switch to be flipped on or off. Either you've got it or you don't, there's no forcing it...

Exactly! Getting high doesn't make you more creative...it just makes you think you are more creative.

Sorry for butting in everyone. Good work. K+


A little something

you all are getting all worked up huh?

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How it read to me:

How it read to me:

The only thing that got me a little agitated was the elitist tone, plagiarism accusations and the posturing that digital art < traditional art. They both have pros and cons and Panopticist is right, the computer is just another tool -- not a replacement. You also make the assumption that all digital artists are solely digital artists. They are not. I draw rarely (mostly just for sketching, ideas, boredom) but I still draw. I'll have to scan some examples of my stuff, also. I'm not knocking your ability because those sketches look pretty nifty but that attitude just exudes elitism/condescension.
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PurplePotion said:
Different font.


i like this one.. especialy the new font.
NZjay said:
i like this one.. especialy the new font.

Thanks NZjay.. that is my favorite out of all of mine, too :headbange . Waiting to hear more feedback before I set back into design mode and whip something new up.

Everyone's designs look great! Good work guys :rasta:


Active member
everythings going in the right direction, you guys are getting there for sure, still would love to see more cheese animation, but yes i think we will decide on somthing after 420 and get some seeds for the best designs! thanks , peace


Her is an animation. It's a .GIF

A couple of glitches in it. But I'd prefer to get some feedback before ironing them out...animations can be a little time consuming.

File size came in at around 350k...I know - too big. I'll optimize it and try saving as .SWF to get file size down.


DG, what is the maximum file size for an animated .GIF or .SWF?


This is a rough draft.I wil have a a final copy that is scaled and in the right dimensions in a day or two.Let me know what you think ,and by the way cut and copy is not graphic art.



This is a rough draft.I wil have a a final copy that is scaled and in the right dimensions in a day or two.Let me know what you think ,and by the way cut and copy is not graphic art.

A good start.

When I first looked the Buddha image looked more like a baby than Buddha. Might want to add a bit more imagery to make it look more like Buddha.

Need more contrast in the smoke. Hard to make out "Big Buddha"

This is for advertising Cheese and Blue Cheese strains. You might want to think about incorporating some reference to this.

The black/shadow area on the left side of Buddha is really harsh.

It's going to be really hard to scale that image to 468x60.

The contrast between the color blocking and cross hatching is also really harsh. You might want to try blocking in the colors or airbrushing on a computer.

You can get good effects using a computer and a graphics pen/tablet. (See image below).


I used this type of tablet to draw the image below.

Hope this helped. Nice start!!! :wave:


I still have to make a final draft, which is likely to look completely different.I appreciate your advice. I didnt want to work on it anymore until I got another point of view.Bare in mind that this is rough and I only have a few hours into it.I should have the final draft done tomorrow evening.


Whatever you'd like to think

Whatever you'd like to think

Wow. I can see there's really no point in debating the whole art thing anymore since you obviously don't want to hear any of it. "Cut and copy" as you'll call it is actually a form of design/art so whatever you want to think is fine however it is recognized by pretty much every art program/school internationally. So, yeah, it's art. I've seen some amazing things done solely with a Wacom and Photoshop, things that would take months and months to do with oils. Face it, it is art and has a great potential and it is used by many types of artists on a day-to-day basis. If you don't like it, you don't like it. It doesn't make it "not graphic art" because by all definitions, it is. Sure, sometimes digital artwork doesn't take forever to do. It is quick, effective and quite a useful tool. If you're looking for quality digital art, I wouldn't start by looking at small website banners. Try looking around at the vast amount of social art communities online and see just what this "cut and copy" is capable of. I'm pretty sure you'd be surprised. What else are you supposed to do for an advertisement, anyway? They probably want pictures of their buds in the banner, does that not call for "cut and copy?" Add some type, orient everything and animate as necessary. It's just a 468 by 80 pixel banner. What type of Mona Lisa could you really whip up and toss into such a small place? I'm not arguing against fine art or traditional art style or saying either is better. They are equally capable of producing/presenting beautiful works of art. To discriminate against one is ridiculous as I've seen plenty of cheap, ugly chop-shopped pop art montages and the likes. Does that make them "cut and copy" too? I think you're just trying to make an argument over effort and time put into a piece, really.


Matter that Appreciates Matter
tuco said:
Getting smaller. This one came in at 95k.


Any chance you can make the buds on the right bump up each time new words pop in? I like things that give you a sense of where you are in the loop. Having the buds bang up little by little might help. Just my 2 cents... I like this one best.

Another 2 cents...

Art is not something that competes against itself, the competition is to be the most appealing to the client. With that being said, ones personal taste does not matter much when you are trying to cater to another's taste.

Lastly, if I pull down my pants and take a huge dump on a canvas and then plastic coat the lot, that is art. Art is expression. What tools you use to express yourself in art are irrelevant. If you focus on the tools you are missing the art. Do you eat a delicious cake and worry if they used wood or metal spoons to mix the mix? Why wouldn't you use the best tools for how YOU want to express yourself? The real trick is being skillful with the tools and knowing when to and when not to use them.

Good luck to everybody!
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Any chance you can make the buds on the right bump up each time new words pop in? I like things that give you a sense of where you are in the loop. Having the buds bang up little by little might help. Just my 2 cents... I like this one best.

I like that idea actually. I'll give it an edit on the weekend. Thanks for the suggestion.
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ICMag Donor
Great job guys! Some of you guys got some real skillz! :respect:

What is real/true art? Art is in the eye of the beholder, and can be appreciated by anyone else who cares to take a look. -DrPoison
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