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Relationship lasted for 2 years

lol genkisan
you can find a woman to do the peanut butter thing at 2:00 am when the bars close..."literally"...but dog will sniff her but when she does it...now thats priceless
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DitBaMay said:
It's like when you dont want to be in a relationship, its just comes, but if you want one it never goes right.

Truer words have never been spoken... see the new thread I am making specifically just on this topic, for my recent examples of this phenomenon.

upgradeshafted said:
lol genkisan
you can find a woman to do the peanut butter thing at 2:00 am when the bars close..."literally"...but dog will sniff her but when she does it...now thats priceless

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daisy jane

It's so rare to find a bunch of guys talking about their feelings, how cute :D My advice to you is to try not to dwell on it. What you two had was great, but you can not fix it so there is no point in obsessing over it. Love can really suck some times. Just think about the future and think about how great it is going to feel when you finally find that "someone".


Well-known member
devilgoob said:
I loved her and she left me and just said things changed. Anyone going through a difficult time like this or have? I know someone out there is meant for me, but who? when? will it ever happen?

When I told this girl I would be will her forever and I had feelings that it was going to be forever, now after this promise of love forever and me feeling she was the one, how will I ever know?

It's better to have Loved and Lost then having to spend the rest of your life remembering to put the Toilet Seat back down after you pee.

Consider yourself a lucky man! :wave:

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upgradeshafted said:
get a lot of money treat your girl like shit and she will stay loyal and swallowing until someone with more money comes along and treats her more shitty than you did...they crazy like that lol...for real not some all of them..just kidding not all dont kill me girls peace

ROFLMAO... all good comedy has an element of TRUTH!!!


My little pony.. my little pony
genkisan said:
I dunno.....having to smear my nutsack with peanut butter to get my companion to lick it would get dull after a while.

Not to mention the fact that it's real hard to find kinky lingerie for dogs........

Doesnt stop you from trying .. " Aw baby, you got crunchy Jif on your new nightie. "



My little pony.. my little pony
Imo its all how you look at it.. pussy falls from the sky for the guy that lives next to the sky diving business. Nothing saying you cant be that guy.


Verite said:
Imo its all how you look at it.. pussy falls from the sky for the guy that lives next to the sky diving business. Nothing saying you cant be that guy.

the problem is some of these she devils manipulate some of us into believing them.

I am pretty bitter today regarding my whole relationship situation, I should be happy, i just got a brand new 8megapixel digital cam with optical image stablization...but no, I don't even care, I just want to go to sleep.
And it was nice out today too, and is supposed to be even nicer tomorrow... I guess I will try to stay positive and think about tomorrow.


My little pony.. my little pony
thekingofNY said:
the problem is some of these she devils manipulate some of us into believing them...

Hey nothing says you cant offer to pack her parachute for her.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
All women are stupid, in some way or another. Just as we are stupid, in some way or another from their point of view.

We are opposites, so we either act like one side of the magnets or the other side of the magnets.

She obviously was not meant for you and your separation depression is tricking you into believing it.

There is 3 billion women on the planet, I think you can find another. Hell, I love my woman and shes great, no problems, but the idea of 3 billion women sure is tempting :D


Active member
ICMag Donor
Trust me, if a woman leaves you it is the best thing that could happen.
Only if she stays is she worth having.
Your feelings are immaterial to the reality of things.

Time can heal most all wounds, and if Joe D. Grinder is in town, it is best to just let her go. (and don't make it worse by kidding yourself..."things changing" means that Joe D. Grinder is bottoming out on a regular and consistent basis..and there isn't one damn thing you can do to change it)

Like I said, if she leaves, it is the very best thing that can happen to you, whether you realize it or not. Much better now than 10 years down the road, when she has your kids calling Joe D. "uncle Grinder".

I know, I'm harsh...but I am a realist.


trash everything that reminds you of her lol.......dude is this thread even for real lol....
this is a ymmbud thread...but opposite if you know what i mean hahaha.......


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
devilgoob said:
I loved her and she left me and just said things changed. Anyone going through a difficult time like this or have? I know someone out there is meant for me, but who? when? will it ever happen?

When I told this girl I would be will her forever and I had feelings that it was going to be forever, now after this promise of love forever and me feeling she was the one, how will I ever know?
first of all i have to say, this better not be one of those yummybud posts/threads again!!!!!!

anyway, your first problem was admitting/ promising your actual undying/ forever love for her. its obvious you felt that way about her and was willing to admit it, be she didn't do the same to you, so you fell hard, it happens. you live and learn, but most importantly youll live.

i got out of a truly bad marriage so my hats off to you, smoke one think about the good times and stare at the chicks that pass you by


Active member
devilgoob said:
I loved her and she left me and just said things changed. Anyone going through a difficult time like this or have? I know someone out there is meant for me, but who? when? will it ever happen?

When I told this girl I would be will her forever and I had feelings that it was going to be forever, now after this promise of love forever and me feeling she was the one, how will I ever know?

i know how you feel, and then some.

i started dating my first girlfriend when iwas 16, she was 14, we were together untill i was almost 21... 4.5 years. then she left me for my best friend (of 13 years at that point,i was 21) anyways i was so depressed i tried to commit suicide thinking the world was over. my parents freaked out an institutionalized me. only for a week, i felt shitty for the next year or two. life sucked, but it was because i dwelled on it.

just a few years ago another girl left me, we had gone out 2.5 years... 7 months later she was dating my boss. but this time, it was no big deal, i got over it. but this time the world didnt come to an end, i wadnt depressed, ok a little, but life continued. you will find someone else, its a matter of time. but if you let her controll your life you'll never advance yourself. if you advance yourself (school, work, growing, self enlightenment such as books, learning) you'll not only move on faster/better/healthyer but youl find your next relationship/gf / fling faster. ease your mind and live a happier, more satisfying life.

i do indeed hope you get over her, if she hurt you the feelings wernt recipricated(from her to you, as you did to her)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
devilgoob said:
I loved her and she left me and just said things changed. Anyone going through a difficult time like this or have? I know someone out there is meant for me, but who? when? will it ever happen?
Easy does it goobs, don't despair.......

At 50+ yrs I haven't given up after many broken hearts, I always know that the next ex-Mrs. S4L is just around the corner, or maybe even working it!

All the advice you've heard over the yrs is correct too, 'you will get over it,' 'there's plenty of fish in the sea,' 'you're too good for her,' all of it is right on you just might not know it yet through the distraction of the pain.

Get ripped bro, forget the bitch.......


My little pony.. my little pony
Heres some more 'warm' advice .. start a fire for a girl and she'll be warm for the night .. start a girl on fire and she'll be warm for the rest of her life.


G. Sensi

youtube.....Webb Pierce - 'More and More'... dont watch the video tho, its just too corny!... but the song is great... Sing it everyday until you believe it...

Best thing about the body is its ability to heal itself.... just takes time...You'll get thru it...



I have to say as a women, most of you guys got it all WRONG, treating women like whores or trash yeah that may work for SOME women who have absolutely NO self esteem and doesn't know any better and if that is what you go for more power to you, those relationships seldom last and if they do last they are full of drama. Same goes for men, some men can act just as crazy as some women.

I have found that women OR men that cheat do it because they are either lacking something in what they have at home or have to do it because they cannot allow themselves to be happy. Men and women both have this, people show it in different ways, some gain weight (they feel they are not worth the effort it takes to take care of themselves), others purposely ruin whatever might be good in their lives be it employment, relationship, whatever, it is the way to keep whatever is to hurtful to deal with down by finding something else concentrate on. If your too busy dealing with everything else that is wrong, you do not have to deal with what is really the root cause of all of it.

Consider yourself lucky you got out before it became a permenant thing that takes laywers and lots of money to undo.

Remeber you cannot change other people you can just change yourself, give it some time, spring is coming, lots of things to do in the warm weather, and try not to dwell on it.