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sour diesel ibl


Power Armor rules
Wow those plants look beautiful great work upgrade. Do you think you will pollinate any branches for hybrids or keep them sensi?



diesels look perfect. it would be cool to resize the images smaller and put them all in a row almost like a time elapsed photo. great dedication to the strain. thank you
i just polinated one lower branch on both plants today...thanks for the kind words...peace
FunkBomb said:
Wow those plants look beautiful great work upgrade. Do you think you will pollinate any branches for hybrids or keep them sensi?

if this grow impresses rez enough to hook me up for real...he can do what ever he wants with the pictures...and they are and will be the best that i have seen...you let me know if you see better...peace
SuperLarry said:
diesels look perfect. it would be cool to resize the images smaller and put them all in a row almost like a time elapsed photo. great dedication to the strain. thank you


Grower of fine herbs...
Looking good bro, just do what you do.. Hopefully this strain will be in my garden before summer starts.. lets pray:bow: keep up the great work bud:wave:



Dr. Doolittle
ROFL ahh I see now upgrade, you confused the hell out of me!
Yes, I thought you were using it right out of a battery dude, the way you were putting it!!!!

Well then, it's a different story then dude, my sincere apologies for the confusion :)
well thanks stitch i really respect what you do around here...i dont have the patience to help people like you do(most of them know it all and dont want help at all)...you are a asset to icmag...here we are @ day 34 and so much more...peace

the other sd

and the star

well dont you just want to run out and get some sour diesel ibl...i do and i already have it...digital who? haters from the first few [ages where?????????????

outame 2

Active member

Answer: Short-term solutions include citric acid (which degrades in solution) or sulfuric acid made for car batteries. Make sure this does not include any lead, and be very careful with this acid. Vinegar will also work, but generally, the effects are short term.

Notice the short term applies to the citric acid,and the vinegar,not the sulfuric..it is all chemistry boy's and girls.

upgrade,I wish you and I could burn a bowl and relax for a minute...I can't wait for the finish.
well thanks for the kind words outame 2...im smoking a joint and relaxing most of the time...so stop on by the thread if you want to join me...

back to the update...if i would have known what i know now about sour diesel i would have got this strain years ago...seriously she is hands down a dream to grow...she just wants the little things that all indoor plants want like no light leaks proper temps good airflow and proper feeding...thats all..if you dont give them im sure they will turn at the drop of a dime...hence dial in your space...i got my first hermie ever a few years back...come to find out it was the red light from my power strip that caused it to turn...if anyone thinks the plant cant recognize the light emitted from a power strip you are wrong...no lights in the flower room get duct tape and cover every powerstrip light..fan light..any power light............


nice plant bro... soon man soon....take those bitches to 85+ days please!


Nice job Upgrade....I just read all 19 pages of your thread.

I know this comment is extremely late, but early in the thread you said that you had some problems storing pollen. I just wanted to share a technique that worked for me. All I did was keep my pollen in a baby food jar with one of those silica gel cylinders you find a bottle of excedrin or aspirin. Simple. It kept my pollen dry and viable for a couple months in the freezer. No flour necessary. Try it if you ever have the need.

Anyway, great grow....keep up the good work.


Looking good upgrade, I'm looking forward to seeing you harvest them bitches.

Sprout420- I also had problems with storing pollen. I tried to store mine it a tubaware in the refrigerator, it turned to liquid mildew. I will try your method next time, thanks.
thanks for the tip i will use it on my next pollen batch...thanks for stopping by...peace
sprout420 said:
Nice job Upgrade....I just read all 19 pages of your thread.

I know this comment is extremely late, but early in the thread you said that you had some problems storing pollen. I just wanted to share a technique that worked for me. All I did was keep my pollen in a baby food jar with one of those silica gel cylinders you find a bottle of excedrin or aspirin. Simple. It kept my pollen dry and viable for a couple months in the freezer. No flour necessary. Try it if you ever have the need.

Anyway, great grow....keep up the good work.