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Bigtimer's 800watt Strawberry Cough Grow



Yea i just put 8 plants in blazeones mix Ill post um up in a bit if ud like? Hope all is well, i just popped in your grow looks good man!

Hope everyone likes my shiznit and ill post more sooN!!!!


Bigtimer7 said:
Yea i just put 8 plants in blazeones mix Ill post um up in a bit if ud like? Hope all is well, i just popped in your grow looks good man!

Hope everyone likes my shiznit and ill post more sooN!!!!

yeah bigtimer, i'd love to check out those pics when ever you get a chance. glad to hear you're diggin my grow brother, i'm having a blast with it. :rasta: hopefully it ends up looking as good as yours


Hey guys!

Just wanted to show all you and my loyal fan jdubz my new 8 plants in blazeones mix...

Also included are the seedlings pictured in a page back I believe. Lemme know what you think!!!! :wave:



Heres some new pics guys!

These are shots of the nugs and another plant I just threw into flower. CHeck um out maybe you like????


:headbange :headbange


damn i hope i get some nugs like that bro!!! looking real nice. i fugged up last night and this morning myself. must've smoked to much or somethin like that. i filled my daisy cloner last night with some more nute solution and didn't seal the lid all the way or something. anyways, i woke up this morning and half of my clone cab was flooded :bashhead: i had just watered everything a day or so before. 3 of my clones and my og kush seedling sucked up a ton of the nute solution (i could tell, they way heavier than the night before). now those 4 plants are looking like they're overwatered...drooping leaves and shit! oh well, i'll be more careful next time and hopefully everything recovers. keep the pics coming for us loyal fans :rasta:


Thats to bad man! They will come out of it no worries!

WHere did you get the og kush seeds? Sounds nice :)

Anyways ill post pics before I leave for miami NO WORRIES!~


Bigtimer7 said:
Thats to bad man! They will come out of it no worries!

WHere did you get the og kush seeds? Sounds nice :)

Anyways ill post pics before I leave for miami NO WORRIES!~

one of my buddies had some f2's that he germinated and gave to me. he's been in the cali medical scene for quite some time and has lots of crazy flavors. i'm getting chemdog x purple big bud next time i stop by and some other ridiculous sounding strain that i can't wait to smoke :rasta:

when do u leave for miami? i used to live down there for a while. it's crazy in south beach. the girls are unbefuckingleviable. the ganja isn't tho, so maybe bring some of your own for tha trip.


Nice nice man! Well im going to SOUTH BEACH!

Gunna be FUN AS HELL man! Im pumped im leaving tonight at round 7!!~

I cant wait man but yea we are bringin the nug!

ANYWAYS~ Heres some shots. Ive started the 14 day flush im tryin out! See how it goes!!

Hope yall enjoy ill be back round thurs or fri~ I know my loyals will bump my thread if it gets slow :laughing:

See yea on the beach :wave:

It looks alright! When I get back everything will be poppin includin the 10TW I just threw in dirt. Have a good one everyone :rasta:
Bigtimer7 said:
Heres some new pics guys!

These are shots of the nugs and another plant I just threw into flower. CHeck um out maybe you like????


:headbange :headbange

Hi Bigtimer,
you pictures help(ed) me a lot right now!
Well, what I mean is, lookin at your pics, I am putting another part of this big puzzle called growing together. I think, here it definitely is a N def, which however is not to be dealt with, well not in this particular round, not to get them over fertet or stressed at the end.
What I understood here is, what I will write next about, basically I have definitely connected a line of relation between this particular kind of yellowing and a special bud appear/behavior... just read on.
I dare to suppose that this N def is goint to end with somewhat smaller buds of more hairy/less calyx/smaller calyx size structure - kind of like the one you have on page 1 - and well I think there's nothing wrong with these buds, they are both wonderful smelling and tasting and can get you preeeeety high too, but then again, they have overcome a N def and that has definitely made them, apart from smaller, of somewhat little lower quality, well to say it this hard, because hey seriously look e.g. on the crystal amount-nothing special really, and then also, a big bud (like of big volume) weights few (than bud of the same volume but diff strain would), so the buds are just not 100% if you know what I mean... could be better. :joint:
I would advice you for the next time to use a higher EC or ppm level, whatever you use, Strawberry C. simply belongs to the "eaters" like Poweplant and others are, and to fill up the nugs pretty hard you just gotta go up Up UP with the fert. And how much UP really, well, White Russian for instance, theyre always good eaters, theyre white at the end aint they. In the same grow though, WR's turn fine hard, good yielding, and the Powerplants turn just sooo underferted... but not showing it until the end, well they looked like having the biggest, maybe 1.5-2x bigger buds than anything in the room actually, but the buds were just mostly fluffy. Weighed around the average, so the yield wasnt poor or anything, just that there was so few crystals and the bag appeal was... :spank: well it was very light so the bag looked totally full at low weights :rasta: but well ugly weed :muahaha:
So not that youre gonna end up with fluffy buds, its just that you have to give them some N in the flower also, and not all fertilizers respect that.
Then, giving some more grow-part in the flower, AND / OR using generally higher EC (or much higher EC) both work.
However, I would start with generally raising the ppms and just then perhaps use the first thing (N in flower), depending on the results of the higher ppms thang.
Yo and one more important thing - leave it like this for this round, especially if your behind the like 40-45 day border. And also, all of this I wrote is valid FOR YOU just in the case you had a non-problematic growthrough with no salt biuldups or anything, cuz you know biuldups jus t mess up the rules the system acts and just make up their own :bashhead: therefore avoid biuldups as hard as you can :spank:
Oh and someone said around here its a N overdose - definitely not, plants react diff then. Its a N def and Its a major one, the plants are definitely underferted, seeing their unnaturally shaped grow, small buds and general lightness. N is important!!! :angrymod: :bongsmi: :bashhead:
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WOW ^ good post buddy.... Yea I was wondering what the deal was with that although those pics were taken on day 9. Anyways that really will help me alot the next round with the COugh. Your so right and thank you for helping me.

Next round I am using Dirt- for I never had the money to get an EC PPM meter. This is most likely the cause to the N deff.

Thanks again buddy and next time I will invest in a PPM EC meter. I feel your advice is very good and I thank you for sending it this way.

Anyways the BUDS ARE harvested and I will take pics and show you what the others look like soon as well! Hope all is well with everyone....
Yeah I am thankful to you, too, because, as I wrote, your pics really helped me ensure myself in this theory I had and actually understand it more, the N def thing. You could also consider growing in coco if youre looking for a substrate type growing, it is just better than soil in many ways, if youre not radically organic (well you can do coco organic too, of course) - even without a ppm meter i would say coco gives you better results, just stick to some proven scheme, like the GH Flora or so. And of course, check the pH, that's a necessity. And one more thing, if you just have the possibility, try to put in more plants... your room seemed very very empty to me. For that mothers room would be perfect - ever considered building one? I had a box once, at the time I was just starting to grow and my main wattage was a 150, well that mothers box was made of some Crative speakers, the carboard box they came in, this is... i had two little cfl lamps in it, total wattage around 25-30, and i could keep up to 6-8 moms, totally bonsai, in pots that were like 2x2'', and still I had like 10+ clones a week, with an additional clonebox, similar to this but even smaller (1 cfl lamp I think) - well that was just an option for you to have some more interesting crops
Oh and I'm looking forward to see what those buds are like, peace!


HEY man~~!

THanks for always checking in... Anyways yea I will post pics soon and yea the theory you said is great and seems correct in my grows with the strawberry cough. I might try cocco but I would need more details about what to use and all.

Right now I have 8 plants ready to go in BLAzeones soil mix. They look VERY good and it is a proven grow.... I WOULD love to try cocco thou but like I said Id need more details.

Ill post pics soon I PROMISE :headbange

PS- The room will have 50-75 plants once these mothers are ready... It is just so small in there because thats the only plant I had to throw in there and I didnt keep a mother. IT will be pimpin no worries :jump:
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Heres all the nug~ fire smoke

Im happy :headbange

You like? No one seems to be around... wheres my GA man? :rasta:
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Grower of fine herbs...
Looks like a great harvest to me BigTimer. You keep up the great work with these TW's I wanna see them grown to their full potential!!! Your doing great bro, have a good time puffin on that Straw Cough :respect: