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Sour Diesel IBL X OG Bx1 From JLP



i just pollinated a few buds with a male c99 from 03 gn collection.it was the only male plant in a pack of female seeds .the plant was mostly male but had some female hairs to .but i was told to destroy him but it was a real haze looking male with lemon cleaner smell and real sticky in veg.i did cut it and put it in a bucket .when i look at it today a few male flowers wher just opining up and i took it and cut a few off and scraped what was yellow powder that was just right for a few buds .so i am hoping to get a few seeds just to se what the cross will do.sdxogxc99.i am alright becues i took a lot of clons from my sdxog and 2 of the c99 male to cross with my female seeds c99 that i just got from gn last month.to make pure c99 seeds,


Thanks again JLP!!!

Thanks again JLP!!!

Just wanted to post an update of some dried buds. I got two different phenos and this is hands down my favorite. It's got a slight diesel smell with some fruity, skunky, spicey undertones. Kind of hard to describe. This one plant stood out from the rest. Great, extremely strong smell and taste. The taste also sticks to your tongue and lasts and lasts. The high is very strong, but pretty clear and up, getting racy if you smoke too much. I usually chop on the early side of peak harvest prefering more of a cerebral high. I'm sure if you let it go until you had mostly amber glands it would just put you on the floor. Great, great smoke. I almost like it more than Bubba. I think they are on the same level. Just different taste, different high, same great quality.

Smoking one up for John Lee right now. I will spread your generosity to the guys in my crew. Keep up the great work you do. Anyone who gets any of JLP's wares, do yourself a favor and pop those suckers asap. Everything I've ever seen from him is top shelf. Even Jason King gives him props in the Cannabible series.



Active member
Great shots everyone! They are really helping me to learn about the cross I made, as I haven't had a chance to grow any female sdog's here yet!
Keep 'em comin'
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rainha Ginga

Ginga don't sell seeds

some dried buds





thanks JLP


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
wat hazy said...
JLP is a great great individual.. I personally want to thank him for the great dervice he does for this community.. So THANK YOU JLP!!! Ive grown his ultimate moonshine, g13bx,
hope to get to the sdog soon nuff.. great work to all that have grown this girl peace..



Active member
Beautiful shots everyone! And as always thank you so much JLP! I just made some QWISO from SDOG trim I thought I'd share with everyone.

Making QWISO is so simple everyone should give it a try! I used Shmike's method from the hash thread!


my sdxog on day 30 and its some frosty stuff. i did pollinate a a few buds with a haze c99 male just for kicks .and i took clones to have as a mother.she short and stocky.
thanks jlp



Active member
Hello all,

I have some pictures to share to night of my 53 day SDOG. They have a real heavy diesek funk with a faint citrus odour as well.

Very greasy.

The buds are thick and heavy. The humidity is relatively dry and I have a fan blowing across the tops.

What the general consensus on chop day? The two I have look like they can go another 2 + weeks.




Minds I...I chopped the one pheno at 70 and the other at 65. There was very little amber, but I had to chop them a little early. I'd say 75-80 would have probably been perfect. One of my phenos is very Diesel dominant. I've never smoked or grown OG, but the pheno I really like has more of a piney, lemony, skunky taste, with less of the diesel smell and taste. It is one of the strongest smelling plants I've ever come across. But not a fuel/grease smell. Maybe a little, but not like the other. The Diesel dominant pheno smells like the type of grease you use to pack wheel bearings with. I'm not a big fan, but I kept the mother around for now. I know alot of people are really into it, so I figured I'd hold onto it for awhile.


thanks for the flower time.i have one female in flower very indaca short squat and it smells skunk when near it .but it might have some more oder to it when finished .but i am going to germ the 5 i have left to see if i can get a sd pheno.i have not smoked sourD or og so i don't know what i am geting but if the high is like ak47 then i will be keeping her for a long time.mine are a day or two past 30 and is one of the frosty plant besides c99 that i have came across.i read where its like a 2 hit kinda like ak47 .if some one could describe the high off of sdxog that would be good.


dan woody said:
if some one could describe the high off of sdxog that would be good.
The first bud that I broke up for myself & a friend caused us to immediately joke around and laugh.......it was then deemed to be silly weed. LOL 2 or 3 good blasts R all ya need. Was cut at 65 daze and like someone else said, few amber trichs. Fun stuff!! Good for active things like hiking or even yard work.


looked close at my sdxog and its frosty as hell at 37 days .but i noticed that the leafs on this plant are shiny as all .and i have never had this happen to any other plant i have grown before .its the plant its producing oils and that is good .i know i have had plants that produced oil but not like this .what is that an indication of that its going to get more crystals .i have some good strong clones growing now .and plan on using one that is strong and big for a clone for a mother .i need to go on and sprout the rest of the sour dog from jlp.


Active member
Hello all,

I took a taster bud off one of my two girls upon lokng through a RS microscope.

The trichs are looking fairly cloudy and there are amber trichs. This is from a bottom bud to which seem to finish later in my limited experience.

Anyway, I cut this last night and dried for about 24 hours under a gentle warm breeze.

The taste is great for just a non-cured taster bud. I wont comment ont he smell as it does have a slight alfalfa odour. No cure....

But the high is real nice, not soaring but not couch-lock either.

Anyway, at 56 days is was nice.

I am out of buds. First time in 3 years and find myself having to resist the temptation to cut more tasters. Once you start, theres no going back.

I have some street buds lined up but its looking like it wont be till monday or tuesday. I put out hte cash (to my son in law-no worries there) last Tesday. Argggg, I hate this getting it from a dealer shit.

I might have tt hedge my bet and look up another source.


Thanks JLP

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OverGrow Refugee
do you guys think it would be good for an outdoor grow in Southern Ont Canada..I was lucky too grab some from JLP.


Minds I, hope you get that smoke. Be careful out there.

Nifty, nice pics. Looks really good. Keep up the good work.

chefboy, I'm thinking it might get too cold before it finishes, but if you cover it everyday for 12 hours you shouldn't have any problems. Just depends if you are able to do that. Even if it needs to be chopped early, I would think it would be far enough along to be pretty good. Plus you will get different phenos, and may get one that finishes early enough. I'd start indoors early and take clones if possible. If you want sinse, sex em and take as many clones as possible of each plant, so that if you do find a winner, you will have more than one come harvest time. JMO, I'm a little farther south than you, but not by much. I think it would be right on the borderline in my parts.

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