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new grow for 2008! white russian - scrog cabinet


ToKEN: sit back, take a toke and enjoy the grow show my friend! its good to have company along the way!

drew :wave:: thanks for the kind words, SCROG is the way to grow!


WR update: ladies are doing well.. its getting to that stage where growth is just going to start happening! love this part of the grow :lurk:

one thing I am noticing, is the bugs like "H" more than the other two plants.. its strange! must be sweeter?

hope you guys watching are enjoying the show





how old are those plants? and are you feeding any nutes yet? from what i kno they should be bigger already. if you are feeding nutes stop other wise get a pest strip and kill those bugs gl and happy growing



Mrpiston38 said:
how old are those plants? and are you feeding any nutes yet? from what i kno they should be bigger already. if you are feeding nutes stop other wise get a pest strip and kill those bugs gl and happy growing


Mrpiston: thanks for stoping in.. they are 2 weeks old, and they have been fed approx 25% strength nutes... if you have a look through the thread and pics, you will have seen the growth improve once the nutes were added..

there are no signs of nute burn, or slowing of growth... growth has actually improved!

funny you should mention the slow developement.. I was thinking the same thing the other day... i've grown girls that have developed a lot quicker than this, however there are no signs of stunting, no overwatering or any stress related factors that should slow these plants down.. maybe the 24/0 lighting has something to do with it? not sure?

they are looking healthy, and growth has really started to move now, so i'll keep doing what i'm doing. that being said, thanks for the comments and yes - I do need a no pest strip in there!

few pics from today:




"T" has really started to kick off, i'm hoping this one is a girl!!


yeah T is beautiful!! as long as I get 1 girl, i'm happy.. it will be turned into a "bonsai mother" and clones ripped off it.. as soon as the root they will go into flower


Active member
Hi have it pretty , have also White Russian but have clone . Otherwise let catch up fast growth and let that much head ! Yet
Wickkk :wave:
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hey wickkk: thanks for stopping in :wave: hows your white russian going?

well after another watering with advanced nutrients sensi grow added to the mix, the ladies are a little more lush and growth is moving :rasta:

pics from today:





Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Well, "Helen" looks MUCH happier.

Avoid checking your garden every 5 minutes (yeah, right), and growth spurts seem more obvious.

Nice color. Mine are still fairly pale but, they just started getting real food levels.


Registered Cannabis User
:wave: hey untamed looking good! also got some good news, got a new spot to grow and will soon be starting some top44 and possibly some stonehedge...update ya later buddy


FreezerBoy: yeah, when they are this young, they are like children... so you gotta make sure they are ok ;) start giving yours a feed and watch them go!

ToKEN: thanks for the comments :wave: thats some good news.. cant wait to see a new thread ;)

Update on the WR: I've been pretty busy lately.. havent had much time to get a shoot - helping a mate build a car from "ground up".. i'll get some photos up tomorrow night for you all! :rasta:
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Update on the WR: well the ladies are really starting to look good! there is quite a bit of growth since the last photos.. they are very lush, have a beautiful colour and are standing nice and tall...

they have had another feeding of advanced nutrients sensi grow A+B.. this stuff is amazing, so far so good! i'll definately be using it throughout the growth and bloom cycles.

pics tell 1000 words :lurk:




All of the above:
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WR update.. girls are looking healthy, they had a water last night.. growth is starting to pick up rapidly... I also put a bit of soil in the pots to support the stems a little..

here are the pics from today:




Group shot:

Home sweet home:


now its time for an update on the cabinet..

the biggest remaining job for the cabinet is to get the "bloom room" completed..

well, today I went to my local hardware supplier and purchased some timber & PVC pipe work to create a "slide out floor" and start creating my SCROG screen.

i've taken a few snaps with my mobile to show you guys what i've been up to in the garage today (besides smoking :rasta:)..

first pic is me "dummy fitting" one of the heavy duty slide out rails that will support the floor.. I measured two points from the floor (exactly the same) at each end and put some screws in (few threads) to support the weight of the slide:

after that, I simply screwed the slide in using the appropriate screws, heres one I prepared earlier:

after the slides went in, I purchased some MDF and cut it to size for my slide out floor system, heres a pic of it half way open and then one of it closed:

here is how my pots will be laid out:

and finally, roughly a foot over the pots soil level, there will be a mesh/SCROG screen which is created out of PVC pipe work, heres what I have done so far with that (heaps more to do though):

anyway, hope you guys are enjoying my thread :rasta:
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i like that pullout tray for your scroged pants, easy access lol

looks like your grow is coming along nicely. can' wait for those little girls to hit puberty. mmm mmm age of consent... :joint:


yeknomssa :wave: yeah, the reason for the tray was for access to plants.. makes it so much easier!

and yeah, I cant wait for the girls to hit maturity also.. will finally have some of my own home grown ;)


well, its been a busy two days for me..

i've nearly completed the bloom room.. here are a few photos showing how it all works:

started off by using a holesaw and cutting 4 holes in the sliding base:

here are the upright supports for the scrog screen:

and the same supports in the holes i've made using the holesaw:

ok, uprights installed with frame attached:

as above, but out of the cabinet:

height from slide out floor to SCROG screen is approx 21":

from screen to cool tube, I have 9-10".. I can put my hand on the cooltube glass when the lights been going for hours due to the good airflow I have:

and here is the SCROG system 90% complete:

and out of the cabinet:

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