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The Wire hbo


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
TwoOhSix! said:
Didn't read the thread because I just started season 2, but I have one comment.

Anyone else notice a higher number of gay references in this show than most? Omar and Greggs are both gay, and it seems like while most shows make a point to include lots of titties, good looking women, ect, this show likes to show you a penis or stringer taking off his shirt.

I could care less, but it does piss me off that I've had to see Ziggy's one eyed monster TWICE in season 2 so far (on episode 5).

And Snoop too :smoke:........(Although you haven't got to that yet....Makes appearance in late S3?...although most are not sure if Snoops a guy or girl to start with :biglaugh:....fuck.,...I wasn't to tell the truth :biglaugh:...and then no indication of gay until later on in S4 :biglaugh:....

I don't remember that...(Ziggy, S2.....) I know full frontal of Omar in S4,...Greggs and Girlfriend going at it S3/S4?.....but, never thought about it........like life....(I think most of us know more than we think (People who are gay.... )

Middle of S2 huh? :smoke:.......only gets better and better as it goes on.....a lot say 4 the best.....some say 3.....lot say 2 the worst, but...Actually.....2 was really, really underrated.....and, people saw later that everything in 2 was relevant later on.....(Russians and Vondas in S4 and S5....etc....funny clip of Sobatka (sp?) in S5 also :biglaugh:....)
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Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Julian , wassup broseph?
i couldnt agree more, if someone starts to talk when even a rerun is rolling, its :dueling:
You got in there before me :biglaugh:.....

Yeah man.......ya blink and you miss something.....(I turn/have turned a lot of people onto it, so, see that problem often :biglaugh:.......)

I'm turned a whole new round of people onto S5, and it's always "what happened"? :biglaugh:......and it's "Why don't you fuckin watch and then you'd know what happened" :biglaugh: :smoke:...(something about a couple people watching something and one asking what's going on..:biglaugh:...
how ya liking the press angle? to me, so far so good. I got my bubble and blue mountain capuccino ready for action....
Well.......I like it all, and, it's going to come together, and come into play in ways which people will really like :smoke:..:biglaugh:
could someone please remind me who Bubs sponsor is in real life/////its slippin my mind for some reason. could be dank.
Steve Earle......he also does the into for Season 5 (music...that's him...Walon...bubs sponsor...real life recovering addict and musician........I always say "WAYlon"......but it's WAlon...:smoke:....)


Active member
McNulty For the win!

McNulty For the win!

I love the show. I seen 4th season first than 1st 2nd and now im at third....
Any info on how many seasons do they mean to make.... dont want this to end!? :)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Season 5 is not only last one...........:badday:....but will only be 10 episodes....usually 13 I think.......(hoping for a 2hr finale.....)


1.Writers have supposedly stated they will address everything and leave nothing open (ie: Soprano's..........and possibly Randy and Cheese, Bodies, etc....)

2.McNulty is off the fuckin hook...(watch...coming up shortly :biglaugh: :smoke:.....)

There is also a new show coming on today AMC which I'm going to check out "Breaking Bad"...about high school chemistry teacher falls on tough times and starts making meth with an ex student who was busted :biglaugh:.....hopefully I'll have another show....I really don't have too many I watch...Soprano's over....Wire over in 6-7 weeks.....Weeds?....eh.......yeah, but, lacking :biglaugh:.....)
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what the fuck was that? i dont speak spanish? what did he say to omar?


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
what the fuck was that? i dont speak spanish? what did he say to omar?
What are ya watching?.....#53?....(didn't you see ondemand last week?)....I usually wait until later one so I catch both in a row....watching "breaking bad"....


Julian said:
What are ya watching?.....#53?....(didn't you see ondemand last week?)....I usually wait until later one so I catch both in a row....watching "breaking bad"....
the last episode on sunday,,,,,omar is in Puerto Rico,,,,,etc.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
Intro to season 5 Copy Machine is classic...:biglaugh:

(Everyone should see it.....that's exactly the kind of games they run on people....other partner gave you up, blah,blah,blah ....)


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
They pulled those links..............


Michael Williams (Omar) interview from New York mag.

Who is Michael K. Williams?

He plays Omar Little, perhaps one of the most intriguing criminals I’ve ever seen portrayed.

He’s a bad man, to be sure. But he is his own man, absolutely. Completely unafraid to take on the biggest, baddest men in Baltimore — Marlo Stanfield, Prop Joe, the Barksdales — but not by standing up to them, just by doing to them what he does to everyone else. Sticking them up with his shotgun.

That scene where he held up the poker game that Marlo was playing in last season was fabulous. Here was big bad Marlo, metaphorically caught with his pants down and embarrassed by it.

Did I mention that Omar’s gay?

As I said, Omar’s a pretty intriguing guy.

One thing I did not know — Williams is responsible for one of my other favorite characters on the show. he discovered Felicia “Snoop” Pearson.

"We met in a local bar in Baltimore; she had just come home from prison [for attempted murder]. And, man, I just had this feeling. Something told me to get in on her life — God told me to be a part of her life. I was like, “Jesus Christ, they dumped you on the streets of Baltimore as a little girl to fend for yourself? And you are still alive?!” I was like, “Baby girl, whatever you want, if I can help you get it, you gon’ get it.”

Williams, it turns out, had a pretty rough run of it in his teens — “drugs, rehab, all that crap” — but pretty much got his life together in his early 20s, going to community college, working for a pharmaceutical company and then got all inspired by Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation. He ended up appearing in a whole bunch of music videos, apparently.

And from what he had to tell New York mag about Season 5, we should basically expect the final nine episodes to be as intense as the season opener was a week ago.

"It’s really dark and explosive. Everyone’s off the hook; no one trusts anyone. Everyone questions the way things are operating on the street level, in the police department, in the newsroom. Like McNulty, he’s way off the hook this year. He’s doing things that are totally outrageous, questioning authority, and trying to find the truth. He goes way off the deep end this year."

But one thing he wants is for The Wire to really resonate with people.

"What I really hope the show’s done is struck a chord with all the hoods in all the cities of this country. Because, really, what The Wire is, is an American story, an American social problem. There’s a Wire in every f*****’ city".


the wire is one of the best TV shows ever, and definitely one of the more complicated. you want to know how america works, watch the wire.


Active member
how does my hair look?

e9 was the best wire episode ever. excellent performances.


Canna Consultant
ICMag Donor
I think every episode is the best ever (seriously....every one better than the last).......

Definitely looking forward to 10......and, even was satisfied with the way they kept me hangin :biglaugh: Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeetttt :biglaugh:

I'm always very satisfied with Wire, and, say it all the time...never let you down......(like some shows :smoke:....)

Truly impressive season....to me best yet...without a doubt..(always better than the last :smoke:...)


Active member
apparently theres a copy of e10 out, dude said quality was 7/10 and had hbo imprints. hmm to dl, or wait it out...?

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