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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 26 57.8%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 19 42.2%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Oh yeah, definitely a left winger, guy was afraid of a fascist coup. He looked like he may have been gay too, victim of the gay bomb I presume. Lol
he's a conspiracy nut job
pamphlets spelling out a unabomber kind of manifesto
america needs to repent from this kind of craziness
before it's too late


Well-known member
he's a conspiracy nut job
pamphlets spelling out a unabomber kind of manifesto
america needs to repent from this kind of craziness
before it's too late
No doubt he's crazy, but a left wing crazy. Here he is with Bill Clinton and he's a registered Democrat voter.


  • img_1_1713568574069.jpg
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Well-known member
Political and religious fanaticism is as equally retarding to society as sports and pop culture fanaticism, maybe people should only be allowed 1 category to be a lunatic of, but the reality is politics, religion, sports, and pop culture require the lunatics to survive

Swifties for example 100% operate like a cult, they are drawn in by the image of an attractive and successful woman, they have an increased loyalty to the group because of the high ticket prices they pay, they engage in deindividuating behavior that goes against their sense of right and wrong such as wearing diapers and soiling themselves, and their commitment to the group goes as far as death when they endure inhumane environments to hear their leader's messages

MAGA functions like a cult too, the shoes Trump came out with, the hats, the sweatshirts, whatever monthly fees for truth social media or private forums people pay for, when people pay money for that stuff it increases their commitment to the group and by there being a mostly congruent way to dress there is a deindividuating effect that works as an express lane for in-group ignorance

These cults are allowed to function because they do not break laws as far as sexual exploitation or other abuse goes, the end goal of the leaders is ticket sales, profits, the perpetuation of the iron cage in which these lunatics worship them
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Well-known member
No doubt he's crazy, but a left wing crazy. Here he is with Bill Clinton and he's a registered Democrat voter.

leftish conspiracy theorists, can't say they don't exist but many fewer than the other types
that's just my informal survey, should sort itself pretty quick
at the time of Clinton Trump was a Dem I think, things change over the years


Well-known member

OMG, you can't make this shit up. Lol, Biden says his uncle was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea. This is our commander in chief. I can't believe people actually want to vote for this guy. SMH, Americans really are stupid, it's all that fluoride and gay bomb chemicals, stop drinking the tap water!!


Well-known member
it looks like they're going to have to add another orifice to Trump's gag order! the clip is 13 min but it has multiple people talking about Trump's smell. absolutely hysterical! at approx 9 min he farts audibly while sitting next to Diane Feinstein. it's probably what killed her! at one point we have Rudy Guiliani farting loudly while seated next to Jenna Ellis. Trump farts while sleeping at the trial. i can see a SNL skit now!



Well-known member
Lol, not all heroes wear capes, guy gave Bill and Hillary a bunch of shit. Then Jimmy goes on to explain the war crimes committed by Obama, Biden and Hillary in Libya, didn't mention how they caused mass starvation in Yemen another war crime.

P.S. Trump isn't only going to win the election, but he's also going to win the court case.


Well-known member
Apparently it gets better, the left wing conspiracy theorists are out of control. They got one Democrat Socialist to burn himself alive, scared of a fascist coup and now Hillary talking about Trump wanting to kill and imprison his opposition. These criminals are trying to imprison their opposition.



ICMag Donor
Moscow MTG is losing her mind over Johnson doing the right thing passing the Aid Bills and denouncing Putin. The money we have spent on military just because of Putin is insane.


Kiss My Ring
Moscow MTG is losing her mind over Johnson doing the right thing passing the Aid Bills and denouncing Putin. The money we have spent on military just because of Putin is insane.
so the money spent on military is "insane", but it was the right thing to do?
it's been admitted that most of the ukraine funds are spent here at home to support the MIC.
laundered and donated to political campaigns for reelection.
your conscience is couchlocked.


ICMag Donor
so the money spent on military is "insane", but it was the right thing to do?
it's been admitted that most of the ukraine funds are spent here at home to support the MIC.
laundered and donated to political campaigns for reelection.
your conscience is couchlocked.
There was no choice. Either stand up to Putin the dictator or allow him to walk over everyone and take over the free word. 30 NATO countries agree and pony up their share. This does not include like minded countries like Japan and Australia either who also spend big on military for the same reason.

Unfortunately Putin found that propaganda was far cheeper than war ships and he could purchase people like Chump and Moscow MTG very cheaply. In turn Chump, MTG, et al would spread Putin's propaganda to the weak minded and lesser educated like yourself.

The countless billions we have spent on military could easily cover free college education, first class infrastructure, medical and comfortable retirement for all of our citizens.

After passing the aid bill, Johnson came out and stated that Russia, China and Iran are the "axis of evil". That includes Moscow Marjorie while she's humping Putins leg.

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ICMag Donor
Goldman is usually the most intelligent person in the room. Too bad he didn't have time to get into the Russians funding the Republican Party through willing whore groups like the NRA. Russian spy Maria Butina and other donors were busted attending NRA meetings as big donors and there are several photos of them with republican congress people.


Kiss My Ring
Russia, Russia, Russia...

your lies are more vile with every post.

is Putins defence of previous Russian occupied land wrong? or the threat NATO imposes?
at least he defends his border from the couple dozen Biowarfare labs the CIA was using...labs btw that H. bribem was invested in, and after the terrorist attack at concert, rounded up all the mooslim invaders and deported them post haste unlike what bribem has done to our invaders.

bribem invited a 'surge' and coordinated with the UN and NGOs and foreign governments to facilitate such, while providing them with monies, plane tickets, phones, healthcare, and lawyers. they can even go back across the border and then come back in under a different name and they get those bennies all over again.

...and you're alright with that.


Well-known member
Russia, Russia, Russia...

your lies are more vile with every post.

is Putins defence of previous Russian occupied land wrong? or the threat NATO imposes?
at least he defends his border from the couple dozen Biowarfare labs the CIA was using...labs btw that H. bribem was invested in, and after the terrorist attack at concert, rounded up all the mooslim invaders and deported them post haste unlike what bribem has done to our invaders.

bribem invited a 'surge' and coordinated with the UN and NGOs and foreign governments to facilitate such, while providing them with monies, plane tickets, phones, healthcare, and lawyers. they can even go back across the border and then come back in under a different name and they get those bennies all over again.

...and you're alright with that.
The Russiagate stuff was all planned. It worked great. Americans are now dumping billions of tax dollars to us weapons contractors to “save” Ukraine from Russia.


Well-known member
Russia, Russia, Russia...

your lies are more vile with every post.

is Putins defence of previous Russian occupied land wrong? or the threat NATO imposes?
at least he defends his border from the couple dozen Biowarfare labs the CIA was using...labs btw that H. bribem was invested in, and after the terrorist attack at concert, rounded up all the mooslim invaders and deported them post haste unlike what bribem has done to our invaders.

bribem invited a 'surge' and coordinated with the UN and NGOs and foreign governments to facilitate such, while providing them with monies, plane tickets, phones, healthcare, and lawyers. they can even go back across the border and then come back in under a different name and they get those bennies all over again.

...and you're alright with that.
Yeah, it's absolutely insane how the Democrats act, they really want to go along with everything the rich scumbags in the World Economic Forum want. They want complete control over every nation in the world. They want mass immigration, we're not alone, the UK and EU are also being flooded with migrants. They are begging for WW3 so they can control Russia, Iran, Korea and China. They're prosecuting political opponents in the USA, the judge is biased against Trump, they should be looking for a new judge not one instilling fear that another January 6th bullshit is going to happen.

Then we have a leader that doesn't even know what's going on, thinks his uncle was eaten by cannibals for fuck sake! He's literally just signing whatever he's told to sign, he's not even capable of reading or understanding anything about the bills he signs.

I'm pretty sure America is fucked, they probably will lock Trump up, the judge is absolutely against him and from the sound of it the jury is full of brainwashed liberal anti Trumpers. The craziest thing is that on a cannabis forum they eat up everything the government says as gospel. Not too long ago we were all against the government, but now with legalization all the people who would have never broke the law are now growing weed and taking over the cannabis forums.