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The Original O'l Farts Club.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
I know it isn't the best. But, it is what I have. And I should be able to tell if it helps. Every afternoon when I break out my pipe my voice gets all gravelly......like rocks in my throat...... I went to a Ear Nose and Throat specialist and he said a vaporizer would help.

If the PAX helps then I will spend the cash on a better vaporizer. I like a pipe better but the time might have come to where I have to make an adjustment.

since you are out so much to the IRS , I can loan you the $300 and when you get your State refund you can pay me back….

no interest either….🤓🤓🤓


They do same day adoptions so I am going with a collar, a leash and the adoption fee. My American Bulldogs have both been brindle so I am a bit partial to him. I made my wife promise that if she wasn’t comfortable with him, regardless of my reaction, she needs to speak up. I doubt she will though.😂
Good luck he looks like a smart one!
He looks very sweet. I love him already 💕💕
Me too!

Meatsauce day.........one of my favorites.


Goes good over pasta that's for sure.
Bubba has been doing leash work every night and is a pleasure to walk now.
Has rear end awareness and is still extremely calm when faced with new stimuli.
Barely struggled getting used to his slave collar with government nametag.
Nearly flawless other than having a 1.2 mile car ride limit till he pukes.
That and his cat obsession he wants the cats to be his besties BIG time and only two of them feel the same.
The other 3 are being pretty catty about it.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
that was a good cigarette I smoked camel wides
When I was doing my clinical training at the VA hospital in Miami, it was very common to see World War II vets who had permanent tracheostomies (hole cut in your windpipe where they cut out your voice box so can you breathe through the hole) smoking Camel non filters through the hole in their fucking neck. :eek:

As a young RT in training, to give them breathing treatments, I had to take a cloth and wipe out the hunks and chunks of tobacco that was stuck to the thick, snot that surrounded the hole in their neck.

I'll leave it to you to imagine what a cough was like if they didn't cover their hole.🤮

After I graduated, I learned to specialize in strictly critical care, where I didn't have to deal with fuckers like this.

BTW, I was a Marlboro smoker at this time and continued smoking for another 5 years.o_O

Seriously, y'all cigarette smokers in this thread got to stop that shit... It'll fucking kill you and it is a _horrible_ way to die.

Other than that, how's your day been?😂


Well-known member
Premium user
They do same day adoptions so I am going with a collar, a leash and the adoption fee. My American Bulldogs have both been brindle so I am a bit partial to him. I made my wife promise that if she wasn’t comfortable with him, regardless of my reaction, she needs to speak up. I doubt she will though.😂
Boy puppies usually know how to love on Mommas especially when Momma feeds them.

CharlesU Farley

Well-known member
I was playing with ChatGPT and it wasn't long before I realized it had to be accessing some of my own work in its replies to me. Kind of a hair standing up on your neck moment.
This shit is going to revolutionize the world, and that's not hype. When I first started experimenting with chat GPT, I asked get the following exceedingly technical question, based on my background as a respiratory therapist:

"Tell me about the effects of temperature and pH on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve and tell me how I could use that information to optimally ventilate a patient after they've had open heart surgery."

This is a highly technical application of scientific principles we use to actually change parameters on a mechanical ventilator, and how you treat a post-op open heart patient as dramatically different than trauma patients, cancer patients, etc.

While not a perfect and complete answer, chat GPT essentially fucking nailed it.

This is not a case of Skynet becoming self-aware, it's a case of technology reducing the need for actual human intervention and exceedingly complex situations.

AI is going to make the computer and internet revolutions seem like a caveman inventing the wheel.


Well-known member
Premium user
When I was doing my clinical training at the VA hospital in Miami, it was very common to see World War II vets who had permanent tracheostomies (hole cut in your windpipe where they cut out your voice box so can you breathe through the hole) smoking Camel non filters through the hole in their fucking neck. :eek:

As a young RT in training, to give them breathing treatments, I had to take a cloth and wipe out the hunks and chunks of tobacco that was stuck to the thick, snot that surrounded the hole in their neck.

I'll leave it to you to imagine what a cough was like if they didn't cover their hole.🤮

After I graduated, I learned to specialize in strictly critical care, where I didn't have to deal with fuckers like this.

BTW, I was a Marlboro smoker at this time and continued smoking for another 5 years.o_O

Seriously, y'all cigarette smokers in this thread got to stop that shit... It'll fucking kill you and it is a _horrible_ way to die.

Other than that, how's your day been?😂
Ok ok now I’m sorry I brought it up. Did I bring it up? Oh well I responded anyways. Yes seeing someone with one of those holes in their throat is one of the most frightening things ever. I just can’t imagine having to deal with it and hope I never do. But thinking about it is kinda killing my buzz. I know it’s bad for me. I’m sure I’ll quit one day, I’m already working on it and right now I don’t need help or at least don’t want it as I sometimes make bad decisions I’m not proud of but they are my decisions. I’m not mad or anything and I respect your opinion especially as a RT 🥰