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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
If you had cognitive impairment and you ran for president while claiming your opponent suffered from cognitive impairment, you would be fair game as far as I’m concerned.

I don’t post videos showing trump’s cognitive decline to be cruel (it’s just a bonus), I post them because maybe a few people sitting on the fence will wake up. A few votes in a state like Michigan could make a difference in November.

Trump is a man who mocked people with disabilities so while ridiculing him may be cruel, he fucking deserves it. Fuck trump and fuck any moron who wants this lunatic to be president.
I agree completely that Trump deserves it due to his behavior and I agree that if I were to behave in the same way as Trump that I would be fair game as well. Also if I felt that pointing out his behavior would change someeone's mid from voting for Trump to not voting for Trump I would probably be more inclined to keep posting evidence of that behavior on Trump,s part. The problem with that however id I don't believe there are any people visiting this thread that are on the fence about voting for him whose mind might be changed. All the people visiting ths thread I feel are either already decided for certain about if they are going to vote for him or not vote for him.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not judging anyone else here for what they want to post about Trump. I'm simply stating why I've been doing it less often. If someone else made a post pointing out Trump being Trump I would still applaude that post and if the like button was still available I would likely click it for those posts. My problem, if one wanted to call it a problem is I was raised to believe that old mantra of do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Therefore I know longer feel comfortable about continuing to post such things about Trump, especially to an audience whose minds have been made up about Trump already, for quite some time.

These days I would much rather be posting evidence about how well Biden is doing as President to change the minds of all those who have been brain washed by not only Trump but also the media to belieeeve that Biden is just a dottering old fool that has been doing a terrible job as President and that's why they won't vote for him. As I see it the best path forward for Trump isn't overwhelming turnout of voters who like him but rather underwhelming turnout of voters for Biden because they are allowing the media to convince them that Biden is so bad. Interesting you mentioning Michigan since that's where so many voted as uncommited because they're not happy with what has been going on in Gaza. I'm not happy about that either but there isn't a whole lot that the US can do to change that, that it isn't doing already. Sure, the US has the might that would allow us to go in there and totally dictate whatt Israel can and can't do but if we were to do that we would have to put a whole lot of US troops in harm's way and at the same time risk destroying a critical allied relationship with Israel that is a key part of our foreign policies regarding the Mideast. It's a shame I thing that the Michigan primary happened when it did because there was a lot going on regarding the actions the US was preparing to take to help the Palestinian people caught in the middle between Israel and Hammas. Things that have since that primary has now become more widely known. I can't help but feel the protest the uncommitted vote towards Biden would be much less if they knew then what we know now about what the US is trying to do for the Palestinians. I'm sure many of those people have convinced themselves that it was their uncommitted vote that caused those things to happen even though those plans have been in the works since well before the Michigan primary.


Well-known member
I agree completely that Trump deserves it due to his behavior and I agree that if I were to behave in the same way as Trump that I would be fair game as well. Also if I felt that pointing out his behavior would change someeone's mid from voting for Trump to not voting for Trump I would probably be more inclined to keep posting evidence of that behavior on Trump,s part. The problem with that however id I don't believe there are any people visiting this thread that are on the fence about voting for him whose mind might be changed. All the people visiting ths thread I feel are either already decided for certain about if they are going to vote for him or not vote for him.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not judging anyone else here for what they want to post about Trump. I'm simply stating why I've been doing it less often. If someone else made a post pointing out Trump being Trump I would still applaude that post and if the like button was still available I would likely click it for those posts. My problem, if one wanted to call it a problem is I was raised to believe that old mantra of do unto others as you would have them do unto you, Therefore I know longer feel comfortable about continuing to post such things about Trump, especially to an audience whose minds have been made up about Trump already, for quite some time.

These days I would much rather be posting evidence about how well Biden is doing as President to change the minds of all those who have been brain washed by not only Trump but also the media to belieeeve that Biden is just a dottering old fool that has been doing a terrible job as President and that's why they won't vote for him. As I see it the best path forward for Trump isn't overwhelming turnout of voters who like him but rather underwhelming turnout of voters for Biden because they are allowing the media to convince them that Biden is so bad. Interesting you mentioning Michigan since that's where so many voted as uncommited because they're not happy with what has been going on in Gaza. I'm not happy about that either but there isn't a whole lot that the US can do to change that, that it isn't doing already. Sure, the US has the might that would allow us to go in there and totally dictate whatt Israel can and can't do but if we were to do that we would have to put a whole lot of US troops in harm's way and at the same time risk destroying a critical allied relationship with Israel that is a key part of our foreign policies regarding the Mideast. It's a shame I thing that the Michigan primary happened when it did because there was a lot going on regarding the actions the US was preparing to take to help the Palestinian people caught in the middle between Israel and Hammas. Things that have since that primary has now become more widely known. I can't help but feel the protest the uncommitted vote towards Biden would be much less if they knew then what we know now about what the US is trying to do for the Palestinians. I'm sure many of those people have convinced themselves that it was their uncommitted vote that caused those things to happen even though those plans have been in the works since well before the Michigan primary.
I’m not worried about the protest vote. It was an opportunity for people to let Biden know their displeasure with the situation in Gaza and I can’t imagine any democrat voting for trump or not voting for Biden, come November.

As for Israel, they need us more than we need them. I think it’s time for us to recognize that not every Israeli government deserves our support and any foreign government that uses our weapons to commit war crimes should be sanctioned immediately.


Well-known member
I’m not worried about the protest vote. It was an opportunity for people to let Biden know their displeasure with the situation in Gaza and I can’t imagine any democrat voting for trump or not voting for Biden, come November.

As for Israel, they need us more than we need them. I think it’s time for us to recognize that not every Israeli government deserves our support and any foreign government that uses our weapons to commit war crimes should be sanctioned immediately.
(y) (y) (y)


Well-known member
Here’s an interesting question. Will Mike Pence endorse the Cheato? He was as loyal as anyone could be.
He's deeply in denial. Stockholm syndrome. "Thank you sir may I have another?"


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I’m not worried about the protest vote. It was an opportunity for people to let Biden know their displeasure with the situation in Gaza and I can’t imagine any democrat voting for trump or not voting for Biden, come November.

As for Israel, they need us more than we need them. I think it’s time for us to recognize that not every Israeli government deserves our support and any foreign government that uses our weapons to commit war crimes should be sanctioned immediately.
Well all I can say is that a lot of people couldn't imagine any democrat voting for Trump in 2016 and yet look what happened in protest to how Bernie Sanders was treated in the primaries and convention, despite Hillary having won the popular vote by around 3 million. A fair arguement could be made though that we learned our lesson since Biden won resoundingly in 2020 and with more then twice the popular vote. Although it begs the question of what would have been the result if Hillary had won the popular vote by over 7 million instead of only 3 million? Still Hillary has very different issues with the voters then Biden does. The concern though isn't people protesting Biden by voting for Trump but rather what might happen if they protest Biden still by either not voting at all or by voting for a third party candidate. That has the potential of lowering the number of Democrat votes enough to allow Trump a win on the votes he'll get regardless of any protest against Biden.

As for Israel I get where one might think they need us more then we need them but that's not the reality otherwise Biden wouldn't have to make the moves he's been making very recently to try to get Israel to play by more humanitarian rules in Gaza. The reality is the US needs them almost as much as they need us. Let's not forget that the only reason Israel exists is because the US not only put them (The Israelis) in the first place, after WWII but that we've backed them well enough ever since to keep the wolves at bay ever since. If we turned our backs on them and washed our hands completely the Arab nations would remove them once again and the outcry in the US would be way greater for allowing that to happen then what it is for the Palestinians. Not to mention the damage it would do to our overall Middlesst foreign policies. We are making adjustments though which hopefully will resolve the issue. Like just yesterday (Sat) a speech was given by Biden that suggests that should Israel cross a red line by starting a full scale offensive operation on Rafah it would still support Israel defensively but may consider cutting off Israel offensively. The US has also started to go more public with how unhappy it is with Netanyahu's actions of late and is thereby tying the threat of cutting back on Israeli aide to Netanyahu's position. This will hopefully encourage enough internal Israeli pressure to reign in Netanyahu. At the same time hopefully these things coming to light more will show those protesting the Biden Administration over Gaza that we are doing what we can within reason and without flipping the crisis into an Israeli crisis.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Here’s an interesting question. Will Mike Pence endorse the Cheato? He was as loyal as anyone could be.
One would think the answer would be a resounding no but sadly it will come down to whether or not Pence still hopes to be a President in the future. I could be wrong but I think if Pence could reject Trump without fear of his base turning on him even more, then I think he would reject Trump. It's really hard to tell, just look at how politician's like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio all went from publically attacking Trump in 2016 to being among his most loyal supporters today. It's not because they love Trump so much but rather because they fear his voters so much.
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ICMag Donor
Saturday Night Live had the State of the Union gift wrapped for them. Mikey Day did Biden and Scarlett Johansson played Britt. Johansson had the look nailed and the kitchen was perfect. Johansson's delivery was good but the script they gave her sucked. Turning the great cringe moments of reality in to holy shit laughter was a rare opportunity that SNL completely missed. SNL's funny was almost as cringe worthy as the real Katy Britt rebuttal. Canned laughter on not funny lines just made it worse.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
Well all I can say is that a lot of people couldn't imagine any democrat voting for Trump in 2016 and yet look what happened in protest to how Bernie Sanders was treated in the primaries and convention, despite Hillary having won the popular vote by around 3 million. A fair arguement could be made though that we learned our lesson since Biden won resoundingly in 2020 and with more then twice the popular vote. Although it begs the question of what would have been the result if Hillary had won the popular vote by over 7 million instead of only 3 million? Still Hillary has very different issues with the voters then Biden does. The concern though isn't people protesting Biden by voting for Trump but rather what might happen if they protest Biden still by either not voting at all or by voting for a third party candidate. That has the potential of lowering the number of Democrat votes enough to allow Trump a win on the votes he'll get regardless of any protest against Biden.

As for Israel I get where one might think they need us more then we need them but that's not the reality otherwise Biden wouldn't have to make the moves he's been making very recently to try to get Israel to play by more humanitarian rules in Gaza. The reality is the US needs them almost as much as they need us. Let's not forget that the only reason Israel exists is because the US not only put them (The Israelis) in the first place, after WWII but that we've backed them well enough ever since to keep the wolves at bay ever since. If we turned our backs on them and washed our hands completely the Arab nations would remove them once again and the outcry in the US would be way greater for allowing that to happen then what it is for the Palestinians. Not to mention the damage it would do to our overall Middlesst foreign policies. We are making adjustments though which hopefully will resolve the issue. Like just yesterday (Sat) a speech was given by Biden that suggests that should Israel cross a red line by starting a full scale offensive operation on Rafah it would still support Israel defensively but may consider cutting off Israel offensively. The US has also started to go more public with how unhappy it is with Netanyahu's actions of late and is thereby tying the threat of cutting back on Israeli aide to Netanyahu's position. This will hopefully encourage enough internal Israeli pressure to reign in Netanyahu. At the same time hopefully these things coming to light more will show those protesting the Biden Administration over Gaza that we are doing what we can within reason and without flipping the crisis into an Israeli crisis.
I saw an interview recently with an expert on the subject and he said one of the primary issues Israel has with the region is because of the United States being the big brother weilding a giant stick - if Israel was forced to negotiate with it's neighbors, the Middle East would be a LOT more stable. The United States could absolutely still be a partner, but not in the way we have now. Basically, force Israel to stand on it's own 2 feet. But that was just one expert's opinion.


Well-known member
must be the forgive and forget thing
Onr would think the answer would be a resounding no but sadly it will come down to whether or not Pence still hopes to be a President in the future. I could be wrong but I think if Pence could reject Trump without fear of his base turning on him even more, then I think he would reject Trump. It's really hard to tell, just look at how politician's like Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio all went from publically attacking Trump in 2016 to being among his most loyal supporters today. It's not because they love Trump so much but rather because they fear his voters so much.


Well-known member
Saturday Night Live had the State of the Union gift wrapped for them. Mikey Day did Biden and Scarlett Johansson played Britt. Johansson had the look nailed and the kitchen was perfect. Johansson's delivery was good but the script they gave her sucked. Turning the great cringe moments of reality in to holy shit laughter was a rare opportunity that SNL completely missed. SNL's funny was almost as cringe worthy as the real Katy Britt rebuttal. Canned laughter on not funny lines just made it worse.

SNL hasn’t been funny in a long, long time. I haven’t gone very far past the cold opening in about 15 years. Why are Michael Che and Collin Jost still doing weekend update? They’ve sucked from the beginning.


Well-known member
Well all I can say is that a lot of people couldn't imagine any democrat voting for Trump in 2016 and yet look what happened in protest to how Bernie Sanders was treated in the primaries and convention, despite Hillary having won the popular vote by around 3 million. A fair arguement could be made though that we learned our lesson since Biden won resoundingly in 2020 and with more then twice the popular vote. Although it begs the question of what would have been the result if Hillary had won the popular vote by over 7 million instead of only 3 million? Still Hillary has very different issues with the voters then Biden does. The concern though isn't people protesting Biden by voting for Trump but rather what might happen if they protest Biden still by either not voting at all or by voting for a third party candidate. That has the potential of lowering the number of Democrat votes enough to allow Trump a win on the votes he'll get regardless of any protest against Biden.

As for Israel I get where one might think they need us more then we need them but that's not the reality otherwise Biden wouldn't have to make the moves he's been making very recently to try to get Israel to play by more humanitarian rules in Gaza. The reality is the US needs them almost as much as they need us. Let's not forget that the only reason Israel exists is because the US not only put them (The Israelis) in the first place, after WWII but that we've backed them well enough ever since to keep the wolves at bay ever since. If we turned our backs on them and washed our hands completely the Arab nations would remove them once again and the outcry in the US would be way greater for allowing that to happen then what it is for the Palestinians. Not to mention the damage it would do to our overall Middlesst foreign policies. We are making adjustments though which hopefully will resolve the issue. Like just yesterday (Sat) a speech was given by Biden that suggests that should Israel cross a red line by starting a full scale offensive operation on Rafah it would still support Israel defensively but may consider cutting off Israel offensively. The US has also started to go more public with how unhappy it is with Netanyahu's actions of late and is thereby tying the threat of cutting back on Israeli aide to Netanyahu's position. This will hopefully encourage enough internal Israeli pressure to reign in Netanyahu. At the same time hopefully these things coming to light more will show those protesting the Biden Administration over Gaza that we are doing what we can within reason and without flipping the crisis into an Israeli crisis.
9 months is an eternity in politics. I would speculate more republicans will vote for Biden than democrats will vote for trump but we will see.

Israel would not exist without the U.S. Our history of unconditional support for Israel is the reason we have so many problems in the region. The oppressed have become the oppressors and at the moment we are supporting the oppressors.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor

SNL hasn’t been funny in a long, long time. I haven’t gone very far past the cold opening in about 15 years. Why are Michael Che and Collin Jost still doing weekend update? They’ve sucked from the beginning.
I don't know about all that. I do know that when Michael Che writes Colin's jokes they're absolutely horrible in the best possible way. That kills me every time they do it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Saturday Night Live had the State of the Union gift wrapped for them. Mikey Day did Biden and Scarlett Johansson played Britt. Johansson had the look nailed and the kitchen was perfect. Johansson's delivery was good but the script they gave her sucked. Turning the great cringe moments of reality in to holy shit laughter was a rare opportunity that SNL completely missed. SNL's funny was almost as cringe worthy as the real Katy Britt rebuttal. Canned laughter on not funny lines just made it worse.
I'm sorry I missd that, I'll have to look and see if I can find it on YouTube. I'm not terribly surprised they had trrouble with that part I mean Britt's rebutal was so god awfully bad that I can imagine it was difficult to make funny without getting just too over the top with satire.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
must be the forgive and forget thing
Who knows? I personally don't get it. I mean if I was Pence and someone asked me if I was going to endorse Trump, I would resoundingly say, "F**k no, but I will endorse a bunch of crazed traitous morons who think themselves patriots clamouring to Hang Donald Trump!" but I guess that's why I'm not a politician?
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
McConnell kissed the ring. Pence will too. They're all terrified of his mob.
Agreed although if I were McConnell I wouldn't care if his mob turned against me. First off they've mostly turned against McConnell anyway, more importantly though he's not long for this world, his time left would be much better spent staying at home with his family rather then running again in 2027, if he even lasts that long. Besides, McConnell's greatest achievement was pulling off giving Trump a supreme court nomination he never deserved (Gorsuch) and yet he gets virtually no recognition for it. Besides, the Republican party has screwed themselves so bad I doubt they'll be in any position for McConnell or any of them to achieve anything noteworthy for at least a decade if not longer.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
9 months is an eternity in politics. I would speculate more republicans will vote for Biden than democrats will vote for trump but we will see.

Israel would not exist without the U.S. Our history of unconditional support for Israel is the reason we have so many problems in the region. The oppressed have become the oppressors and at the moment we are supporting the oppressors.
I agree completely except as I said, my concern isn't about Democrats voting for Trump, it's about Democrats just not voting or voting for a third party. If all Democrats turned out and voted for Biden then Trump would have no chance, period. There are more Democrats then Republicans and the majority of Independants would vote Democrat, especially for one that is considered a centrist like Biden. That's why Republican do such insane gerrymandering and why they interesed in turning the government athoritarion as outlined in Project 2025, it''s the only way they can achieve and maintain control.

And yes Israel would not exist if it wasn't for the US, I more or less stated that in my last post to you. Also it's true that much of our continued support of Israel is a big part of our problems in the Mideast but it's not like if we stopped supporting them everyone in the Mideast would suddenly be our best friends. What they would do is remove Israel for the face of the map. Which would leave the US with no strategic position in the Mideast. More importantly is that if we did that it would not be tolerated by most of the US population, at least the ones who call themselves Christian and believe in Biblical prophecy. We helped the Jewish people to reclaim Israel in part because Biblical history identifies it as their homeland but more importantly because Bible Prophecy has the Jewish people returning to Israel as a key part of it's predictions. So if we turned our backs on Israel and allowed the annilation of the Jewish people it would be about like us doing nothing in World War II and endorsing Hitler's ultimate plan for the Genocide of the Je'wish people. It would not only be seen as a far worse moral crime then what is happening to Palestinians but it would also be seen as expediting Armageddon. I do agree that what the Israeli people are doing to the Palestinians is horrible and needs to be stopped buta big part of the problem is that the Palestinians are allowing it to happen by not working with Israel to end Hammas. The reason so many innocent Palestinians are getting killed is because Hammmas uses them as human shields because they know if Palestinians are killed by Israeli forces in order to wipe out Hammas then it will turn more of the world against Israel. If Hammas stopped hiding behind Palestinans and allowed Israel to attack them directly with out harming the Palestinians the world would allow that to happen for the most part.