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Thanks for the help a few years back! Its been a while. I'll be on here more frequently. I think it's time to let some RKS out. Seeds were '08-09


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Can you see any of my early day posts or is it my device?

Anyway I worked on the strain with a "penpal" grow buddy in Spain, he was the only other individual to ever get the real seeds. His screen has been "GreenGlassman420" on various sites but all his stuff seems to be removed & I cannot get a message or text back from him. I will keep trying, he has tons of pictures, well did.

I didn't document much as I was younger & feared authorities as we all should but now we have the legal system,so ill get documenting.

I hope your not in the Spanish jail system David, if you are I hope you hid my seeds well. 🤣🤍