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Did you get the Covid Vaccine

Did you take the Covid Vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 22 42.3%
  • no

    Votes: 30 57.7%

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Well-known member
Collateral damage
Shoddy safety practices in work places
Chinese cheaper parts like air bags.

Don't think me delusional though, even though we may get the push in a direction... it's still personal choice and responsibility for our own actions.

They know it's easy. Is it iPhone 3000 season yet?
i don't go to McDs. "collateral damage" from what ? safety practices are OSHA's job, like clean air and water are the EPAs job. wonder why the GOP wants to gut them? :unsure: could it offer higher profits for those the GOP is beholden to? . Americans demand cheap, China delivers. that's why many of our jobs went there. wars...not being fought on this continent...yet. "divisions/arguments" LOL! nobody dying from those...


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
the novel coronavirus has been around a long time….

lysol kills bacteria that cause the common cold

why did the flu disappear for two years?

when it come to trusting the gubmint doctors , you can count me out

call me Woke Against The Machine



Well-known member
i don't go to McDs. "collateral damage" from what ? safety practices are OSHA's job, like clean air and water are the EPAs job. wonder why the GOP wants to gut them? :unsure: could it offer higher profits for those the GOP is beholden to? . Americans demand cheap, China delivers. that's why many of our jobs went there. wars...not being fought on this continent...yet. "divisions/arguments" LOL! nobody dying from those...
Sorry, I meant from wars. Civilian casualties like Ukrainians, Palestinian and on and on.

I try not to eat at McDonald's either.

I'm just saying, there's no left vs right when we can all agree in a simpler world without worrying over every trivial thing, we just want everyone's well being and safety.

I'm not taking any political side, left or right you're my brother whether you like it or not. I'd still go to war to defend you. I. Canadian btw, and I joined because of 9/11

Every civil war created is by division. It's a meat grinder.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Sorry, I meant from wars. Civilian casualties like Ukrainians, Palestinian and on and on.

I try not to eat at McDonald's either.

I'm just saying, there's no left vs right when we can all agree in a simpler world without worrying over every trivial thing, we just want everyone's well being and safety.

I'm not taking any political side, left or right you're my brother whether you like it or not. I'd still go to war to defend you. I. Canadian btw, and I joined because of 9/11






On a mailtrain.
Premium user
we are all born with one. not a try...they cannot virtually follow you everywhere you go because you have a SS# like they can your phone....

that is true Bro

but you missed the Point

just because you dont have a phone doesn’t mean that the cia fbi fema homeland security and the county sheriff , they all can find you pretty quick..

for one , they could confiscate your computer


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
The way they called Ivermectin ‘horse paste’ when it was and is an effective treatment tells a lot.

I still see people riding around the country alone in their vehicle, wearing a mask. Some people use their ineffective masks to signal they are compliant and believe this government. I see them as fools.

Live and let die. Let their freedom to do whatever they want to their bodies be a good reason to legalize growing and using cannabis.


Well-known member
we are all born with one. not a try
okay, got a mea culpa here. i do know of a couple of people that do not have a SS number. nor do they have a drivers license BECAUSE of that, and have spent their entire lives "farming" :)watchplant: ) and making moonshine with relatives/neighbors in a very rural area nearby. they were born at home, no doctor/hospital involved, so "society" does not know that they exist. one still lives in a cabin with a dirt floor, and his chickens walk in and out at will. he makes logging sleds/wagons out of trees on the family land to sell neighbors for cash. he seems happy...


Well-known member
that is true Bro

but you missed the Point

just because you dont have a phone doesn’t mean that the cia fbi fema homeland security and the county sheriff , they all can find you pretty quick..

for one , they could confiscate your computer
the county sheriff is quite aware of where i live, yup. so do the city detectives. but they have no way to track me unless they physically follow me in a car. no point missed there that i see. confiscate my computer? fuck, they can HAVE it, old POS...


Well-known member
The 'no politics' thing went right the hell out the window.

As far as dictionary changes, glad that they do. I've gone back into legal records to earlier than the 1600's,(family wills, etc) hard to understand a word that they said...and the lettering of the old stuff is bizarre to us, as well. They don't teach cursive in most school systems, anymore, either. I tried writing a letter to one of the older grandkids, and they handed it to their dad to translate. They couldn't even read cursive. I moved a lot as a kid, and can write in three different cursive styles.

As far as a 'test', whether intended or not, we probably failed. But now it is known how many will tend to go in which direction.


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
the county sheriff is quite aware of where i live, yup. so do the city detectives. but they have no way to track me unless they physically follow me in a car. no point missed there that i see. confiscate my computer? fuck, they can HAVE it, old POS...

hahahhhhaa!….i hear ya Amigo!…..

we have less than one person per sq mile out here on the high plains so everybody knows everybody

hell , I sold my Harley to the County Sheriff and he has seen my grow in my backyard when he lived across the street from me

but yeah , I don’t know about you but I doubt that a peon like me is on anyone’s radar and it would be a waste of tax payers money to spend a dime of it on me!….

another point I am trying to get across is this: do I trust the gubmint?…..HELL NO!
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