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Mafia seeds e Spigolaro, tutto il mondo è mafia emm pardon è Paese


Well-known member
Good evening everyone, well I opened the 3d for the nice contest that put this new sperm bank for us and I already threaten you that if you don't let me win you will have to be very careful for your safety ahahahaha I'm kidding guys but you d honor, you already figured it out. So I had 2 strains arrive, like all the rest of the participants, Afghan kush and New haze now for those who see my modest crops I shoot one plant at a time in a 60x60x170 box under a 300 led panel and in a final 50 pot liters. Between the two strains I chose to cultivate the New haze and yes because I don't like easy things and I love complicating my life. I planted the seed in a jiffy and we are waiting for the magic to happen so I greet you and kiss your hands and remember the important thing is not to participate but to make a massacre ahahahaha,alla Corleonese.


Well-known member
Good evening everyone, well I opened the 3d for the nice contest that put this new sperm bank for us and I already threaten you that if you don't let me win you will have to be very careful for your safety ahahahaha I'm kidding guys but you d honor, you already figured it out. So I had 2 strains arrive, like all the rest of the participants, Afghan kush and New haze now for those who see my modest crops I shoot one plant at a time in a 60x60x170 box under a 300 led panel and in a final 50 pot liters. Between the two strains I chose to cultivate the New haze and yes because I don't like easy things and I love complicating my life. I planted the seed in a jiffy and we are waiting for the magic to happen so I greet you and kiss your hands and remember the important thing is not to participate but to make a massacre ahahahaha,alla Corleonese.
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Welcome and keep us posted on your garden.


Well-known member
We're almost there, the little delinquent is about to emerge from the jiffy and greet this bad world but also made up of good people like us farmers.


Well-known member
So I renamed my little mafia: Rosi Abate who is the character of a successful Italian fiction at least here in Italy. She came from a powerful family of Palermo and after the death of many of her family members she becomes the undisputed and ruthless boss but also with great charisma of her, in short, a woman with balls ahahahaha. Here she is 3 days old and she already wants to rock the world.


Well-known member
Well, just a little while ago I buried the little girl in a larger jar, to tell the truth, she could still stay in the jiffy for a couple of days but I preferred to place her comfortably and comfortably and she likes it. At this stage I am only giving water and she does not need to be fed at all.


Well-known member
Hi girls and boys how are you? Everything is fine here, little Rosy is growing today we are 13 days from the emergence of the seed. I started administering a little Organic Groow from Bac, I've been using this line of fertilizers for 3 years and I'm happy with it.


Tra qualche giorno verrà nuovamente travasata nei contenitori da 3,6 litri.


Well-known member
Buona serata a tutti voi, oggi è un bel giorno si perché è finita la settimana lavorativa e allora ci si può dedicare di più ai miei hobby, io ne ho 3 : la pesca in apnea, andare a funghi e naturalmente coltivare la mia pianta preferita madame Weeda ahahahaha.
Allora oggi Rosy festeggia il suo ventesimo giorno di vita, è maggiorenne e può fare sesso con chi vuole ahahahaha scherzi a parte, ora comincia il lavoro vero per adattare e modellare la pianta a mio piacimento. Il primo taglio l'ho fatto in corrispondenza del bocciolo apicale, in futuro ne farò altri per riempire la mia scatolina e quindi sfruttare al massimo tutta la luce del pannello LED ed avere un tappeto di boccioli uniforme. Devo dire che ha reagito molto bene al taglio che non ha minimamente rallentato la sua crescita, ho notato che non tutti i ceppi reagiscono bene al taglio e rimangono un po' bloccati per qualche giorno in questi casi li lascio stare e non dare affatto acqua. Qui invece non ce n'era bisogno, ieri l'ho rattoppato e oggi è già lì con le foglie belle e dritte e abbastanza assetato visto che il vaso è più leggero di ieri quando gliel'ho dato da bere.
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Well-known member
As you can see from the photos the little one now needs a little nitrogen also because the last two irrigations I only administered water but tomorrow we will give her a little help. More photos vamonoss


Well-known member
Good morning everyone, so here we have reached the twenty-sixth day of the seed emergency. The plant has grown a lot and in a few days I will have to transfer it into a larger pot, basically everything is fine apart from some small deficiencies probably due to changes in pH but in any case it is growing very strong and prodigious.


Well-known member
Good morning beautiful boys and girls, is everything okay?
Updates: The plant has been repotted again and I've made two more cuts to the tops, it's shaping up into a nice bush and that's exactly what I want. Today we have reached the thirtieth day of vegetative growth, there is still a long way to go but I am in no hurry.


Well-known member
Good morning beautiful boys and girls, is everything okay?
Updates: The plant has been repotted again and I've made two more cuts to the tops, it's shaping up into a nice bush and that's exactly what I want. Today we have reached the thirtieth day of vegetative growth, there is still a long way to go but I am in no hurry.
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Damn those are awesome-looking plants. You are killing with those strains. I love those fat-leaf plants.


Well-known member
HI beautiful, how are you doing? Thank you for visiting, you are practically the only user who follows my modest cultivation and this really pleases me. As written in other posts, mine are grown to satisfy my personal supply and nothing more, I don't do breeding or crossbreeding even though I would very much like to do them, unfortunately I live in a prohibitionist and hypocritical country and believe me that with the government that exists now they are very bastards with cannabis growers even for just one plant. A cocaine dealer is less persecuted than someone who grows weed, the other time Meloni was talking about cannabis and may God forgive her but just a lot of bullshit and false things she said about this magnificent plant. But we carry on anyway, very low profile and always careful.


Well-known member
Good evening madame et mesieurs, is everything okay? So, things are proceeding regularly here, little Rosy turned 41 days old today and is still in the 18 liter pot but tomorrow I will carry out the last decanting into the final 50 litres, a few days of vegetative growth and then I will change the photoperiod. The plant has been trimmed 4 times in order to form a nice uniform carpet of buds, however I think I will carry out a few more cuts before flowering. I can say that the plant is already starting to smell even if slightly but hell it's not flowering yet, however I think it's a good sign right?!

So far everything is going well, I haven't had any particular problems although I've noticed that she's a bit fussy with water, she's not a big drinker for now.


Well-known member
Nice guys, everything okay? I'm pretty good, come on, and little Rosi, who isn't so little anymore, is doing great. We have reached the forty-eighth day since the seed emerged and yesterday it was decanted into the final 50 liter container, I let it do a few more days and then finally I set the timer to 12 hours and we prepare for the long flowering period. Basically I didn't have any major problems during this period except for some small deficiencies certainly due to changes in pH and yes I know I'm a stubborn person because sooner or later I have to decide to buy a tester I always say this but I never do it. I was saying that in any case the plant is growing well, I made various cuts to the tops to make it take the shape of a nice uniform bush and hopefully full of beautiful, buzzing buds, in the end that's what we want right?!


Well-known member
Thank you visit fra, so last Sunday I set the timer to 12-12 so today we are 3 days away from the photoperiod change and the plant is already getting a lot longer. She's already a little monster like this, I just hope to be able to contain her in my little box because otherwise I'll have to cut the roof of the grow 😂😂😂, I could even threaten her but you can't joke with Rosy because she is the Head of the Family ahahahahahaha.

Well, see you at the next update as long as I come out of this bloodbath alive and remember that Cosa Nostra doesn't forgive and always gets what it wants in the end, well bye beautiful ones.😝😜😁😅😂😘