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should Gov. Kemp of Georgia toss his hat in the ring?


Well-known member
Brian Kemp, current governor of Georgia, is increasingly becoming the face of the non-Chump wing of the GOP. he refused to break the law & illegally help "find" nearly 12000 votes that The Chump demanded, defended his states election workers of both parties, is trying to move their medical cannabis program forward, and has appointed a small (3) committee to investigate whether a member of his own party should be removed from office in Georgia for participating in the infamous "fake elector" scheme there. and i won't even mention that he is helping fight other GOPers attempts to remove the DA (Willis) that is prosecuting The Chump and fellow co-conspirators in Atlanta. no, he is not for outright legalization, i know. but that is coming regardless. i'd vote for him, given the other alternatives at the moment. thoughts?


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
He has no aspirations at this time. It's plain in his speeches he's quite happy being Governor.

Having said that, I believe he's one of the few that could lead the GOP away from Trump.


Well-known member
Having said that, I believe he's one of the few that could lead the GOP away from Trump.
this is why i brought him up, i feel exactly as you do. which is why i think he should do it NOW, and not wait until this clusterfuck becomes a disaster. a small fire can be put out much more easily than waiting until it is an inferno. nobody seems willing to step into the breach and do what is needed to prevent the catastrophe, they want to wait and sweep up the broken pieces afterwards. look at all of the politicians that wait until they are OUT OF OFFICE to come out in favor of cannabis legalization, for example. it's not a matter of "if he can win", it's a matter of saving our system of governance & democracy from the MAGA frame of mind that would cheerfully burn us to the ground trying to keep their golden idol in power...
THIS is how you "step into the breach". did it cost them? you bet! but it saved the day...

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