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Are the Canadian wildfires wild, or were they arson?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
A lot of fires sprang up in Canada at the same time. Nice distraction...

canada wildfires.png

Blue Rhino

Well-known member
A lot of them were human caused, although not necessarily intentionally. I did wonder the same thing when the fires broke out in NB and Quebec but, I'm pretty sure I was wrong. There was a big thunderstorm crossing Quebec into NB at the time. Considering most, if not all those fires were in very remote locations, the likely answer is lightning. The fires in Western Canada were likely started by both lightning and irresponsible idiots.
After almost 40 years of govt forestry budgets being slashed because of whiny enviro-turds, our forests are FULL of dried out dead fall and fire ladders. There's no firebreaks anymore either. There's just a bunch of tinder waiting to become a disaster.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
A lot of them were human caused, although not necessarily intentionally. I did wonder the same thing when the fires broke out in NB and Quebec but, I'm pretty sure I was wrong. There was a big thunderstorm crossing Quebec into NB at the time. Considering most, if not all those fires were in very remote locations, the likely answer is lightning. The fires in Western Canada were likely started by both lightning and irresponsible idiots.
After almost 40 years of govt forestry budgets being slashed because of whiny enviro-turds, our forests are FULL of dried out dead fall and fire ladders. There's no firebreaks anymore either. There's just a bunch of tinder waiting to become a disaster.
I've seen much more 'tinder' left behind by logging operations then caused by those advocating responsible logging practices. Commercial logging companies go into an area and knock down trees which have no value so they can get at the lumber in demand. These are often (usually) left lying. This happens rapidly to justify economic growth.
Alternatively a woodlot license is generally harvested gradually over many years, individual trees being selected and appropriate diversity encouraged. This happens for many years providing economic sustainability to a community.
The governments caved to the bribery of the big companies rather than listen to educated biologists.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I heard that the conspiracy theory nuts need it to be the Deep State.

The fires are just cover for the building of underground tunnel systems to thwart pipelines and store adrenochrome for the lizard overlords.
