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So what got shot down near Alaska?


ICMag Donor

Get out of this thread now! Do some research, read some articles and have a look at whats really going on. Its best to spend time on all the number of issues where facts are known and there are issues to bring out.

It IS a distraction guys!

Corruption is rampant right now. Powergrabs are popular. The voice of the people is being quenched like a wick.

Too easy to distract people when lives are busy and attention spans are shorter than they have ever been.

Long form discussions of key issues is where you need to be, if you really want to know what is going on.


ICMag Donor
Snowden thinks the ufo bs is a distraction.

Seek the face of God, pray, and the Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth.

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Active member
Christians who think that other people have never considered Christianity before crack me up. Like, do they think they're the first pushy proselytizer the people they encounter have ever met?

"Jesus Christ? Never heard of him. I guess I better look into that." lmao

They always manage to insert their pet nonsense into every. single. conversation too. It's quite exhausting, tbh. It makes everyone else feel like they're only participating in the conversation so they can get their next round of proselytizing in.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
CNN has a website for you, problem solved.

The xidenistas aren’t happy with alienating Russia, now they are using the chicom spy balloon as a big distraction. Blaming the Chinese, pissing them off too. That is why they let it collect and send data for days. They are probably faking these latest shoot downs. They have to make mr aviator glasses look tough.

They just released (sold) 30 million barrels of oil while you were distracted, and probably shipped it to Europe.


ICMag Donor
There is freedom. I'm not pushing anything on anyone. Simply pointing out the truth according to God the way I have experienced it, and there is nothing wrong with that. Lots of people know about the Creator, my friend.

There are major issues though with people being easily deceived because of their lack of faith. They follow wherever the wind goes, into the whirlwind of God's fury.

Its important to prioritize your time. Focus on issues where the facts are known and discussions are possible, and don't allow yourself to become distracted form that.
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Active member
There is freedom. I'm not pushing anything on anyone. Simply pointing out the truth according to God the way I have experienced it, and there is nothing wrong with that. Lots of people know about the Creator, my friend.

There are major issues though with people being easily deceived because of their lack of faith. They follow wherever the wind goes, into the whirlwind of God's fury.

Its important to prioritize your time. Focus on issues where the facts are known and discussions are possible, and don't allow yourself to become distracted form that.
Jesus Christ? Never heard of him. I guess I better look into that.

Without your constant proselytizing I never would have even known Jesus Christ existed, thanks for opening our eyes! :LOL:


ICMag Donor
There are more sources than zero hedge. Look up the stories in zero hedge on some major well known independent journalist's websites to find more information. thelastamericanvagabond.com hosts journalists from several sites and backgrounds. TLAV has both video content with all links and sources cited, as well as written articles with sources cited as well.

Please, be at peace. Cutting people down like that only gives people a bad vibe about you.
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Active member
There are more sources than zero hedge. Look up the stories in zero hedge on some major well known independent journalist's websites to find more information. thelastamericanvagabond.com hosts journalists from several sites and backgrounds. TLAV has both video content with all links and sources cited, as well as written articles with sources cited as well.

Please, be at peace. Cutting people down like that only gives people a bad vibe about you.
Don't forget http://FreedomEagle.patriot ;)

Three Berries

Active member
I have yet to see anyone on ICMag be pushy about Islam even once (much less making it their full time job like pipeline). If I do, I'll be the first to give them shit about it.
That's the point. People make fun of Christians but never Islam......

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