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Well-known member
My advice to you would never tell a marine he was never a marine to his face. Believe that MFer!!!!!!!

I am outta this thread for good now. LOL! I don't know how I lasted this long. Old rotting shark meat stinks up this thread.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Reporting now states the 2 dead in Delta Jct. were at a drug treatment facility (hence, 'New Hope Community'; hard to keep track of all of the drug treatment places springing up any more), and the 2 deceased men were trying to convince the shooter to give up his Rx meds and cigarettes. Not clear if the 2 dead were residents/clients, or staff.

Think about that the next time you ask someone for a cigarette, or hassle them about quitting smoking! :)
Here's a picture of a cabin that was on the property before they bought it,burned it down, and built the new hope compound! Lol


Active member
How is that going to work?
How will I know who my enemy is?
When we stop acting like our neighbors and communities are ALL serial killers and actually start saying hello to each other! We are so bogged down in shit loads of Visual and Audio pollution that 90 % of us haven’t even asked our children or wives/husbands how their day was with full attention to their expressions, eyes and even quick visual awareness to their health!
What’s right is wrong, up is down left is turned the globe 6 times and still thinks they’re “coexisting” with the world but it’s really just the likeminded fools they put around the same bullshit ideas making them bitter and bitter so bitter they don’t know the difference between a lemon and a lemon seed!!!! Bunch brats, never lived a hard fucking day in their lives but they want to tell the world that inner city black folk are too stupid to get an I’d! I’ll stop there

moose eater

Well-known member
Holy shit...since I left, my hometown has never made the news for anything good. Not that it was a great place to begin with.
The new hopers used to be one of two religious compound outside of town. Bring in Russian Orthodox immigrants in exchange for years of agricultural servitude and their dividend checks for 10 years or so.
The New Hope folks caught on quickly how to form private non-profits and gain access to grant money for providing services to their own tight-knit community.

There's a Russian community out that way that was notorious for poaching moose and bison, and swapping VIN tags on junked cars, applying them to vehicles that had been deemed 'reconstructs' and selling them as clean titles.

Not sure if that was NH or not.

There's also White Stone. Different group altogether, but religious in nature, and previously owned Tanana Adventure Sports, what was, back then, the local SkiDoo dealership in Big Delta. I think they had some issues involving using religious affiliation as part of avoiding tax liabilities, and married that somehow to the business dealings, which didn't fly well for very long.

During that (brief?) period they offered substantially lower prices on machines than their competitor in Fbks. Which may be where some formal legal complaints or reports came from re. the tax manipulation(?). Don't know for sure..

White Stone was also the folks who brought bedding plants to Fairbanks in the Spring, and sold plants from a visqueen greenhouse set up in the parking lot at Alaska Feed, etc.

There's a whole swath of folks out that way that have a peculiar 'aura' about them, and once you get to Dot Lake, it's more like 'Children of the Corn-ville'.

There was previously (maybe still?) a juvenille facility (group home type set-up) in Dot Lake that garnered some unwanted attention re. quality of care issues, and some of that involved 'religious principles' if I recall correctly..

I got dropped off in Dot Lake across from their cafe/post office decades ago, by a guy driving a cube van and delivering grub to the cafe. I was hitchhiking to the Yukon Territory with my pup (probably Spring of 1987?). The very odd folks there gave the truck driver a ration of shit for leaving a hippie hitchhiker across from their cafe/post office, apparently/reportedly fearing I might come over and beg something from them, or buy a cup of coffee, or something dastardly like that. (*He shared that with me upon his departure from the cafe).

Dot Lake is one place that won a decision/settlement from the Feds re. past testing in that area (I think the testing occurred there in the 1950s, and perhaps early to mid-1960s) of bio and chem weapons. Not uncommon around Delta Jct., either, back in the day, out near the Donnely Dome area and east of Delta Jct., but I believe that Dot Lake's settlement was based on rates of cancer in their community, if I recall correctly.

"Abandoned rotting drums oozing an unknown liquid" would, on rare occasion, be reported to the Army Post at Ft. Greely, some reported as "found protruding from a creek or river bank", east of Delta; such places as the Little Gerstle River, etc., when I was a contractor for Uncle Sam in those days. Also a place I'd once hunted moose briefly on an old Indian Homestead Act tract in that area.

Arctic barley fields, potato farmers, and the wild wood bison herd are mostly what's out that way now..
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Active member
I don't see a civil war. That would involve the national guard, not the public vs public.. You would be fighting the GOV. Are some stupid enough to try this sure lol..

Its the crime and deadly violence that's the prob. Kids today can rob anyone/Store with little consequences. Mass shootings are more common then a JWalking citation.
Do guns kill people? Or do people kill people with weapons?


Well-known member
Do guns kill people? Or do people kill people with weapons?
the bullets fired from guns by homicidal maniacs/people defending themselves kill people. as do knives, cars, rocks...pick your weapon and go for it! get in on the fun before they're all dead...:smoke: so, i'll vote for the second option you provided

moose eater

Well-known member
the bullets fired from guns by homicidal maniacs/people defending themselves kill people. as do knives, cars, rocks...pick your weapon and go for it! get in on the fun before they're all dead...:smoke: so, i'll vote for the second option you provided
Current trial here at the moment re. a fellow killing another in a bar with a hatchet.. Ewww...

(* The Fairbanks Daily News Miner is a paid subscription site, but if you've got a 'hack', tool, whatever... then...
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moose eater

Well-known member
well, they won't let you carry a gun in there. what was he SUPPOSED to do? buy the guy so much beer he died of alcohol poisoning? shit's expensive...:dunno:
I think I'd prefer being shot than chopped. Especially if the hatchet was in the condition most keep theirs'; dull. That would hurt, and the process would last too long.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The New Hope folks caught on quickly how to form private non-profits and gain access to grant money for providing services to their own tight-knit community.

There's a Russian community out that way that was notorious for poaching moose and bison, and swapping VIN tags on junked cars, applying them to vehicles that had been deemed 'reconstructs' and selling them as clean titles.

Not sure if that was NH or not.

There's also White Stone. Different group altogether, but religious in nature, and previously owned Tanana Adventure Sports, what was, back then, the local SkiDoo dealership in Big Delta. I think they had some issues involving using religious affiliation as part of avoiding tax liabilities, and married that somehow to the business dealings, which didn't fly well for very long.

During that (brief?) period they offered substantially lower prices on machines than their competitor in Fbks. Which may be where some formal legal complaints or reports came from re. the tax manipulation(?). Don't know for sure..

White Stone was also the folks who brought bedding plants to Fairbanks in the Spring, and sold plants from a visqueen greenhouse set up in the parking lot at Alaska Feed, etc.

There's a whole swath of folks out that way that have a peculiar 'aura' about them, and once you get to Dot Lake, it's more like 'Children of the Corn-ville'.

There was previously (maybe still?) a juvenille facility (group home type set-up) in Dot Lake that garnered some unwanted attention re. quality of care issues, and some of that involved 'religious principles' if I recall correctly..

I got dropped off in Dot Lake across from their cafe/post office decades ago, by a guy driving a cube van and delivering grub to the cafe. I was htchhiking to the Yukon Territory with my pup (probably Spring of 1987?). The very odd folks there gave the truck driver a ration of shit for leaving a hippie hitchiker across from their cafe/post office, fearing I might come over and beg something from them, or buy a cup of coffee or something dastardly like that. (*He shared that with me upon his departure from the cafe).

Dot Lake is one place that won a decision/settlement from the Feds re. past testing in that area (I think in the testing occurred there in the 1950s, and perhaps early to mid-1960s) of bio and chem weapons. Not uncommmon around Delta Jct., either, back in the day, out near the Donley Dome area and east of Delta Jct. but I believe that Dot Lake's settlement was based on rates of cancer in their community, if I recall correctly.

"Abandoned rotting drums oozing an unknown liquid" would, on rare occasion be reported to the Army Post at Ft. Greely, some reported as "found protruding from a creek or river bank", east of Delta; such places as the Little Gerstle River, etc., when I was a contractor for Uncle Sam in those days. Also a place I'd once hunted moose briefly on an old Indian Homestead Act tract in that area.

Arctic barley fields, potato farmers, and the wild wood bison herd out that way now..
Now that's a walk down memory lane!
I never really realized how fukn crazy that town, and all the people I grew up with were until I'd been gone a couple decades.
And that was BEFORE meth!
I remember when the white stoners showed up. It was a big deal. And it even faster than when the Mormons showed up from Idaho in the early 80s. They assimilated immediately, and due to #'s, immediately improved our sports teams! Lol. Not the white stoners. They didn't mix with anyone. Didn't do business w any locals. Didn't give a fuk. And that didn't sit well for sure.
At one point, our buffalo were the last free roaming herd in north America. Never went far. That government subsidized barley was everywhere!


Fantasy land still open?
Deer hunters from Texas
The viet Cong

Never forget, again, the "spirit" of the vast majority of the Donnie Bois.

But let's play it out a bit from a different perspective

Let's say the "guerilla revolutionary war fighters" take their call of duty experience and somehow manage to start a civil war...lol...they aren't just fighting the US government. They are fighting veterans, they are fighting veterans who THOUGHT they were gonna be on the side of the bubba brigades, but when shit goes down are reminded their oath is for life. And miss me with what % of the military will be on "your side" because if shit got real, a whole lot who considered being traitors will snap back to reality when it goes down. Then there is probably the most important sector: civilians. Now, you can joke about killing people w man buns all you want, but remember: the "leftists" or whatever y'all refer to them as nowadays are the ones who will be defending their adopted homeland, not the bubba brigades. Bubba be the anti Americans.

Fever dreams. But I get it. I'm exactly like bubbas. Y'all fantasize about killing men like me. Men like me have already proven ourselves. Bring your treasonous asses on. I double traitor dare you. Lololol😂
I think u might be a little confused the people u refer to as traitors are the ones that are actually trying to keep USA great , the man bun lefties that are currently trying to turn our country communist/socialist are the enemy of the usa , I also find it fascinating u think if a civil war ever broke out (not going to happen) the man bun crew would have military support...lol . It's true the military would uphold the oath and that is not the side of the usa hating man bun lefties that would eventually hide when the shooting started . I read your comments and think this guy must be trolling out of boredom saying the opposite of everything true just for laughs


Well-known member
I think u might be a little confused the people u refer to as traitors are the ones that are actually trying to keep USA great , the man bun lefties that are currently trying to turn our country communist/socialist are the enemy of the usa , I also find it fascinating u think if a civil war ever broke out (not going to happen) the man bun crew would have military support...lol . It's true the military would uphold the oath and that is not the side of the usa hating man bun lefties that would eventually hide when the shooting started . I read your comments and think this guy must be trolling out of boredom saying the opposite of everything true just for laughs
It's possible we all disagree on what a great USA looks like.

It would be great if we took the lead in protecting human rights, education, diversity, health care, environmental issues and so on.

Three Berries

Active member
2nd amendment is meant to protect us from tyrants and personal harm. If you don't like it then there are plenty of places to go .

Illinois went over the edge, though I think it's to force the issue at the SCOTUS. They outlawed some 200+ guns and magazines. The sheriffs for the most part said they would not enforce it as it's so obviously unconstitutional.

But getting guns out of our hands isn't about protecting you or me. it's about removing the ability for you to do anything about political corruption and tyranny.

The mass shootings are orchestrated for the most part. The immediate call for gun control every time by the paid off politicians is a sure sign if you can see.

The Dem lead metropolitan areas is where the gun problem is. It's gonna be hell when the power fails there.

The law prohibits individuals from purchasing certain semi-automatic weapons in Illinois and requires a gun registry no later than Jan. 1, 2024. Magazines of more than 10 rounds for rifles and 15 rounds for handguns are also banned. Multiple lawsuits in both state and federal court have been filed challenging the law and seeking to block further implementation. Niemerg is a plaintiff in one of the state-level cases where a temporary restraining order ruling could be issued in the days ahead.

Crawford County Sherriff William Rutan said he would not enforce the measure.

"We feel this law that has recently passed is unconstitutional, and we are not going to enforce any of that law," Rutan said Wednesday.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
We have Russians here that came over in the 90s. Poor stupid Soviets. They've never learned to speak English, are 90 now and have dimentia and Alzheimer's. I love people but I just hate the Russians. Whittles vampire stakes.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
The world watches the tragic yet predictable consequences of the USA's deeply embedded gun culture - and shakes its head in disbelief !
Looking at it from the outside... it's batshit crazy !
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