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September 11, 2001 - Never Forget..


Well-known member
More sneaky and cowardly than the nukes we dropped on Japan's civilians or less???
we had been at war for several years when we did that. like it or not, it saved the lives of countless thousands of US military men that would have been lost if we had to physically invade Japan. Japan COULD have surrendered after the first one was dropped...then the SECOND shoe hit the floor.


Well-known member
Thank you.

It's always so horrible when it happens to us (and, I agree, it is). But we never consider how horrible it was when we did it to half the world. I watched the death of many many many women and children at the hands of American democracy.

"half of the world" ? waving a pretty big paint brush, there... hyperbole suitable for usage by The Chumps speechwriters.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I still can't believe the US government didn't have any intelligence or warnings out about hijackers. How could this have happened??????

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
we had been at war for several years when we did that. like it or not, it saved the lives of countless thousands of US military men that would have been lost if we had to physically invade Japan. Japan COULD have surrendered after the first one was dropped...then the SECOND shoe hit the floor.
Fact: If USA didn't nuke Japan we would have been looking at a war going into the 1960s and an American death toll over 1 million, as estimates have it.
Fire! To begin whipping dance of the dead! Blackened is the end!


Well-known member
Fact: If USA didn't nuke Japan we would have been looking at a war going into the 1960s and an American death toll over 1 million, as estimates have it.
Fire! To begin whipping dance of the dead! Blackened is the end!
i don't think it would have lasted THAT long, but it did shorten the war tremendously. military estimates (depending on how the civilians resisted the invasion) were a million GIs & possibly as many as 27 million Japanese, compared to the est 214,000 that died immediately, plus all that died from the effects of the radiation over the years. nowhere NEAR 27 million...

St. Phatty

Active member
I still can't believe the US government didn't have any intelligence or warnings out about hijackers. How could this have happened??????

They had LOADS of warnings. Literally, Hundreds of Warnings from other countries' intelligence services.

US Senator Al Franken states clearly in his Autobiography: he and New York Mayor Ed Koch had certain foreknowledge of 9-11. Former NYC Mayor Koch warned Senator Franken not to go to work at his office at the World Trade Center.

"One of the widely disseminated stories was that no SWEJ died in the collapse of the Trade Towers because they had received calls telling them not to go to work that day.

To tell you the truth, I got the SWEJ call. I had an office in the Trade Center where I used to do most of my writing. The call came from former New York mayor Ed Koch. "Al," he told me, "don't go to work on the twenty-third day of Elul."

Looks like they didn't try too hard to warn the 2900+ Gentile Americans that were Murdered on 9-11.
In the week after 9-11, the San Francisco Chronicle had a news article stating that California Politician Willie Brown ALSO received a phone call warning him not to fly on 9-11.

So much for the Official US Government Conspiracy Theory re 9-11.
They said they didn't know ... THEY KNEW.

The Short Version: Israel did 9-11, with help from Saudi Arabia & Israel Supporters in the United States Government.


The photo showing Molten Steel leaking out of the bottom of the World Trade Center building was taken from street level by a local New York City TV camera-man, at 9:54 AM on 9-11.

If you think talking about 9-11 is Disrepectful to the 9-11 families, talk to Kristen Breitweiser, Founder and Co-Chairperson, September 11th Advocates, and Member, 9/11 Family Steering Committee.

Some Books to Read -

1. "Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil"
by LAPD Detective, Michael Ruppert.
2. "Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed The World"
by Author & Historian, Christopher Bollyn.
3. US Senator Al Franken gave his Autobiography a Very Strange Name, Reminiscent of Martin Luther's Famous Book, "On the Jews and their Lies."
Senator Franken named his book, "Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them."
Obviously, Mr. Franken needs to be put Under Oath - or injected with Sodium Pentothal - and asked about his obvious Public Foreknowledge of 9-11.
And why he gave his book such a strange name.
Does this US Senator think that 9-11 is a Joking Matter ?


  • aMolten-Steel - Copy.jpg
    aMolten-Steel - Copy.jpg
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Active member
I think hes referring to the DC attack on the Pentagon and the 360 move required

And approach so low it took out light poles

These were witness by cab driver that morning

911 is complex series event

We will never know because not enough people want to know

Once things got heated and petition gained traction in 2011 for an investigation

Bin laden was killed once and forever ending any further "debate" on 911

I think the initial interview they had on tape with Bin laden was translated incorrectly

There is a rabbit hole a mile deep here

moose eater

Well-known member
the various "intelligence" agencies were not talking to each other, no "team" in "I". there WERE hints...:wallbash:
GW Bush and team had been given a report(s) about 2 months before the towers were struck, stating they had intercepted chatter re. civilian aircraft being used as missiles.

Government incompetence was a greater factor than there not being a report. And GW's folks had the report well in advance. Just lacked specifics. Yet they did nothing to really tighten aircraft security before the fact.
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Well-known member
The saying goes there is no "I" in "team". Have a :smoker: and :smoke out:
yes, i know. i just thought my take on it fit the situation better. too often, groups that SHOULD be sharing intelligence do not because of desire to be the hero. territorial jealousy etc...cops do ignorant shit like that all of the time, federal agencies wrestling over credit, control, and funding make local LEO look like Boy Scouts...

St. Phatty

Active member

It was an inside job. Plenty of people knew it was coming, but all warnings were ignored. The real culprits are known but remain free to this day.



Dr. Alan Sabrosky, who is Jewish and also was an instructor at the Army War College at the Pentagon, simply says: "Israel did 9 11"

Of course it was a many-faceted attack. It could not have succeeded on any normal day, because Standard Operating Procedure is for Air Force to scramble fighter jets into the air QUICKLY.

On any other day, American Airlines Flight 11, and United Airlines Flight 175, the 2 planes out of Boston that struck the WTC 1 & 2, would have been shot down or forced to deviate from their flight path towards New York City.

But there were 5+ military exercises - managed out of the Vice President's office - on 9-11, that had the effect of pulling all available fighter's away from the Boston-New York City flight corridor.

2 STRANGE coincidences -
* most military exercises ever, in the same day
* managed out of Vice President's office - which has never happened before or since.

9-11 was a day of numerous statistical singularity's.

One of the reasons it succeeds - in the general public - is that Americans are weak at math & science. Related to A&W's discontinuance of the 1/3 pound burger. 1/2 of the public thought the 1/4 pounder had more meat.



Well-known member
jet fuel can't melt steel (under ordinary circumstances. if exposed in the flame of an engine, yes, but not open air), but that is not necessary to collapse a tower. it only needs to get it hot to the point that its structural integrity is sufficiently compromised & will no longer support the weight on it. this picture is clearly cut with a torch using acetylene/oxygen. structural steel buckles at a much lower temp if constrained, it did not need to melt in order to fail & fall.

St. Phatty

Active member

That is a great pic. Thanks for posting it !

Where did you get it ? Bollyn's book I think only has the one post showing molten steel leaking out of the bottom of WTC 1 or 2 a few minutes before the first building collapse.

Most of the pictures you see in the news archives, of pieces of the WTC building frame, show precision cut pieces of steel building frame.
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Well-known member
Doesn't radiation last for millions of years?
How come Hiroshima and Nagasaki are occupied, shouldn't they be wastelands now?
Maybe they weren't fission nukes that were used but thermonukes?
different types of radiation have vastly different half-lives. Little Boy and Fat Man were two different types, one uranium, the other plutonium. Little Boy shot a uranium "bullet" into a larger ball of uranium. Fat Man was a ball of plutonium compressed from all sides instantaneously by surrounding explosives.