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Golden Tiger


Active member
Thanks for the advice everyone. I held off on cutting down the Malawis. I really don't know what I'm doing at this part of the grow. Reflowering is a thing? What should I be looking at? Do the bracts or calyxes open more?

Anyway, here are pics of my Thai GT. One of the meristems got just a little more light than the surrounding ones and began to shoot out nodes and bracts. I stopped this because I just want this grow to finish. I wonder if I could have moved the lights closer to trigger more shooting and grow the buds out another 12". Does anyone do that?

These are last week though. They seem a bit fuller this week.

Just thinking out loud here: Should I graft all of my clones back onto this root stock? Should I do it now, before I harvest the buds? Or at the same time? If I dry on racks, I could just snip the buds off the plant. Then I could graft my clones to stems of the same size. Is there anything to be gained here?

Hi. I see extremely fertilized plants there. The result is exactly the appearance of the flowers. It is sparse and the flowers seem to be mutated. So the flowers do something between a male and a female. Basically hermaphrodic clusters. They are also literally dry in consistency and there is much less resin. But maybe I'm wrong ... but my experience says exactly what I'm describing.
GT really likes clean water. Of course they need nutrition, but next time I would be very careful with fertilizing. These are my observations when I see it. Maybe someone will correct me or confirm the condition of your plants.
This browning of the pistils is also a premature phenomenon caused by an inappropriate level of nutrition. The abundance of single-bladed leaves is also proof of this.


New member
Hi. I see extremely fertilized plants there. The result is exactly the appearance of the flowers. It is sparse and the flowers seem to be mutated. So the flowers do something between a male and a female. Basically hermaphrodic clusters. They are also literally dry in consistency and there is much less resin. But maybe I'm wrong ... but my experience says exactly what I'm describing.
GT really likes clean water. Of course they need nutrition, but next time I would be very careful with fertilizing. These are my observations when I see it. Maybe someone will correct me or confirm the condition of your plants.
This browning of the pistils is also a premature phenomenon caused by an inappropriate level of nutrition. The abundance of single-bladed leaves is also proof of this.

Wow! Okay, I have read a lot of stuff about growing weed and feel like I know everything until I hear stuff like this. Thank you so much for your observations. Where else can I learn about things like this? I guess it would help if I ever grew a male plant.

Ur Humbl Nr8tor

Well-known member
Getting into the cure.


Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Well, another week has flown by!. The weather remain,s good, although as is usual for in the moutains at this time of year, the wind is a pain and really blows some days. Yesterday it was strong and we drove to the coast to watch the waves and the surfers trying to catch them. On the way home we took a detour and visited some friends and enjoyed thier hospitality and some good "mordern style" weed; Nice, but not really my cup of tea. Give me some GT anyday over morden style hybrids!

Talking of GT. Last wednesday we decieded to take down half of her and most of that is already made into cobs! I've kept a few choice colas for smoking/vapping, although my intention is to atempt to stop combustion altogether (fingers crossed) once i have a good selection of cobs nicely mature. My will leave the rest going for a little while longer yet,while the weather holds out.





She looks a bit of a mess from the battering of the wind, but the buds appear to be undamaged. The smell is no longer pineapple, more Guava and wet paint! The cobs that i've made smell like English seaside rock (a very sweet, tooth breaking childs sweet).

See you all next week for another update.


New member
Day 65 pics. I had microscope video but couldn't upload it.

Malawi GT:


Split the trunk on the Thai GT during low stress training. There was low risk of infection and no loss of water pathways so I just left it:

The Malawi GT grows bulbous nodes. I wonder if it has to do with the flow of auxins building up at intersections:

Thai GT:


The ScrOG:

Science is nowhere close to being able to accurately describe smells. There are two parts to smelling: There is a complex array of sensors of various sizes and shapes that can detect different molecules, their rate of spin, their polarities, vibrations, pH, water content, etc.; and then there is a database in our brains where those combinations of sensations can be looked up and compared to our favorite foods and farts. It's lucky when we smell something and it is very reminiscent to a food we've eaten. But beyond food, it seems that we gave up on our ability to interpret the various odors we encounter. I suggest coming up with different sensations to describe what we are smelling. Words like acrid, effervescent, fleeting, pungent, fizzy, itchy, ticklish... Maybe in the future children will learn to communicate smells to each other the way they learn to read in classrooms. Imagine reading the recipe for a smell, understanding it, and being able to experience that smell in your mind.

Anyway, I can't do that. The smell is fleeting though. I can sniff it strong when I first come through the door, but then it's gone. No matter how much air I draw into my nose, or how closely I sniff the flowers, it's gone. I would say it has a pungent, sweet, herby scent to it. Maybe a little anise too.


New member
I forgot to add that these were grown in mostly 80°F, 45% RH conditions. That might account for the condition they are in. My nutrient water EC has been about 2,000 for most of the grow. I'm flushing them now and they are down to about 1,000.

Advice on when to harvest is much appreciated. I'm looking for the brightest and most energetic experience, so I'm leaning toward an early harvest. I have very little experience with this part of the grow. I have a Malawi bud that's been drying for about 5 days. I smoked a bud off of it and I think it knocked me out for a little bit. I hope the curing process does something to wake me up.

So the best way to smell this bud is when you get it into a jar. Gently crushing the buds releases lots of aromas that aren't as fleeting as the grow room smell. The smell in the jar tickles the front of the sinuses and has a fruity berry scent combined with lemongrass. It could smell like any sliced fruit like a grapefruit, mango, or pineapple. It must get its sweetness from ethylene gasses being released as the buds rapidly mature to their end of life. I'll bet the sweetness goes away after awhile leaving us with lemongrass.







New member
Talking of GT. Last wednesday we decieded to take down half of her and most of that is already made into cobs! I've kept a few choice colas for smoking/vapping, although my intention is to atempt to stop combustion altogether (fingers crossed) once i have a good selection of cobs nicely mature. My will leave the rest going for a little while longer yet,while the weather holds out.

She looks a bit of a mess from the battering of the wind, but the buds appear to be undamaged. The smell is no longer pineapple, more Guava and wet paint! The cobs that i've made smell like English seaside rock (a very sweet, tooth breaking childs sweet).

See you all next week for another update.

What is a cob? I need a method that doesn't involve smoking, but still bypasses my digestive system. Edibles and vapes don't seem to have much effect on me.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
What is a cob? I need a method that doesn't involve smoking, but still bypasses my digestive system. Edibles and vapes don't seem to have much effect on me.

search for Malawi Cob Curing by Tangwena.
can be smoked or eaten once cured. Great long term storage method with a unique effect on good buds.

If you don’t want edibles or smoke I don’t think Cobs will help you out any though. It definitely smoothes out the smoke considerably in my experience with them so far.


Active member
What is a cob? I need a method that doesn't involve smoking, but still bypasses my digestive system. Edibles and vapes don't seem to have much effect on me.

How high is your tolerance? What type of vape did you try? There's a few things to vaping I've noticed:

- best to avoid excess leaf as it doesn't create much/any vapour.
- it's important that you grind the weed to the correct consistency so it can produce vapour efficiently and not block the device's airflow (if too finely ground).
- with vaping it's easy to forget to inhale your hits properly as it can feel similar to just drinking from a straw or something. I definitely noticed this when I first started vaping.
- I prefer to run my vape around 185C where I believe 175C is the minimum for THC conversion

I use a Mighty from Storz & Bickel, it works very well and definitely gets me high AF... I'm someone who has higher tolerance than anyone I've ever met pretty much and I found the transition to vaping fine [but as above you have to pay a bit more attention to how you vape, compared to smoking where provided you create smoke you're good to go].

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hi Hartlus , I'm guessing you've looked at the Cob thread by now. Cob made from good weed will get you as high as F... .

But as Subu says above, use a good vape and follow his advice. When i first tried vapping i wasn't impressed but since I've got the hang of it, it's a awesome way to get high, but eating cob will get you far higher; In fact it's more like tripping!.


Active member
What is a cob? I need a method that doesn't involve smoking, but still bypasses my digestive system. Edibles and vapes don't seem to have much effect on me.

I'm pretty sure you will get high as a kite vaping, try any dynavap vaporizer or Sticky Brick, I smoked for 30 years and cut around 4 years back, since I discover DYnavap Vapcap, I only chillum time to time, but 99% is vaping and I'm not gonna come back for nothing.


Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
What is a cob? I need a method that doesn't involve smoking, but still bypasses my digestive system. Edibles and vapes don't seem to have much effect on me.

Hartlus, my friend, eating cob is not like eating "space cakes" or such like. I guarantee you, that if you eat 1gm of well aged cob, you will be exceptionally high. If that doesn't work, then get youself out to Southern Spain and your welcome to half of this years harvest! Eating cobbed weed is the way to go. This morning Mrs Del Monte ate 0.13gm and is still high 10hrs later, but not monged out as you would expect from "normal" edibles after so many hours.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Well this is just great!
All my tents are full and on 12/12 cycle and NOW one of my GTs decides it's a male 😢
I might have jumped the gun thinking I could tell the difference when they were young but learnt my lesson now
I don't want to risk turning the rest so I guess it will have to come out
Left rear is the male
Pegs are to close the wounds from keeping the height down



I have 6 remaining seeds so I might be able to have another go after I refill the jars :)


New member
Hi Hartlus , I'm guessing you've looked at the Cob thread by now.

This thread keeps blowing my mind. I have never in my life heard of making, smoking, or eating cobs. So, from what I've gathered, cobbing basically wet-cures your weed and decarbs it in the process. Wrap the buds in oven paper, vacuum seal in plastic bags, and sous vide for 2 days at 40°C. Then dry 80%, reseal for a month, open and reseal for another 2 months.

I'm a little apprehensive though. Are we making what I call pot-pourri? That's weed that's gone bad in my opinion. It will still get you high, but often with a powerful headache that makes it not worth it. I call it pot-pourri because it stops smelling like cannabis and starts smelling like dried flowers. Perhaps the headache and smell comes if you have an actual mold infection. He talks about fermentation. Are we intentionally growing bacteria in our buds? I'll have to read the rest of that 322 page thread. I'll probably wind up cobbing half of it.

I try to smoke as little as possible these days. Just a hit or two throughout the day between tasks. There is something wrong with my body. A science lady on TikTok said that if edibles don't work on you, it might have something to do with your liver. The best I can hope to get from an edible is to eat so many that I get sleepy. I thought at first maybe it was because edibles tend to be made from hash plants chosen for bulk production, but I also made some brownies from good sativa that didn't do a thing to me. I ate half a try and left the rest on the stove to throw away. One of my girlfriends accidentally ate two small pieces and got so high she had to throw up. I have not had luck with vaping other distilled or refined products like wax or shatter. It's lead me to believe that there is something about the other terpenes and cannabinoids in dry flower that I need.

The doctor wants me to quit smoking weed. It's specifically the smoking that they want me to stop. Shoot. It's starting to sound like my best shot is to shove a GT cob up my ass. That's the most flower I can get in my system and still bypass the liver.

Anyway, someone please tell me how close this is to harvest. And what kind of pics do you need to tell?:





It's day 72, but can you tell?

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Looks about done to me and will make a fine smoke (or cob). You could take her down now but she'll go a while yet if you let her and produce a more powerful smoke. Perhaps take half now and half in another couple of weeks or more.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Hartlus, looks ripe enough to me from here if you are looking for the most up cerebral effects and lesser body heaviness.
But Golden Tiger is probably not your strain if you are looking for a gentle uplifting effect, GT is usually overpowering and trips you out with a very strong, dense and long lasting trip.

Hombre del mont, i also see yours ripe enough, at least for my taste. We very seldom need to bring GT up to December even with the longer flowering phenos, but you have enough experience with GT to know when is your preferable moment to harvest this strain, and a late harvest will add even more raw potency.

Hombre del mont

Dr of Stupidity
Hombre del mont, i also see yours ripe enough, at least for my taste. We very seldom need to bring GT up to December even with the longer flowering phenos.

She came down last wednesday. a few small buds that wouldn't hang up got placed on shelf above the estufa. I smoked some yesterday with a little scissor hash; I was anxoius for 20minutes or so and tippy high for 4 hrs before i smoked anything else. really good weed but not for someone inexperienced. Once it's curred, it'll be better than last years, which was taken a bit eatrly due to an impending storm. It's too powerful for regular everyday wake and bake smoking, unless your happy to be insanely high all day. Thankfully I'm retirred and my wife is used to me being in a altered state most of the time.


These are my 4 Golden Tigers in flower. Seeds were from 2017. They were all put under 12/12 mid-september but i switched to 11/13 maybe 10 days later as i could tell the one with the christmas tree kind of shape wasnt going to flower. That's the pheno i got the first time i ran one GT plant and it never flowered after almost a month of 12/12 and i ended up with an enormous plant lol. Again this run even after switching to 11/13 that christmas tree pheno took her time so she is behind the other three.

I underestimated once again just how vigorous these plants are, i flowered them in 1 gallon pots along with a few others that turned out to be male and a bunch of Zamaldelicas in another tent. They still grew as tall as me and the christmas tree pheno i had to top after a couple weeks in flower as it was outgrowing the light. They ended up in 2 gallon early after switching to flower.

Unfortunately i got lazy and complacent this summer and ended up with powdery mildew in my 3rd tent. I'd never dealt with pm before and panicked and basically tore down my 3rd tent and only kept the GTs and Zamaldelicas that were in veg at the time. All the Zamaldelicas unfortunately showed signs of pm so i tossed them but most GTs didn't so i took a chance flowering them out before i take down the remaining tents and clean everything thoroughly.

Now that i'm nearing the finish line for a couple plants, these are the remaining 4. First pheno has the smallest buds, a whispy structure of bracket clusters but has a different smell than the others, very sweet floral and candy like. It is the fastest finisher of the lot as it is looking like a couple weeks away.

Second and 3rd pheno are pretty similar, large dense main cola, smell like wood/spice/musky/resinous. Should be ready a bit later than pheno 1. More weight on pheno 3.

4th pheno is the christmas tree structure and very similar to the one i grew before. I have a gram remaining from 18 months ago and it just got stronger over time.

Very curious to see the difference in efffects on these 4. Also if anyone has a recommendation for dealing with powdery mildew. I figure i don't have a choice but taking everything down and cleaning every single surface in my place and grow equipment but i'm afraid that won't be enough as it can be very hard to clean the inside of fans and stuff like a dehumidifier.


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A few more pictures earlier in the grow


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