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The Haze discussion thread

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Interesting comment Chi and i find these comment offensive.

There is a game being played out here at my expense by a few of you and i am not the only member of this forum to see it others are to and have brought it up with me in privet.

I have spent years doing detailed grow threads and helping many growers out.

What have you done ?.

Hempy, what on earth do you find offensive about that? If you take offense at people simply disagreeing with you in a polite way, then frankly that is your problem. It's a forum for exchange of views. For the last time, I am not personally attacking you, nor am I playing any games at your expense. I enjoy a lot of what you post and have "liked" plenty of them. However, if I see what I think is misinformation then I will comment on it.

What have I done? Not that this is any of your business, but I have done quite a bit trying to get cannabis legalised, lobbied politicians, sent letters to politicians, signed petitions, and am a member of a cannabis legalisation party. Donated time, money, and helped those in need in other ways for free.
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Well-known member
Interesting to see a Haze hybrid in the greenhouse.Are those Gavita lights BTW?
Gavita in pics of CBD haze hybrid in low tech side when we had light supplementation there, and nanolux in the high tech house..The nanolux are square sine wave low frequency ballasts, superior to the older high frequency sine wave digitals that gavita has, and the gavita greenhouse fixtures also are not dimmable, the nanolux are and because of the square sine wave can take CMH or MH or whichever DE bulbs you throw at it, gavita not.


Well-known member
Back to haze...LOL I'm a long time lurker on Hempy's thread I am well aware of everyone jumping down his throat when his opinion differs from theirs ..Sometimes he is probably wrong, but everyone is probably sometimes wrong...no reason for everyone to get in a huff...
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Active member
Gavita in pics of CBD haze hybrid in low tech side when we had light supplementation there, and nanolux in the high tech house..The nanolux are square sine wave low frequency ballasts, superior to the older high frequency sine wave digitals that gavita has, and the gavita greenhouse fixtures also are not dimmable, the nanolux are and because of the square sine wave can take CMH or MH or whichever DE bulbs you throw at it, gavita not.

CMH light is also interesting to use besides good led lights.Does the glass in your greenhouse penetrates UVb btw?


Well-known member
Its normal greenhouse diffused plastic film and yes it does let UV through, doesn't have the "anti-virus" film which is the UV blocking bit..
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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I use both CMH/LED in flower. Veg is all CMH. With LED the temps need to be higher. Everyone I've seen swap to all LED had to add heat.


The Haze Whisperer
Here is a pic of one of Shanti Greenhouses in Switzerland full of Nevil's Haze.

I remember having an interesting conversation with Shanti about the differences of growing in a Greenhouse to indoors to outdoors all different.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Here is a pic of one of Shanti Greenhouses in Switzerland full of Nevil's Haze.

I remember having an interesting conversation with Shanti about the differences of growing in a Greenhouse to indoors to outdoors all different.

Beautiful grow. Do you know if they were clones or from seed? Can you tell us what Shanti said about the differences in greenhouse, outdoors and indoors are?

Dare I say, looks like an example of a successful un-defoliated commercial grow.


The Haze Whisperer
Maybe you could tell us all how you would achieve any type of leaf thinning or removal with out causing massive amounts of damage to the plants as they are so tightly packed in ?.

They are clones being grown in the Greenhouses people dont tend to run seed in commercial Greenhouses unless they are running seed to make selections.

And no i wont be shearing to much more.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
Metabolic imbalance :)

"The question arises of whether removing entire limbs constitutes a shock to the growing plant, possibly limiting its ultimate size. It seems in this case that shock is minimized by removing entire limbs, including propor- tional amounts of stems, leaves, meristems, and flowers; this probably results in less metabolic imbalance than if only flowers, leaves, or meristems were removed. Also, the lower limbs are usually very small and seem of little signifi- cance in the metabolism of the total plant. In large plants, many limbs near the central stalk also become shaded and atrophied and these are also sometimes removed in an effort to increase the yield of large floral clusters on the sunny ex"

RCC's Marijuana Botany ^^ :)


Well-known member
Deer been topping my plants for years :D perfectly natural
Many things have been learned from natural processes in the past, cant argue with nature :bashhead:
The plants natural response to pruning is to produce more:snap out of it:

plants even self defoliate by dropping leaves...
been out from the haze lounge bouta week now, the last few pages have been a chuckle to browse,
I really enjoy the the sharing of ideas and all the different perspectives makes for a keen experience
the pictures grows and citations are great thx for sharing the facts

My only question is who got the haze? :) :dunno: got haze?


Active member
Beautiful grow. Do you know if they were clones or from seed? Can you tell us what Shanti said about the differences in greenhouse, outdoors and indoors are?

Dare I say, looks like an example of a successful un-defoliated commercial grow.

In the greenhouse were clones as you can see how uniform these plants are.In the greenhouse you don't have any UVb light from the sun, when grown outdoors and indoors it depends what kind of light you use.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Glass roof greenhouses with the right panels(quartz) will pass through UVB. If normal window glass is used it's blocked. All HPS,MH, and CMH bulbs use quartz.


The Haze Whisperer
light is divided into three classifications called UV-A, UV-B, and UV-C.

Standard window glass, according to the International Ultraviolet Association, will allow UV-A to pass through while almost 100% of the UV-B and UV-C light is blocked.

UV-A radiation (from 315 to 420 nm) - Barely visible to the human eye, UV-A has the longest wavelength, is the least harmful to the human eye and is the most efficient. Most of the UV-A radiation emitted from the sun passes through the ozone layer and, thus, it is the most abundant form of ultraviolet

UV-B radiation (from 280nm to 315nm) - Primarily used within water sterilisation and decontamination, ensuring that mould and spores do not grow on plants. This is done by limiting bacteria in the water that moulds and spores would usually cling to and develop from.

UV-C radiation (typically below 280nm) - These wavelengths are usually filtered out through the ozone layer and are not usually present in sunlight. However, with the correct doses, UV-C can in fact increase the growth of plants. This wavelength ensures that pesticides and moulds that can be found during plant growth are limited/killed off, allowing the plant to flourish in optimal growing conditions.

The inclusion of UV-C within horticultural LED grow lights will enable plants to increase their height. However, you do need to be very careful with UV-C as typically, if overdosed, the plant can actually be stunted in growth. It is recommended a dose no higher than 15 minutes per week is applied. This is recommended for all plant growth (including trees)

Glass Greenhouses work very well.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Bynest that OH looks like it needs to be chopped. When I see a fair amount of milky resin, which starts on the larger leaves, I chop. Nice pics and plants.
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