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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I don't know much more about it at this time, but I'll be paying attention, as I don't think it was merely an "accidental" shooting. Also, the entire fakenews mainstream media is pushing a 'talking point.' The so-called "prop gun." They know that a 'prop gun' is a fake gun. They are trying to push the idea that this was just "human error" by a "nobody" in production. They also tend to keep leaving out the fact that Baldwin was the Executive Producer of this film.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Thank you minds_I, :tiphat:

I've used a tent many years ago when I had lesser growing skills and lighting options weren't what they are now. Tents are great! If you have room for a tent you can definitely grow nice sativas, I bet. There are some awesome grow videos on youtube and actually Optic LED has some great videos featuring these Optic 1 and 1XLs in tents (if I recall correctly).

Grow my Sativas outdoors year round. They flower when they want to.


Well-known member

"Quote" still not functioning.

https://www.icmag.com/forum/talk-abo...4515#post17974 515

"Looks like adults who were bullies enjoy it still as adults"

What I've discovered is that those who bully others, generally have largely inflated egos
intended to cover the fact that they have a very fragile sense of self... ie: low self esteem.

I commend Hempy for remaining a constant gentleman while handling the onslaught of personal attacks aimed to insult and demean him;
always with the utmost class.
It is an art of grace to remain unruffled while under constant attack, in this world of small minded,
loud mouth _______________'s (enter Samuel L. Jackson explicative expletive here).
Being only a practicing and oft faltering student of life; I continuously strive towards a point where I may achieve a modicum
of that same patience, style and grace.

imi's :tiphat:'s off to ya Hempy. Also... congrat's for bringing those sat's to harvest, good on you. Another project that takes great patience aye? :)
Last edited:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What did he know? And, when did he know it??


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Some good ol' propaganda...

COVID Pandemic May Have Driven a Flu Strain Into Extinction


Or, maybe the flu did not vanish, but flu surveillance 'went extinct' when the fraudulent PCR testing was rolled out and the CDC announced that they would halt flu surveillance due to complications associated with the COVID-19 "pandemic." Could all those COVID cases really have been the flu (like Hempy predicted)? If you can drive the flu to extinction by simply stopping surveillance, could that same strategy be used to combat COVID? If we stop testing for COVID, will COVID go away?? (Hempy says "yes").


Well-known member
It's now legal drive into protestors in conservative states.

You only want to complain when it happens to your side?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Some good ol' propaganda...

COVID Pandemic May Have Driven a Flu Strain Into Extinction


Or, maybe the flu did not vanish, but flu surveillance 'went extinct' when the fraudulent PCR testing was rolled out and the CDC announced that they would halt flu surveillance due to complications associated with the COVID-19 "pandemic." Could all those COVID cases really have been the flu (like Hempy predicted)? If you can drive the flu to extinction by simply stopping surveillance, could that same strategy be used to combat COVID? If we stop testing for COVID, will COVID go away?? (Hempy says "yes").

Speaking of propaganda, I've noticed it being employed in TV shows [watched in my braindead] periods] There was an episode where NCIS LA arrested a retired general supporting a militia group. Reminds me of the propaganda from the 60s.

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