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Matt Gaetz under investigation for alleged relationship with 17yr old


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Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), a close ally of former President Trump, is under investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) over an alleged sexual relationship he had with a 17-year-old girl, according to The New York Times.

Investigators are examining whether the congressman has violated federal sex trafficking laws by paying for the girl to travel with him, sources told the Times.

The sources said the probe was opened under former Attorney General William Barr in the final months of the Trump administration and that senior DOJ officials in Washington, D.C., were alerted to the existence of the investigation.

The examination of the 38-year-old congressman’s alleged personal relationship is reportedly part of a larger probe into Gaetz’s political ally and former local Florida tax collector Joel Greenberg, who faces charges of sex trafficking a child and providing payment to people, including at least one female minor, in exchange for sex.

A photo posted to Twitter in 2019 showed Greenberg, who has since resigned from his Seminole County post, visiting the White House with Gaetz.

Greenberg pleaded not guilty to the charges last year and is scheduled to appear in an Orlando court in June. The former Florida official was sent to jail earlier this month for violating the terms of his bail, the Times reported.

No charges have been filed against Gatez, according to the Times, and the details on how he met the girl involved in the alleged relationship were not immediately clear.

In an interview with the Times, Gaetz said his lawyers had been in contact with the DOJ and were notified that the congressman was the subject of a probe, not the target of one.

“I only know that it has to do with women,” Gaetz told the Times. “I have a suspicion that someone is trying to recategorize my generosity to ex-girlfriends as something more untoward.”

lmao hey 'Boogieman' what did i tell ya bout this guy

Middle aged men with perverse sexual proclivities....no fuken way:party:


Well-known member
Middle aged men with perverse sexual proclivities....no fuken way:party:

perverse? oh have times changed
no pedophile in the strict sense
but society's values have changed, under 18 and you take a fall(if you're caught in some places)
now I will give you such attraction likely falls under normal in the evolutionary sense
but time moves on, things change
time to pay the piper


Well-known member
Middle aged men with perverse sexual proclivities....no fuken way:party:

perverse sexual proclivity would be having your balls stomped on by a dominatrix in high heels while wearing a spandex mr gimp suit.

banging 16-17yr olds and possibly doing cocaine with them is straight up predatory ILLEGAL shit.


Active member
perverse sexual proclivity would be having your balls stomped on by a dominatrix in high heels while wearing a spandex mr gimp suit.

banging 16-17yr olds and possibly doing cocaine with them is straight up predatory ILLEGAL shit.

He probably one of many in politics


Well-known member
He probably one of many in politics

you can literally flow chart the political responses of further right thinkers
'they all do it' is always there
also much used by amateur lawyers defending themselves
the legal system can't operate that way

I'll reuse an old bible tale but retold with a more practical twist
A man(and also a judge) comes upon a mob getting ready to stone a harlot
as in other versions he asks those without sin to cast the first stone
eyes averted they drop their stones in shame
he then grabs a large stone from the ground, whirls and brings it down upon the woman's head
kills her instantly
he turns back to the stunned crowd - 'like you I am not without sin, but if we allowed only the perfect to judge the law the law would soon be dead and soon after it our city'

2nd time with this parable, but it's not bad


Well-known member
it seems to me that he took it upon himself to be judge, jury, and executioner, without even having a trial. how elegant & simple...i bet it would catch on.


Well-known member
it seems to me that he took it upon himself to be judge, jury, and executioner, without even having a trial. how elegant & simple...i bet it would catch on.

back in days of old justice was often dispensed quickly
when you think how life was it just couldn't be any other way
we're still sorting out how to dispense justice in a more timely fashion


Well-known member


Well-known member
back in days of old justice was often dispensed quickly
when you think how life was it just couldn't be any other way
we're still sorting out how to dispense justice in a more timely fashion

i give not a single shit about "timely"; i'm more interested in "fairly" and "justice". it does no one any good to spit out quick (but flawed) outcomes/verdicts. and damn sure not the accused...

member 505892

he's going to end up in jail, getting the same treatment he gave the girls...except, he won't get paid, lol...

But then again maybe he will :D

Bubba might throw him some cigarettes or even a few dollars when he's crumpled up in the fetal position on the floor, after being 'romanced'.


Well-known member
It's insane to me that hes still in politics. The fact that his own party hasnt made him resign yet tells me all I need to know.


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"A Wyoming state senator who is challenging Representative Liz Cheney in the 2022 Republican primary acknowledged this week that when he was 18, he had sex with a 14-year-old girl — which is statutory rape in many states — and that she became pregnant.
The state senator, Anthony Bouchard, made the disclosure in a Facebook Live video posted on Thursday and in a subsequent interview with The Casper Star-Tribune, saying that the girl gave birth to a son “more than 40 years ago” in Florida and that he married the girl after she turned 15.
She died by suicide a few years later, after they had divorced and she had entered another relationship, Mr. Bouchard said.
Mr. Bouchard sought to downplay his actions, saying in his video, “She was a little younger than me, so it’s like the Romeo and Juliet story.” But under current Florida law, his actions would be illegal."

another one.

Impregnates a 14 year old around the age of 18 who a few years later kills herself. i'm sure her suicide after having a baby with an 18yr old at the age of 14 had nothing to do with it. definitely not.


Well-known member
sick pedo moustache lol
