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Botanicare, Coco, and -VT-


Voluptuous Trichomes
Well the one you say 'lasted longer' is not as good of a yielder, nor is as vigorous...the branchy one eats more too.....I'll post some shots of the other one (the other Straw Diesel) in a lil' bit....she cannot handle the food the other one can...she has gotten too dark (but not burned)....gonna ramp her down....eliminating Cal/Mag+ on both STD's....transitioning to molasses

One Straw D is in a coco/perlite mix...the other pure coco....but not a side by side as the phenos are different....pure coco plants just explode and are more vigoruous....

Pure Botanicare coco drains just fine....the key is not to start in a huge container....make sure the roots proliferate in the coco before transplanting (maybe you numbers and stats, educated folk can extrapolate a "rootmass per cubic inch of coco" equation....well, then you'll have a "density coco" factor too...right?) ....compaction won't be an issue if the medium is full of fat healthy roots sucking up all they can....heck, I don't even have the bottoms of my growbags lined with lava anymore...my Botanicare coco gro drains really well on it's on....

Um listening to EPMD...some old school shits


Voluptuous Trichomes
PBP Botanicare Pure Coco Gro Veg Shots

PBP Botanicare Pure Coco Gro Veg Shots

LA Pure clone



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Voluptuous Trichomes
More PBP in pure coco grow veg shots

More PBP in pure coco grow veg shots

High slips :wave: Kinda dissapointd with the job I did with th AK....she's just beginning to fatten up at day 56...and it looks like I'll have some dense nugs..but popcorn :( Looks like she needs 70 days also.....I'll have to stick to easy strains....this AK cut is not an easy one for me to have success with

The kali Mist will fair the best of the plants that were screwed up when I had lockout with CNS17....I'll post some shots of them both....Kali Mist is a monster....she's twisting out colas full of nugs now :)

I'm experimenting with another ratio of the "PBP 3 part"...1.5-2-1 (PBP Grow-Cal/Mag+ - Liquid Karma)....I have some experience with that mix...and multiple strains....
More veg shots....gettin' better


C13, along with others, has been pruned for clones

MTF...gettin' ready for another run

OGK-A x c99


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
-VT- said:
Pure Botanicare coco drains just fine....the key is not to start in a huge container....make sure the roots proliferate in the coco before transplanting (maybe you numbers and stats, educated folk can extrapolate a "rootmass per cubic inch of coco" equation....well, then you'll have a "density coco" factor too...right?) ....compaction won't be an issue if the medium is full of fat healthy roots sucking up all they can....heck, I don't even have the bottoms of my growbags lined with lava anymore...my Botanicare coco gro drains really well on it's on...

Coconut fibers are much tougher and coarser than those of for instance peat. This means more airspace is available for drainage and to supply the roots with higher levels of oxygen (O2). Coir fiber will not compact over the course of the crop as with peat (peat fibers erode from the force of watering, and decompose faster. This robs the crop of valuable air space in the rootzone, and increases salt build-up as drainage is impeded). With coir fiber there is little if any compaction of the grow medium from start to harvest, due to the high content of lignins and cellulose found in the coarser fibers.

I took two re-potted White Widows that had not yet entirely rooted in 100% coco coir and placed them on my NFT trays. That means bottom-fed non-stop running nutrient solution 24/24. They've been there for three weeks now, and not even so much as a hint of overwatering. The coco absorbs the liquid all the way to the top layer (which is moist when you put your finger to it), but cannot hold enough water to become water-logged (anaerobic). In soil and rockwool, water-logging is a reality you'll have to live with, and you therefore adapt the pot-size (or feeding) with overwatering in mind, but I ask myself if that is not simply one of these many basic rules of soil growing that you need to re-think while working with coco.


Active member
Agreed rosy on the point about it being difficult to water log coco, but on the compaction i differ...have you done finer cocos like b'cuzz or canna in a drip system? When i did there was clearly some compaction, not that i was worried about oxygen ratio going down, it wasn't from waterlogging or organic breakdown but from gravity. Again i don't think it is detrimental as it would be in soil (echo what u said) but does happen.
They all look great Bro! I don't think I could keep that many different plants straight. :bow: Your threads are always educational and entertaining...the best kind.:smoke:



Johnny Chimpo said:
They all look great Bro! I don't think I could keep that many different plants straight. :bow: Your threads are always educational and entertaining...the best kind.:smoke:


That's what I'm saying...The most I've run is two strains at a time and that's stressful enough.

If you find yourself with too much bud on your hands -VT- just let me know and I'll help you smoke some! :laughing:


Voluptuous Trichomes
High friends :wave:

Thanks for that education Rosy Cheeks :yes: I feel ya on questioning the soil application. I think with my nute strategy it's best to let the nutes build up in the medium (especially P, PBP is low on P)....the immobile nutrients won't build up to toxic levels.....as I flush regularly....the cal/Mag+ (when used with PBP in my environment) keeps things in balance seems like....
I don't see rtw (run to waste) as a 'waste'...the plants get a full meal very watering....the medium is replenished as well...assuming the plants are healthy and eating immobile nutes from the mix....if I were to recirc...I'd change out the rez weekly to ten days....(others probably just top off the entire run...I would not)....I don't see any savings (not with my approach to irrigation)....also....I have a small garden...for a personal med grower hand watering a few plants is no biggie (not for me)...for those of you with 40 plants? I feel ya....I use 1g a day for 4 plants in bloom (2g growbags each)...that's 7 gals a week....running a 10 gal system I'd use up more nutes (if I change the rez, which I would)....maybe it's easier to manage multiple strains with fresh nutes fed run to waste?

Hey aeric....all I know is that my coco does not compact...mine is "spongy", albeit fine grade. Thanks for the input bro :wave:

High sleepy, S2D, and JC :wave: Thanks! :D
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Have you tried not flushing with PBP VT? Salt-build up shouldn't happen in the same way with an organic nutrient as with a salt-based one. I realize PBP is not a 100% organic nutrient, but still. As said, with coco's superior drainage capacity, the risk of salt build-up using salt-based nutes is already reduced, and with organics, well...

I'm heading for some good music this weekend (The Hives tomorrow, Tool on Saturday, Björk on Sunday) and a friend is hooking me up with some Nebula (Paradise seeds). Supposed to be trippy, anyone had a try?


Voluptuous Trichomes
PBP Bloomshow...1st run with Strawberry Diesel in Pure Coco

PBP Bloomshow...1st run with Strawberry Diesel in Pure Coco

Hey Rosy Cheeks....thanks for the discussion....it's very helpful. I'll try not flushing....(only plants that have a lockout will get flushed) I've been working on a theory I read (from Lucas) regarding low levels of P (with PBP...and, coincidentally Canna Coco, lol), which is, that perhaps the levels of P in some profiles are low, as it is made for tap water (adding pH down for some P) and that perhaps buildup in the medium is anticipated....also...I have found my new approach to handwatering effective enough for my needs (saves me money on nutes, the main impetus for this approach, btw)....I have never fully automated and gone hydro with coco.....but, I have tried several approaches to handwatering (yes, including cutting coco with perlite)...and my current approach is yielding better results..... well, as seen through my untrained eyes....

Beyond salt buildup (intentional or not...plausible? maybe not)....moving past that....I want to create a microherd...and would rather not flood the medium (so you have convinced me to stop flushing).....I'd like all that 'stuff' to brew in thr medium.....now...of course this can be achieved in hydro...I come from hydro....(DWC...did a couple threads here...at ICMAG....new to coco).....I don't think my handwater approach is superior to any other method (cannot make a claim like that not having done any side by sides).....I like the diversity and multitude of applications with coco.....this particular approach meets my needs, for now....and I can change my mind and approach later also, if I choose to do so.....nothing wrong with 'growing'

I do not handwater 3 or 4 times per day....in flower I handwater once per day...with very little to no runoff....in veg I handwater every other day or so....handwatering is very effective for my current needs....
Rosy Cheeks said:
I'm heading for some good music this weekend (The Hives tomorrow, Tool on Saturday, Björk on Sunday) and a friend is hooking me up with some Nebula (Paradise seeds). Supposed to be trippy, anyone had a try?
I'd love to see Bjork in concert...love her voice....never heard of Nebula :chin: Hey let us know how it was....hope you have a good time :wave:

A little over halfway there looks like
Adding esalts to the molasses....showing Mg deficiencies without it (Abated Cal/Mag+ and switchd to Molasses earlier...to ramp down N)

Some Strawberry Diesel shots day 35

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Active member
I'd love to see Bjork in concert...love her voice....
Huge fan, was gonna say the same, Dancer in the Dark was hard to watch....she's a genius.

For a time when draining into saucers, out of lazy-ness I didn't get much runoff except occasionally, with chem nutes, and don't think it was detrimental. Guess it depends on if ur overfeeding or not to begin with? Err-ing on the side of too much drain still seems the better option, or balanced by a regularly scheduled flush (every 4 waterings, once a week etc...) who the heck knows lol.
I do not handwater 3 or 4 times per day
I'd like to see what ya think of that if/when the time comes.

The KKSC really shines through in that StrawD, but no zig-zag.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Yes, Björk is great. I've already seen her once though, and the Hives. Tool's the first time, that'll be something. I think those guys must have been outdoor growers, they know about the slug problem (lol):

I'm thinking about trying Cannas Coco (A&B), but results are great with GH 3 part and I wonder what there is to gain with such a simple feeding formula.


Voluptuous Trichomes
Good find on that link Rosy!

Good find on that link Rosy!

That may be the first time I've heard Tool...(listening now)...."you must have been...soooo...high"...that shit is tight!! :headbange

Have a great weekend aeric , buzzed day, and Rosy Cheeks!


Voluptuous Trichomes
Dumping LK in bloom

Dumping LK in bloom

Well over a year ago I posted why I switched from GH 3 part to Botanicare (cause I had no pH meter...the pH buffering)...NOT 'cause of a bunch of health consciencientious stuff...nor was I motivated by saving trees, fuel, etc....and have never posted such....in fact, I learn many things from folks that do not use PBP...like the AN grower packn2puff, for example, taught me about fulvic acids and enzymees, etc...learn a bunch from Rosy Cheeks (GH 3 part user)...and aeric (he uses a little of everything lol....j/k) as well....it's not about the nutes you use IMO....it's how they're applied and many companies have a wide array of products (they all are in it for profit...I hope!)...again...I learn from non PBP users (those who have documented grows around here)....

If I ever get to the point that one good watering per day will not suffice...I will transplant up....I had a huge c99 mom (page one of this show) in a 5 gal bucket (Botanicare coco blend mix in a bag)....I'd prefer less medium and more irrigation via automation, but cannot for a while (it will still be rtw though) I have setup and run several DWC recircs....I know how to recirc...
Also....I have grown some fat minibushes in coco/perlite and one good flood a day did the trick (had to increase volume though)....that was in a 3 g rootzone....I doubt I'll need to irrigate 3 or 4 times per day, in my environment the volume (handwatered nutrient) is a factor as well.....but who knows? lol

Dumping LK in Bloom Phase for.....PBP Original Bloom (1/2 tsp gal)....I've been testing it for a while, adding it with molasses (2 tsp gal in bloom) & e-salts (1/4 tsp/gal)..... wait 'til you guys see the next update...the Straw D I like is reeeaaaalllly frosty :D The one I like smells like strawberries.....that's a first for me....love the scent of this pheno

Liquid Karma does not have both humic and fulvic acids (far as I know...but I could be wrong).....beyond that....the PBP Original has both, and has much more P/K and some N.....and the test run with it is going well....

AND... PBP Original Bloom is less expensive than Liquid Karma.....much more P/K.....I have no prior runs with Straw D (so cannot say it's "improving" things)...the next MTF and TW runs will be more revealing

I foliar feed a LOT.....this is a big part of my style, and my new approach to irrigation....anyways, I am a sucker for buying Botanicare's "Pro Foliar" foliar spray.....that stuff is just diluted Liquid Karma...lol.....sticking with LK for veg and foliar....

Dumping the diluted LK they sell as a foliar spray and no more LK in bloom phase

hope ya got all that...lol


Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Nothing wrong with saving trees VT, f...k knows it will be needed in the future to come.
Organic nutrients are okay if you want to go 'soft' on your plants, and reduce the risk of overferting. I started my ongoing coco grow in non-coco specific organic nutrients, simply because I knew the Blueberry to be nutrient sensitive and wanted to make it easier for myself. But the plants slowpaced through veg, and as I hit them with some GH 3 part they rocketed, so there was no turning back. It also did reduce the leaf and growth mutations as the plants grew faster.

Botanicare's nutes have the reputation of being able to compete with salt-based nutrients on all levels though, so I will not refer to what I do not know. No PBP to be found in Europe.

Fulvic acids and enzymes aren't specific for AN nutrients (not saying you said so VT), I use them abundantly with both organic and salt-based feeding regimes.

Fulvic acid has such overall magic properties (improves nutrient and mineral absorption, assimilation, reniforces the immune system and makes the plants more adaptable to temperature fluctuations, improves ph stability, etc) that I would no longer concider growing without it.
Here's a grow-tip for the VT-thread. Did you know that foliar feeding Fulvic acid during the first two weeks in flower reduces vertical growth? I prowled through some Tomato growers threads and found they used it for that reason. I tried it on my White Widows - which stretch like crazy - and it worked. Took 1/3 off the stretch easy.
As a stretch reducer, it is a much sounder product than for instance Superbud (Paclobutrazol is still concidered potentially carcinogenic), and you won't pay the price for less stretch with less yield, rather the contrary.
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I guess any brand of high quality fulvic acid. I use GH's Diamond Nectar, but that's no imperative.
It is actually when Fulvic acid is used in excess that it has a slight growth retarding effect, so once every second day, or 3-4 times a week. You will probably see a quicker flower induction (after flipping the lights) as well from regular Fulvic treatments.

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