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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Barbara Lerner Spectre.

Her PhD was obtained in - CRITICAL THEORY - at Columbia University which is where The Frankfurt School set up shop in the fifties. Critical theory is the science of undermining, dismantling and destroying the west via stealth Marxism.

- It is the method of slowly chipping away at all institutions to circumvent our "false consciousness" and bring about 'year zero' - and it looks like we are well on the way to it now -



*The ancient lands of the Jewish people - and many of them believe that they should have those lands back as a part of Israel -

- It then dawns on you why there has been so much war over these lands - particularly in more recent years -

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Active member
- Well - as with any 'Theory' - its up to the Theorist to present what they have found - and then its up to us to discern if its possible - improbable - just a hypothesis - has some truth - or is just a load of bollocks -

- Some people don't trust the Wikimedia foundation - many others do -

- I use Wikipedia quite often - so maybe they are correct with their opinion on The Kalergi Plan - maybe not - its up to the individual to discern - I did do some fact checking on this theory - and couldn't find anything that was particularly wrong or untrue - maybe you can

- Dissect it - take it apart - and post your findings - in this thread -

Don't care what Wiki says, its happening ATM
You only see "white" men with Asian woman, and "black" men with white woman on the TV adds here. lots of USA adds here as well, sadly

The only time you see a "white" couple is when they are old,
but their kids and grand kids are mixed

They are trying make out that mixed marriages are the future

its bullshit by design, to slowly change society, to what they imagine it should look like

Its attempted genocide I reckon, for all tribes/races
Capitalism won't save us from the Kalergi Plan, it will accelerate things. As we see before our very eyes.

Phenomenal video by the young Irishman Keith Woods on this topic.

Fascism is a challenge to the Marxists for what it means to be a socialist.

At its core, socialism is a moral and intuitive assertion. Marxism hijacked it, made it amoral and Jewish (internationalist and materialistic).



Active member
Socialism, Fascism and Communism wouldn't get far with out capitalism
Someone has to pay the bills hey

Socialism = Evil, we all going to starve and probably die
Fascism = totally Evil, we all going to starve and most probably die
communism = Evil, there is no food, we are all dead

Capitalism = Evil, get a good job, work hard, make some money, eat at fancy restaurants
buy lots of toys, have fun, live a long time and then die

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Active member
Socialism, Fascism and Communism wouldn't get far with out capitalism
Someone has to pay the bills hey

Socialism = Evil, we all going to starve and probably die
Fascism = totally Evil, we all going to starve and most probably die
communism = Evil, there is no food, we are all dead

Capitalism = Evil, get a good job, work hard, make some money, eat at fancy restaurants
buy lots of toys, have fun, live a long time and then die


Capitalism gives you the job if the job is available. They might have outsourced it to someone even more desperate than you. A small portion of society gets to play really hard while most of the population is always on the verge of disaster. For many, they will have to rent property from others for their entire life and never own anything meaningful. Even if you buy property; you'll be paying for it for the rest of your life and will probably have to sell it when you get old instead of passing it on. Also, when you get old, the nursing homes, medical care, and even burial costs will probably leave your family with debt instead of inheritance. Capitalism collapses just like those other systems, it just does it a bit differently.


Active member
Capitalism gives you the job if the job is available. They might have outsourced it to someone even more desperate than you. A small portion of society gets to play really hard while most of the population is always on the verge of disaster. For many, they will have to rent property from others for their entire life and never own anything meaningful. Even if you buy property; you'll be paying for it for the rest of your life and will probably have to sell it when you get old instead of passing it on. Also, when you get old, the nursing homes, medical care, and even burial costs will probably leave your family with debt instead of inheritance. Capitalism collapses just like those other systems, it just does it a bit differently.

Was talking about Aussie style Capitalism lol

Well I'm a DC, worked hard hours, had shit low paying jobs
then decided if i'm working hard long hours I better find a decent paying job, so I did

Own me own home, bought me kid a house, got all the toys I want
all paid for, no debt , we save for our funerals here.

Plan on dropping dead one day, no need for nursing homes

All in all capitalism has been good to me, can't stand hand outs, would rather live on me feet, then beg/rely off the Gov or anyone else

So its a big NO to socialism/communism/and fascism from me,
the only ism that has been proven to work is CAPITALISM



Active member
Plan on dropping dead one day, no need for nursing homes

All in all capitalism has been good to me, can't stand hand outs, would rather live on me feet, then beg/rely off the Gov or anyone else

So its a big NO to socialism/communism/and fascism from me,
the only ism that has been proven to work is CAPITALISM


I hear all the time that guys are going to just drop dead and never have to suffer the humiliation of care systems. Most of those guys either kill themselves of end up exactly where they say they never will. Its not a practical plan to say that it won't ever happen. You could get a brain injury and never even have the ability to object for example. There's no way to be sure about those things. No man is an island; at least not for long.

Do you really think that under capitalism you aren't at the mercy of others?? Who owns all the jobs? Who owns the raw materials and means of production? Who owns the best land? Who controls the political system? Is it you? If it isn't, then you're at the mercy of others.


Active member
Ya joking, taking a 12 year old into custody for what ?
upsetting an adult

Kick up the arse, clip over the ears ? and an explanation why it was wrong would of done

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Wow - hold on there a minute fella - is that not tantamount to implying or even encouraging some sort of genocide towards people with lighter coloured skins ('eradicating whiteness') - based on how much melanin one might have or not? - or how much sun-tan cream? - heavy - more supremacists ranting on about being supreme again from 'The Chosen People' I suspect - and can only do that by supressing some other groups - based on skin colour - and getting them all worked up against other groups - with a different skin colour - and blame it on them - divide and rule - as its always been - now they are getting us to 'Cancel' each other even - all very smart and subversive I must say - 3 cheers for the ringleader - very well engineered - you have fooled more than just one nation - but some of us do see right thru it all - or is that just more 'smoke and mirrors?' -

Does everyone have melanin?

Everyone has the same number of melanocytes, but some people make more melanin than others. If those cells make just a little bit of melanin, your hair, skin and the iris of your eyes can be very light. ...

The amount of melanin your body makes depends on your genes -


[URL=https://i.ibb.co/fxmBNXW/jewssssss.png]View Image[/url]

Cohen is a Jewish ethnonationalist btw.


Active member
Ya joking, taking a 12 year old into custody for what ?
upsetting an adult

Kick up the arse, clip over the ears ? and an explanation why it was wrong would of done

If you actually cared to bother looking in to the story you're so incensed about, you'd know that the boy threatened to come to the footballer's house "dressed as a ghost". This was along with a photo of klansmen engaging in some sort of ritual. Yes, they arrested a 12 year old, and yes it was justified.


Active member
https://ibb.co/Tgzp0wGView Image

Cohen is a Jewish ethnonationalist btw.

You obviously do not understand what he means by the notion of getting rid of "whiteness". Its not the same as killing people of European descent, breeding them out of existence, or otherwise eliminating them. What it means is to take away the relatively recent and scientifically inaccurate view that there is such a thing as "white people". Its not a real ethnic group in any meaningful sense. Just like "African" or "Asian" are fairly ambiguous references. The idea of "whiteness" is highly toxic historically and has caused some incredibly awful problems. Remember Rwanda's big genocide? Well it all started in the 1800s when Europeans told one group of Africans that they were more-European-looking and put them in positions of power over the less-European-looking groups. The whole system slow boiled until it exploded and suddenly 400,000+ people were dead.


Active member
If you actually cared to bother looking in to the story you're so incensed about, you'd know that the boy threatened to come to the footballer's house "dressed as a ghost". This was along with a photo of klansmen engaging in some sort of ritual. Yes, they arrested a 12 year old, and yes it was justified.

Put a link up then, no outrage here, just disappointment, some rich as fuck "black" person, got offended by a 12 year old kid saying stupid shit

The 12 year old's life will probably be ruined forever, and the "black" sportsman will still be making he's $$$$, yeah that is fair

I'd be outraged at this senseless violence if I was an American tho


Active member
Put a link up then, no outrage here, just disappointment, some rich as fuck "black" person, got offended by a 12 year old kid saying stupid shit

The 12 year old's life will probably be ruined forever, and the "black" sportsman will still be making he's $$$$, yeah that is fair

I'd be outraged at this senseless violence if I was an American tho

Nah, I am not going to put up a link. I think if the truth of the situation matters at all to you then you'll go look it up.

Do you really think that someone should just brush off a person threatening to come to their house and lynch them simply because they are rich and the one threatening them is presumably not?

Also, there's a lot of serious issues with that story you posted. Their whole side of things sounds like complete horseshit for starters and they even admit they went up to an angry crowd of protestors and that one of their group used the N-word. They even admit they drew weapons and that they discharged them. How do we know that the BLM guys didn't shoot these crazy bastards in self defense? We have literally only his word as to what happened from that article. The two of them could have been out there trying to start crap in order to shoot at people and shit got too real. Its hard to say. All I know is that she sure could have decided to not go out with a pack of racists and attempt to downplay the concerns of others.


Active member
OK so "white" people bad, anyone else can do no wrong, especially "blacks" and Muslims????

I'm sure Muhammad had slaves, you lot are not game to go there tho are ya

I'm very sure it was the "blacks" and the Muslims selling the "blacks" to the "white" stnuc
how about you lot go there as well

I'm not in the US of A, fucked if i'm chasing up trivial news from Americant

The kid was 12, are ya really saying at that age, make a mistake and your life will be fucked for ever, and be happy about it, who cares what he said, its a HUGE overreaction

Did you make any mistakes at 12, fuck I did hey
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