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Neville’s Haze x C5 Mango


C5 Mango X Neville's Haze

Smell is Limes but not sweet. A bit of eucalyptus/herb and a little sour. Looking forward to sampling!


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ICMag Donor
I recently harvested my non keeper and early vape suggests it is much stronger than the original that I flowered from seed. I know clones are always better but this feels significantly better. Makes me think maybe I should reveg it. Having some issues downloading photos at present otherwise would attach a pic. Great genetics.

Donald Mallard

el duck
gee , thats good news chi,
ive always thought all plants need at least a second chance to prove themselves ,
seems that has happened with this lass ,
perhaps she deserves a third chance , hehehe ..
one wonders what the keeper will turn out like if thats how good the non keeper ended up ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
yea i think it makes a difference hearing someones voice ,
i hope you enjoyed the episode,
im not very practiced at public speaking and feel a bit self-conscious about it, so hearing my own voice and silly little sayings and ticks is no fun for me ,, lol.
but ive gotten some good feedback from a few guys , so that makes me happy ...


Well-known member
yea i think it makes a difference hearing someones voice ,
i hope you enjoyed the episode,
im not very practiced at public speaking and feel a bit self-conscious about it, so hearing my own voice and silly little sayings and ticks is no fun for me ,, lol.
but ive gotten some good feedback from a few guys , so that makes me happy ...
All Ausie to the bone....you sound cool Donald....I will listen to the whole thing later.....I was surprised to hear you no longer blaze though Donald...or is it...eerr sshhh....
Thanks for putting up that flower-power...

Donald Mallard

el duck
yea sure did fp,
funnily i dont miss it that much to be honest ,
occasionally maybe ,
my body is still adjusting a little ,
when u do something for 40 years ,, the old body gets pretty used to it , and doesnt know what to do when the habit stops ,

mostly just a few aches i never even noticed which im assuming is arthritis and was being masked by the heavy cannabis use ,
and sleep ,
i dont feel as recharged when i wake up as i did when i toked a lot for some reason ,
other than that , i put on 25 odd kilos , hahaha
i was a bit lean though , so if i lost about 10 id be a pretty good weight for my size ..

Donald Mallard

el duck
All Ausie to the bone....you sound cool Donald....I will listen to the whole thing later.....I was surprised to hear you no longer blaze though Donald...or is it...eerr sshhh....
Thanks for putting up that flower-power...
thanks darkie ,
my accent is very mild compared with the folks where i live ,
i try to tone it down because i didnt like sounding too aussie when i traveled,
and i had an english step father who insisted i talk propa , haha ..


ICMag Donor
It’s funny when we converse on line even though I know you’re Australian , it’s always sounding in American- ese (in my head ..ha ha) good to actually hear you.. Also you should feel good about treating yourself good …I still use “it “ often & sometimes I wish I didn’t because it definitely makes me fatigued but it has its uses..I’ve had periods of sobriety and Ive definitely currently cut down my intake all around..It’s usually about mid morning when I start feeling frantic and I catch a buzz

Donald Mallard

el duck
It’s funny when we converse on line even though I know you’re Australian , it’s always sounding in American- ese (in my head ..ha ha) good to actually hear you.. Also you should feel good about treating yourself good …I still use “it “ often & sometimes I wish I didn’t because it definitely makes me fatigued but it has its uses..I’ve had periods of sobriety and Ive definitely currently cut down my intake all around..It’s usually about mid morning when I start feeling frantic and I catch a buzz
i tend to read posts in the persons voice , or what i imagine them to be , so now you have an accent to add to the posts fp
on toking , im certainly a bit more organised than i used to be and i dont tend to forget as much ,
im a pretty busy person , so that comes in handy , and used to be a bit more difficult when i was , hazy ... lol ...

Donald Mallard

el duck
Yeah, that was great ...listend to it last night

Always interesting ....Heavy dayze was pretty smooth even if he thought Lao was Loud ....James Loud

That shit was pretty funny...great to hear about origins the hmong thai

All good all around......When's part2 ??
yea heavy is a pretty cool cat herb,
he said he would love to have me on the show again,
but next time maybe we will do it at my place face to face rather than a zoom recording ,
i think that would be a lot better and i would be more relaxed for sure ,
personally i want to ask him a few questions that i guess everyone else wants to know after listening to his show a fair bit ,
his favorite pot for instance ,
what got him started doing these potcasts ,, etc ,
interview the interviewer ,, lol ...


Active member
I think his fav its the Blue Magoo

Its very valuable experiences you describe....

Its valuable and Lucky to have smoked the real shit :smokeit:

Experience like that are priceless now in context of today's weed

Its the mind altering sort trip you were talking about....seriously lacking in every way

The dry vape is good way to take breaks from the smoke

Smoke is where its at .... but it does take its toll for sure
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