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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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If every Californian over 21 is allowed to grow 25sqft, how would anyone know if you had 50? If medical laws encompassed by 215 have made illicit cannabis easier to hide, imagine what 19 would do in time. Commercial value of cannabis has been falsely inflated by years of prohibition in order for DEA to control supply. If you can make a living selling ounces, you arn't as likely to grow pounds. Hopefully when the numbers come in, nature will take its course and people and their favorite plant will be let loose from slavery. I'm not saying that people profiting from the weed business don't have to work. I am saying that they don't have to work as hard as other gardeners. Until an ear of organic corn is worth as much as a gram of heads I will continue to say that your profits are "unearned." Don't think I wouldn't take advantage of the same situation but at least I could admit to myself that I didn't have a right to keep on taking advantage of the misfortune of others if the opportunity to legalize revealed itself. It sucks to be the owner of a gold mine when the gold starts to run out. You bought the mine for a fortune and now it's just a hole in the ground. Sorry things change. You are really being paid for the risk you take and once the risk is gone you just another guy that likes to play in the dirt.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
jokerherb the people want freedom to smoke with no tax no jail ,just freedom with no strings attached ,

Yes it would be nice if freedom came so cheaply but,when hasn't there been strings attached to any of our freedoms? There is always a price.

Collie Man

I hope everyone in CA gets their wish made...to legalize it finally!!! Who cares about the $$$ I just want my boys in CA to grow legally without the fear of being arrested and going through the system. Its about time for change...


New member
@ Warped1
yes here in Germany it is not so simple. If you are busted you must pay, no driver's license and fines must be high. No seeds it is all illegal the policy must see it is good to tax this.

Sorry my english.


Looks like Colorado is going to try as im sure there will be many others trying to get it on the ballot. This wall is going to come tumbling down one state at a time. I wonder how many countries will give up the fight after a few of these pass.

From the westword
Support for Proposition 19, a California measure to legalize marijuana for adult use, is falling according to a recent poll.

But backers of a similar law in Colorado aren't waiting to find out if Prop. 19 passes. They've created a website, Legalize2012.com, and will be formally launching their campaign at an event tomorrow.


To all the "bros" that voted no on prop 19, you ain't no bro of mine and never will be. You have no real love for weed, the only green that you love is money and you are just another worthless capitalist.

I've been smoking dope since 66 and growing bud since 80 and I was amazed that we had a crack in the door and I can't believe that anyone who professes a love for weed and growing weed would vote to keep making criminals out of people who do love herb. You might be a half step above snitches but believe me you are within whispering distance.

Maybe the people who do love weed should just boycott your product ands everyone should teach more and more tokers how to have small closet grows and drive you out of business and you can all go work at mickey d's where your worthless asses belong.

To all of you who did the right thing and didn't vote with the money right on. Maybe this battle will be won anyhow but if not at least the real enemy has shown it's face and we can stop helping capitalists who don't care about anything but money.

I'm sorry if I'm seem inflexable but it's because I am on this issue. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem and we should stop helping out the greedy groweers who care about nothing but their own wallets. They want free beans or clones, they can go fuck themselves. The best place we can hit them is in their walletrs. Don't buy any weed unless you know who grew it and you know it is a stand up person, not donald trump in a tie dye. I never resented commercial growers before but I resent these people, they are worse than cops in my mind.


Game Bred
To all the "bros" that voted no on prop 19, you ain't no bro of mine and never will be. You have no real love for weed, the only green that you love is money and you are just another worthless capitalist.

I've been smoking dope since 66 and growing bud since 80 and I was amazed that we had a crack in the door and I can't believe that anyone who professes a love for weed and growing weed would vote to keep making criminals out of people who do love herb. You might be a half step above snitches but believe me you are within whispering distance.

Maybe the people who do love weed should just boycott your product ands everyone should teach more and more tokers how to have small closet grows and drive you out of business and you can all go work at mickey d's where your worthless asses belong.

To all of you who did the right thing and didn't vote with the money right on. Maybe this battle will be won anyhow but if not at least the real enemy has shown it's face and we can stop helping capitalists who don't care about anything but money.

I'm sorry if I'm seem inflexable but it's because I am on this issue. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem and we should stop helping out the greedy groweers who care about nothing but their own wallets. They want free beans or clones, they can go fuck themselves. The best place we can hit them is in their walletrs. Don't buy any weed unless you know who grew it and you know it is a stand up person, not donald trump in a tie dye. I never resented commercial growers before but I resent these people, they are worse than cops in my mind.



To all the "bros" that voted no on prop 19, you ain't no bro of mine and never will be. You have no real love for weed, the only green that you love is money and you are just another worthless capitalist.

I've been smoking dope since 66 and growing bud since 80 and I was amazed that we had a crack in the door and I can't believe that anyone who professes a love for weed and growing weed would vote to keep making criminals out of people who do love herb. You might be a half step above snitches but believe me you are within whispering distance.

Maybe the people who do love weed should just boycott your product ands everyone should teach more and more tokers how to have small closet grows and drive you out of business and you can all go work at mickey d's where your worthless asses belong.

To all of you who did the right thing and didn't vote with the money right on. Maybe this battle will be won anyhow but if not at least the real enemy has shown it's face and we can stop helping capitalists who don't care about anything but money.

I'm sorry if I'm seem inflexable but it's because I am on this issue. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem and we should stop helping out the greedy groweers who care about nothing but their own wallets. They want free beans or clones, they can go fuck themselves. The best place we can hit them is in their walletrs. Don't buy any weed unless you know who grew it and you know it is a stand up person, not donald trump in a tie dye. I never resented commercial growers before but I resent these people, they are worse than cops in my mind.

very well said.
But remember we are in a recession and gold prices are going up. If weed becomes legal and prices drop how are these guys going to be able to afford their bling bling so they can impress some snatch in hopes of getting their pecker wet.



If you can read this and are a Cali resident who has not yet voted, !GET ON YOUR FEET YOU LAZY PROCRASTINATING STONER! get in your car, you need'nt drive far. Get along now the poll's down the street. Get along lil doggie an vote vote vote. Get along hazy stoner then come back and toke. Put that bong down there's no need to frown. Head into town the reefer can wait. Get on your feet you can't miss a beat. The time has come to end all debate. Only three more hours til the old law's defeat. Once you have voted then spark and repeat.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
very well said.
But remember we are in a recession and gold prices are going up. If weed becomes legal and prices drop how are these guys going to be able to afford their bling bling so they can impress some snatch in hopes of getting their pecker wet.


I guess they'll have to do what I do feral, just look damn handsome lol....I wish


Active member
Wow, umm, not sure what to say...maybe ur a bit outta touch. Our gov't is broke. You are aware of this right? As for the conressional members themselves? who knows lol, but we're broke as a joke bro. All state governments are broke. federal gov't is broke. its just the 5% who control the 95% who r getting richer.

Broke because spending is out of control, I don't want to give cali or the us government one more dime...


No kryson that's not how it really is.

You are talking about results from a pro-ganja site such as this one is.

Even on this pro-ganja site it's ONLY around 50/50 pro/against Prop 19!

Imagine the results coming from the general population in Cali where not all are pro-ganja such as on here!

And as far as the out of state poll on this site concerns: Most voted YES on here because all they see is "general legalization" with most of them having very little clue what it's really all about.

That is BS.

I for one live in a different state and have read the whole proposition.

One single thing tells all in this travesty of a thread.



Broke because spending is out of control, I don't want to give cali or the us government one more dime...

and thats a good enough reason to continue prohibition? we wouldnt go to jail, yet the gov't would make money money off taxes. What is the issue, r u expecting something for free? You can bet i dont support heavy taxes,i mean afterall its a plant!!! there should be any regulation, or taxation on a plant, but it is what it is. if someone says, "hey i wont arrest you anymore for smoking bud, you just gotta give me some money?" what would u say?...i guess i already know.


and thats a good enough reason to continue prohibition? we wouldnt go to jail, yet the gov't would make money money off taxes. What is the issue, r u expecting something for free? You can bet i dont support heavy taxes,i mean afterall its a plant!!! there should be any regulation, or taxation on a plant, but it is what it is. if someone says, "hey i wont arrest you anymore for smoking bud, you just gotta give me some money?" what would u say?...i guess i already know.

Same thing I would say if they said, "hey I won't arrest you anymore if you stop being Christian, or Muslim or Gay! Fuk Off! I have a right to live.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
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