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Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

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ray-ray, EXACTLY...it makes me sick, almost every person voting no, is voting no cuz they think it will affect prop 215 negatively, which it won't. Or they are worried about losing money....WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE GOING TO JAIL FOR A PLANT!!!! THINK ABOUT IT!!!

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
voted NO :)
*edit, got my parents to vote no, my sis, my brother, a few friends... yee

If 19 fails and cooley is elected AG, I will be sending him letters everyday demanding him to shut down 215 and arrest every person who consumes, possesses, cultivates, or distributes MJ in any form!!!!

I mean fuck legalization in all forms right? Lets take it completley underground and take the whole movement back 40 years!!!!!



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

You guys start looking for a new job yet? you have about 11 hours left in your old career.

I voted yes
But you are an asshole

Communities livelihoods are at stake... Because if john farmer has to move elsewhere joe supermarket owner has one less customer to supply so he has to let go of brandy the cashier to tighten up...

They will have to be creative ala what BHT pointed out sure, but its still rude to just say 'find a new career' like its no big thing.

Have some compassion and maybe be a little humble and thankful for those that have suffered for this prop to be on the ballot



The unfortunate reality is that most people in this world only care about themselves and maybe their immediate family. Others, especially those they don't know, are hardly ever on most people's radar. The saddest thing to me is, it seems the most effective way to entice outward care from people is to use guilt. Sally Struthers, Salvation Army Santa, Jerry Lewis Telethon .. all examples of guilt trip driven ways of tricking people into temporarily caring about the needs of others.

They should have done the same with prop 19 and had a Weedathon .. broadcasting all the painful horror stories of what individual people have had to endure under this prohibition. Maybe then some of these "NOs" would have thought to care about more then just themselves today.

Hope we can pull through, but it isn't looking good so far.
If it doesn't pass, I wonder how many of these righteous "No" people will try as hard to be involved with pushing a new and better bill as they have been in trying to shut this one down?

The next time someone from this board gets busted will these "Nos" still be as proud of there vote to keep it illegal?


nice work krunch. If i were in Cali id be doing the same thing. Its all the little guys who dont like the gram and 1/8 prices that want the shit legal. No worries tho all the elders still have there "morals"(lol) and they will keep prop 15 right where it needs to be for all the real growers.

You're so wrong...this has nothing to do about money....its about being put in jail for a plant. Can you imagine that? Smoking without a single care in the world? Your location says eastcoast? Don't u know the deal? All the paranoia associated with mj would go away...cuz there would be nothing to worry about anymore!!!


Game Bred
fuck the polls!!!!

Damn. I can't even get on to Norml's blog....and their website took a minute to load.

Prop 19 is a comin'!

i didn't notice it but....
people are watching...
if it fails the movement will be set back
if it passes and CA's economy benefits..
obama runs on fed legal in 2012?


Active member
If 19 fails and cooley is elected AG, I will be sending him letters everyday demanding him to shut down 215 and arrest every person who consumes, possesses, cultivates, or distributes MJ in any form!!!!

I mean fuck legalization in all forms right? Lets take it completley underground and take the whole movement back 40 years!!!!!


wow another insane post from BHT...im gonna vote NO just because of BHT how about that.

i was on the fence the whole time. i want to see marijuana significantly decriminlized, i like the new limits like having unlimited weight at the house, etc....

but BHT and the ultra YES voters piss me off with their attitudes on here as if the growers and dealers who CREATED THIS FUCKING INDUSTRY are suddenly worthless and greedy.....so tired of their out of pocket comments.

SO CONGRATS BHT...im voting NO because of your loony comments..



“But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy. "

whats funny is BHT said he will narc out all of his friends in the San Diego Finest Clones thread and the Dago Seeds thread. Very interest how he throw a little kid hissy fit if he doesn't get what he wants, but its the conservatives that are extreme and out of touch.

Hey BHT go take yourself down to SunSet Cliffs and keep walking in to the sun set its a nice day out almost 85 degree and some big surf headed this way.

Sorry BHT your word is not absolute end all FACT as I have said before. Anybody who doesn't agree with you you try to discredit and smear. Then you do your best Keith Olbermann worst person in the world rant. Hey where will you be performing next so I can see the show live?


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
The unfortunate reality is that most people in this world only care about themselves and maybe their immediate family.

uh ya!

i dont know you, i dont know the kat who posted before and after you
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Active member
ray-ray, EXACTLY...it makes me sick, almost every person voting no, is voting no cuz they think it will affect prop 215 negatively, which it won't. Or they are worried about losing money....WHAT ABOUT PEOPLE GOING TO JAIL FOR A PLANT!!!! THINK ABOUT IT!!!
the people going to jail for a plant should have gotten their medical cards and stayed within county guidelines.. nuff said. theres plenty of time for this shit to happen, you guys act like this will never come up on ballot ever again just wait for a better written one.


VOTE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is not legalization it's a power grab for the rich! Got a dude in the bay setting up his warehouse who hasn't even been in this biz until now! Wants to see ounces selling for $80 and that is ridiculous. There have been enough people in the med to come out lately and say how this bill will affect us patients and it's bullshit. We just got through having the Feds tear through Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and homes like we JUST GOT THAT TO STOP 2 years ago. Do we REALLY want to see the Feds swinging through neighborhoods raiding small time growers? 5x5 is still illegal in the eyes of the DEA and they said they will vigorously enforce the laws they believe in! The way things are right now is beautiful we have a lovely MMJ community in Cali and it's created TONS of jobs. I always see folks on here talking shit about "I don't want to pay $100 a year to grow and buy meds legally" Well funny thing about that is nowadays I'm seeing adds in the paper for MMJ Recommendations for $49!!! If anything I think it should stay how it is and take a percent of renewals and sales and call it a day...

I voted NO already...

Do you really think that the feds have the time, money, manpower or desire to start enforcing federal law on small time growers? Why, because the AG came out and said so? He was esposing the views of his party and doesn't want to seem 'soft' on drugs. The fact is that the federal government cannot sustain a war on small time users and growers; they need state and local LEO for that, which they lose if Prop 19 passes. You have a lovely MMJ community? Tell that to the dispenseries that are STILL BEING RAIDED and people are still going to jail.
Elections are all rigged anyway...those who are supposed to win, will...good luck "making a difference" without a paper trail...gotta love those digital voting machines...


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
Vote YES or NO on Prop 19

Nice some name calling... oh well I would start on Monster or even the local paper. I'm sure you will find something with your great personality and people skills.

You have no idea haha
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