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Super Duper Funny Picture Thread # 2

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cravin morehead

Active member
man i hate all these making fun of an asian accent pics.^^^ funny thing is, you don't see asians making fun of americans trying to speak their languages much. but here, its a pastime.
sorry guess thats my moms japanese side kicking in.
its true, ignorance is bliss...



Freedom Fighter
man i hate all these making fun of an asian accent pics.^^^ funny thing is, you don't see asians making fun of americans trying to speak their languages much. but here, its a pastime.
sorry guess thats my moms japanese side kicking in.
its true, ignorance is bliss...


Hmmm...I have lived in the Philippines and Thailand...and as I made friends there, found that they like to tease and poke fun the same as anyone else-- I was never offended, I just laughed...as the Joke intended--
I agree that things said in malice are not funny...but many stereotypes have just enough truth and fallacy, to be funny-- :tiphat:
(And no, I did not give the unhelpful thingy to you--)

cravin morehead

Active member
i didn't mean to bring it down in here. just thought i'd let people know that kind of stuff could be offensive. i personally, can't stand prejudice and have faced much growing up as one of the only non-whites in my area. i got the knuckle and face scars to prove it.
it is what it is, i guess. i'm also sure i've offended people before. no one is above it.
not sure why i said it, but it did hit me a little wrong. so i apologize for bringing it down in here.


ps -kmk420kali, i could care less for those rate a thread thingees. i appreciate your view. been a fan of your posts for some time now...
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