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NFL 2019-2020


Well-known member
well i think im fucked. called amazon to cancel something and get my money back and they put me through tons of loops and even wanting pics of my debit card and stuff. did i just get scammed?
not unless you took a pic of your card. Did you? They should have your card already


Horse-toothed Jackass
Alright no more pics, DB. Especially if ur growing, should probably delete the pics youve posted of yourself already. Plus ur kinda ugly, no offense.
Well, not really UGLY ugly, just kind of blah. Keep on losing weight, DB, youll be a hottie in no time. Then u can post some pics that i might actually fap to. No homo. Actually no, that's very homo. What were we talking about again?

Anyway, im somewhat glad to see youve got to endulge in ur vices again. Sure u cant go easy on the dip? Also ur mom seems to be supporting u a lot, maybe it makes her happy to provide for u but it can also be stressful to her, maybe.

I mean, knowing Dak and that team, and Mccarthy is an alright coach but not a great one, id bet the same amount of $ on the bears winning the superbowl next year as the cowboys, even if dallas is locked in for double digit wins again.
Philly faded hard down the stretch but if they get their mojo back they'll be in the NFC playoff mix again. I agree it's the 49ers and everyone else. Maybe Detroit again, maybe Arizona with MHJ and Kyler one yr removed from his knee injury.
Maybe rams are using a "Moneyball" like approach to the draft, or at least more scientific. They have an in house software they use to evaluate prospects.

Florida would be a cool place to wander around, lots to do and see, beaches and parks and cities and tourist attractions, from north to south. It is a long way to drive unless ur in the southeast.

Yeah, seems like sunflower seeds should be easy to collect. Roast and salt those things and youve got some nice snacks. Roasted pumpkin seeds were always good, got a nice nutty taste to them.

That's a good deal, half o of high thc flower for around $34 before tax. Try smoking a bit of kief on a bowl of flower, might make ur kief last longer and still get u blazed.

Drake Maye might end up pretty good, he's a big strong athletic white guy, he could be Justin Herbert of the Chargers (good) or Daniel Jones of the Giants (bad). Regardless, they needed a QB to compete with josh and aaron and tua in that division.

So u returned an order or canceled it before it shipped, Hawk?


Well-known member
I had a free 30 day trial so i canceled before the 30 days and they still charged me. Long story short they wanted my moms card because i dont have paypay or whatever. I couldnt understand half of what the Indian named "john" said but it was suspicious as hell and my mom is pissed as hell. She is changing all kinds of stuff with her bank. If i would of known it would be this bullshit i would of just said fuck it. Dont know if its because i cancelled on the website or over the phone but i did get an email saying its being refunded so i guess ill see.

my brother just said he thinks its a scam so now i gotta call my bank and get shit changed. fuking a never dealing with amazon again.can i sue amazon? got the number to call from them

Yeah half oz for that is cheap.wish i had deals like that here


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
that sounds fishy @shithawk420 hawk,
if you called the number on the amazon website it should be, but if you think its janky i would just ask the bank for a new card
wtf did they charge you if it was a 30day free trial?
just saw your post about the amount being refunded, cool
lowkey, im am amazon fanboy
i buy shit all the time that i forget about
ill get packges in the mail that i forgot i ordered, but its always stuff i think is cool so i dont mind
plus i like to watch the football the few days they have it
/bring back hana! moar alt broadcast

look @Bababooey ugle shame @D. B. Doober
i wouldent call the guy ugly, i would just say hes not good looking
but we dont see any pics of you babs? come on man, i want some pics! the more fapworthy the better
bonus points if you have nail polish on
philly is going to be the home of the 1 ton squat!
/remember that joke you made about barkly and hurts welding a squat bar together? yeah i stole that joke
i see them going run heavy plus i think their d could be mean
rams d is a big ?, but its a sexy question mark!
like a pic of baba with only the face and the next pic is of him nude from the waist up, you just cant wait to see whats next
with the loss of a.don its def going to be a differetn vibe, but i think the kids could be allright
i think this could be the last years of fat'mat stafford, but i think he still has arm and he won his ring
fla is a cool place man,
the coastal parts are fun, they have fun beaches and you can drive your car onto the sand in some places
/can you still do that @buzzmobile
im sure there are tons of other cool things to see and do as well, plus you can get food at a piggly wiggly


Well-known member
i got the free amazon trial so i could get a discount and free shipping with a different company that uses amazon. Because they didnt cancel when i wanted to cancel and charged me $16 witch doesnt make sense cause thought i got approved for the discount with my foodstamps witch is supposed to only be like $6.99 or sormething. Im poor. cant be losing money like that.

My brother says my info might be all over the dark web. I knew not to do it but my mom listened to "john" the Indian anyway. I hate those frauding thieving POS.I would of thought amazon was more professional or i dont know what happened. Never used Amazon before and my mom is fucking livid. Shes gonna be mad for a while.

whats going on with the IC cup pops? where was it this year? that would be cool as hell to check out one day


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i dint go to the ic cup hawk
i wish!
if i did, i could stop by and pick up you @shithawk420 , and @Bababooey
@D. B. Doober can throw his bike in the bad of the truck and we could pick up @buzzmobile on our way overseas!
/my truck has 4wd

f'n what? if you called the real amazon number, the one on their web site, not some email
then you are talking to amazon
just let your mom know you are on it and say it in a calm voice so she can relax
no one likes to be scammed

are you odering food on amazon, now i dont get it?


Well-known member
i noticed you were in tht icmag cup thread and didnt see where they had it mentioned so thought maybe you knew

i dont fucking know.eitherway i gotta change my shit.i saw a game advertised for like half on a website thats owned or affiliated with amazon so i got prime for the free shipping.either way im done with the free trials. i miss fucking CASH!!!


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
i noticed you were in tht icmag cup thread and didnt see where they had it mentioned so thought maybe you knew

i dont fucking know.eitherway i gotta change my shit.i saw a game advertised for like half on a website thats owned or affiliated with amazon so i got prime for the free shipping.either way im done with the free trials. i miss fucking CASH!!!
naw man, i just think this guy @Piecho is 😍😍
what can i say he seems cool for some snagggled toothfz cat, plus i like pictures
/but it was really more about taking pix
maybe we can all road trip ouy there! hop on the bars hawk
@D. B. Doober has a bike for sale!
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Well-known member
@buzzmobile have you ever known anyone who harvested the sunflower seeds? and toasted them?
Some of the sunflower seeds were turned into next year's sunflower crop and the rest became bird food. Sunflower seeds are too labor intensive for me to roast. Peanuts are a different story. Love to roast 'dem peenutzes.
Florida would be a cool place to wander around, lots to do and see, beaches and parks and cities and tourist attractions, from north to south
Come on down, @Bababooey , and once you cross the state line get off of the interstates. The coolest places are along state roads.
the coastal parts are fun, they have fun beaches and you can drive your car onto the sand in some places
/can you still do that @buzzmobile
There are a few places but Daytona Beach is the most well known. Jacksonville and New Smyrna Beach also allow cars on the beach. You have to get a permit depending on which beach you plan to drive.
@buzzmobile on our way overseas!
/my truck has 4wd

does your 4wd truck have a long snorkel? I read it is deep halfway across the pond.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Haha yeah DB's alright, just looks like ur avg 40yr old man, probably better than most 40yr old's to tell the truth. Once he drops another 30lbs or so he'll look like a dashing 30yr old, then he'll have the wimmen crawling all over him and he wont have to post pics of himself online for lecherous old men to fap to. Or so I've heard.
Maybe one day ill post a pic of myself. Would ya'll like a dick pic? How about one of my butthole? I'll shave it nice just for u guys. No one wants to see dingleberries when theyre trying to fap. How often do u guys fap by the way?

I think Amazon does use indian call centers, most large companies use indian or filipino call centers cause they speak english (albeit with a heavy accent) and they work for like 70c an hour. They'd have to pay US call center workers $20-30 an hour if u count benefits and insurance and workmans comp and fica taxes and all that crap.

So i think your mom's info will be ok, Hawk, but if she's changing stuff then that's fine too. Probably overkill, she just needs to check her accounts every month and dispute any unknown charges, banks give u like 60 days to dispute, credit cards like 90 days so as long as u check once a month u should be good.

I dont know how people judge cannabis at those Cups, wine tasters spit out the wine when they judge it but the potency of the smoke is part of a cannabis cup so ur several hits deep into judging and getting high, isnt that going to affect the later scores?

I'd like to visit Orlando sometime, Buzz, are u near central FL or more north?

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Haha yeah DB's alright, just looks like ur avg 40yr old man, probably better than most 40yr old's to tell the truth. Once he drops another 30lbs or so he'll look like a dashing 30yr old, then he'll have the wimmen crawling all over him and he wont have to post pics of himself online for lecherous old men to fap to. Or so I've heard.
Maybe one day ill post a pic of myself. Would ya'll like a dick pic? How about one of my butthole? I'll shave it nice just for u guys. No one wants to see dingleberries when theyre trying to fap. How often do u guys fap by the way?

I think Amazon does use indian call centers, most large companies use indian or filipino call centers cause they speak english (albeit with a heavy accent) and they work for like 70c an hour. They'd have to pay US call center workers $20-30 an hour if u count benefits and insurance and workmans comp and fica taxes and all that crap.

So i think your mom's info will be ok, Hawk, but if she's changing stuff then that's fine too. Probably overkill, she just needs to check her accounts every month and dispute any unknown charges, banks give u like 60 days to dispute, credit cards like 90 days so as long as u check once a month u should be good.

I dont know how people judge cannabis at those Cups, wine tasters spit out the wine when they judge it but the potency of the smoke is part of a cannabis cup so ur several hits deep into judging and getting high, isnt that going to affect the later scores?

I'd like to visit Orlando sometime, Buzz, are u near central FL or more north?
I'm working on it it's tough I'm still walking 6 miles a day but it seems like my overhang belly or whatever doesn't want to go away maybe another year after eating really healthy I don't know I can't really do sit-ups because my hernia operation

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I bought 10 grams of kief and a half zip of preground Strawberry Pebbles and a 20 count chewable all for $260. That kief is a real habit man. Hopefully this month goes a lot better


mama tried
if your plants do well doober get a few sift screens crack them nugs over them screens trichome shower on down through. scape up cards full of shiny whitish tan sand so f'n tasty in the pipe

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Took a couple one-hits of the Strawberry Pebbles preground flower...it's not bad. And I smoked like .50 cents worth. Or something like that. Thank you for the suggestion @Bababooey I think this will keep me going for the month. And the deal is always there! $35 a half ounce! Yay!!! Going to take 3 good hits of kief in a few minutes. And eat a gummy. I'd like to test the gummies on their own with no smoke but maybe another day. Feeling good guys I hope all of you have a great weekend. Doobz
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mama tried
you damn weed junky haha highest my tolerence ever got was form rso was eating bout .6 .7 a day all winter long. was faded af for a whole winter

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
you damn weed junky haha highest my tolerence ever got was form rso was eating bout .6 .7 a day all winter long. was faded af for a whole winter
That RSO is good stuff. I bought a syringe of it a few times. I got pretty high smoking with it. Supposed to be good as topical? and for cancers etc. what you up to today man? They have jail inmates gardening outside my building and cleaning and shit. The chain gang, from Billerica house of corrections. They better not say they smell weed. That'd be some snitch ass shit. 🚀💨


mama tried
not much going on today. ya nobody like snitches i was taught real young not to but it was called tattletale. my dad always said never tell on anyone and never trust a cop


Well-known member
post some pics of this 35 buck shake doob. if i could get prices like that id buy bulk and make all kinds of shit.edibles,BHO etc