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Gano's Xen Garden


Hello every one :wave:

I feel it's time to start a new Grow thread. This thread may be picture heavy at times. Expect to see Hydroponic cultivation. Rarely will I grow in other forms of gardening, like soil or coconut coir.

I've been working on breeding my own seeds for many, many years now.

In March I started 22 seeds. 19 Double Dutch f3's and 3 purple Urkle seeds.
The Double Dutch f3's are from a bubble gum phenotype that showed up in the f2's. I used two different f2 males to make these f3 seeds. I also had several other f2 females from the group I grew out that I selectively pollinated. These are just the first ones I've gotten to.
The Purple Urkle seeds I found in one of my jars of Purple Urkle. I'm sure that those buds where from the same plant that I had knocked up with some blue moonshine f2 pollen, so most likely they are Purple Urkle x Blue Moonshine f2.

These Pictures are from about 2 weeks ago after I moved the plants to a slightly larger flood and drain tray. The two big plants in the back right are the Purple Urkles.

Double Dutch f3's and Purple Urkle moved to 3 x 3 tray 024.JPG
Double Dutch f3's and Purple Urkle moved to 3 x 3 tray 019.JPG
Double Dutch f3's and Purple Urkle moved to 3 x 3 tray 001.JPG


I've been working on different methods over the years, and finding new ways that work for me.

One of those ways is in how I sprout my seeds. For years I used the moist paper towel in a plastic bag method. a couple years ago I started a new method starting my seeds. I still use moist paper towel but I don't use a baggie, I use a couple seedling trays stacked together.

Double Dutch F3 - 3B
Planting PU and DD before and after 016.JPG

Purple Urkle and Double Dutch F3 - 3A
Planting PU and DD before and after 021.JPG

The remind me of bean sprouts looking at them like this.
I set the tray in an almost vertical position to simulate the seedling having to grow upward. This has eliminated the seedling having "helmet head", where the seedling doesn't shed the seed hull. You can see in the pictures where the seed hulls are.


I used a different method to plant the seedling/sprouts into the hydroton this time. This is the first time I've tried this method to plant anything.
I set up the tray with all the pots filled with hydroton and I then flooded the tray with plain RO water. Into each pot (except one) I planted (inserted) one one seedling/sprout.

Planting PU and DD before and after 006.JPG

Planting PU and DD before and after 010.JPG

Planting PU and DD before and after 023.JPG

Planting PU and DD before and after 026.JPG

Planting PU and DD before and after 032.JPG

After all seedlings where in place I drained the tray.


These next 3 pictures are a week after planting them into the hydroton. The first week they only had RO. I added nutrients before taking these pictures. I could have added the nutrients after planting all of them.

This first picture is the Purple Urkle seedling. they are the three on the very right side of the picture.
Veggies and other seedlings 012.JPG

These are the 3A seedlings
Veggies and other seedlings 016.JPG

These are the 3B seedlings
Veggies and other seedlings 025.JPG


If you look closely you can see there is a pot in the front that has two seedlings in it. I germinated one extra seed in the event one seed didn't pop, but all the seeds germinated. So I doubled up one pot. I was intending to transplant it out of that pot when I moved them all to the 3x3 tray. As you can see there isn't enough room the fit an extra pot into that 2x4 tray, where as the 3x3 would give me room for one more pot. But I never did get around transplanting it into an other pot. Which mean there is still one pot that has 2 plants in it and I think one of them is male and one is female.


I think these are a few days later, no more then a week later.

A growth difference can be seen within the two groups of the Double Dutch f3 seedling. The B group has some of the smallest plant in the picture
Doubl Dutch f3 and Purple Urkle week of 4-3-2022 002.JPG


A week later,

There is a clear difference growth in growth between the two Double Dutch f3's. The B group has 3 runts which you can see are about to be over grown. The B group is also showing more traits of the Double Dutch, the bush/hedge growth structure of Grandma Double Dutch (their grand mother, the f1 double dutch I grew from seed). She grew like a hedge or bush how ever you look at it. She grew as wide as she was tall.
Double Dutch f3's and Purple Urkle 002.JPG


I was looking for a method to pop seeds and place sprouts directly into clay balls. Thank you for sharing your method! 😁

This method can be reversed to untransplant them from the hydroton. I'm wanting to experiment with sprouting them (seeds) in the hydroton. I'm going to experiment with veggie seeds first, then if it goes well I'll try some cannabis seeds.

I didn't mention this yet... In the last many times I used regular "soil type pot" in the reg pots I got hydroton all over in the tray. the holes in the bottom of the pots is just too big to keep all of the hydroton in.

My solution.... I just doubled up the pots, and that holds all of the hydroton all in the first pot. They only time I got hydroton coming out of one of the pots was when I removed one of the doubled up pots to sneak a peak to see if roots where starting to poke out of the holes in the bottom of the pot.


Now to get this up date, this grown Journal

I just took these pictures about 30 minutes ago. Early last week or last few days of April I had to get the 2x4 tray set back up for plants to go back into it. The plants all just got too big for the 3x3 tray.

Veg Room 008.JPG

Veg Room 014.JPG

And a close up of the 3 runts. I just pruned fan leaves so they start side branching. Just remember they where sprouted at the same time as all of the rest of the plants
Veg Room 015.JPG


I've been M.I.A. for a while.... I lost my internet, so haven't been able to post.

I messed the Double Dutch f3's up. The grow had issue from the start. I had a new timer I was using. Some how it got set to m-f and the light was now turning off on the weekend. They did start flowering, seamed like they took an extra week to show sex/start flowering. I'm not sure when I noticed the timer wasn't set correctly, but it was 4-5 weeks in.

The A group, all but one where males. The A group where the biggest plants of all the Double Dutch f3's.
The B group only had one male.

The 3 Purple Urkle bag seeds(from my own grown stuff). One was a male, around week 3 or 4 he went full female.

The other two where females. One plant died of around week 4-5 the other one I let the male stay in with her until about week 5.

I made seeds with the male and female, so I have Purple Urkle seeds that need removing from the buds. I expect to have a large/decent amount of seed due to the size of the plant. These seeds will be used for breeding with the Purple Urkle X Blue Moonshine seeds I made.

The Purple Urkle female revegged and should be ready to have cuttings taking in a few weeks.

I can't think of anything else to mention in this up date.


Last years garden got messed up. There where several issues that happened. But I did end up make seeds.

I bought a new digital timer for my lights, for the first time in about 10 years. They now have so many settings. The Double Dutch took 3 weeks to start to show sex. It turned out the timer wasn't turning of on saturdays and sundays. I ened up accidently killing them all. I noticed some had seeds, I thought they hermi'd. I touched one of the dead males and a yellow cloud went flying, they are actually m/f seeds. They all had seeds, all open pollinated F4's .


I went and made up some new " watering rings". As you can see in the picture, they are not full circles, but only half circles. This is so they can be removed with out having to cut anything (drip line) when ever I need to take a plant some where else, like for a shower in the bathroom.

Setting up next veg room and pic of trailer outside 008.JPG