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1st attempt at micro-bare bulb-vert with 150w hps and 4 plants in soil



Hi there, never done vert before, let's see how it goes or doesn't..

On the right and front: bangi haze, back left there's one midnight kush, all from seed. Bangis were regular beans and midnight kush femmed, all confirmed girls and hopefully stay that way. Brand new ballast and osram nav-t supers something bulb. Plants were vegged in a flat setup with t5s and some leds (ebay ufo).

The cab stays cool and you could keep plants very close to the bulb without getting hot. Bought some sticks and string to fence them, when they start grow too close to the bulb. Space is roughly 2x2x3 feet, could have stuffed 250w there, but much more ventilation would've been required, this way it stays cool with less effort. Gonna flip them tomorrow to 12/12



Work2much, thanks

It's generic garden soil (originally peat,sand,clay and compost) with some perlite and vermiculite (got em for free). For ferts biobizz veg+bloom.


Jeah unthing!!
Did you make the switch already or are ya still vegging??
I find vegging horizontal to yield a bit less..
looking good

Good luck bro!


Keif, it's a lowest shelf of a closet inside a wall with no door, reflective material and and some textiles to block light, pretty lightsealed thou, only had one hermi in my "career" over the years and that one was prolly genetically prone to hermi as 3 jack herers didn't have no probs at same run. Passive intake and lil exhaustline by computerfan. Too leaky for carbon filter, so I use ozone generator instead.

Inconegro, thanks and let's see how it goes.

Nukku, thanks, today is the day of flipping, maybe next round with vertical vegging. The ballast can drive mh too, so I might get a lil 150w mh for veg then, we'll see.
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love machine
ICMag Donor
Looks good unthing, that 150 sure is close to them ladies but im sure they're liking it, just becareful not to burn them buds in the future hehehe 150 isnt that hot anyway ...

ill watch ya from back here


redspaghetti, thanks :)

They're pretty close yeah, but it isn't that hot, if they are kept back just like 4-5 inches then no probs with temps and it's wintertime over here anyways. Already put sticks in pots and gonna v-scrog them when needed.


Sweet setup unthing, looking forward to seeing your results. What are you using for your ventilation setup?


Hi Toyot4, I have passive intake on the floor level and one 12cm/4inch computer fan (at 9 volts from adapter) sucking air out from the top and ventilating to the room, there's some passive leaking too.
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Keep us posted! Im planning a 250w barebuld vert, something to think about is chicken wire wrapped 6-8 inches around the bulb and train all the tops through the screen. Vertical sog.


Hi jgrow, chicken wire works good, but prolly better with single-strain runs, I usually end up with different strains or phenotypes and modular approach seems better in that situation.


Freeman, thanks and I'll hope I'll be able to provide.

Nothing too exciting is prob gonna happen in few weeks but have some pics in the meantime.

Day 1 of 12/12, put the sticks in there, plants seem to have adjusted, hopefully the gaps between plants get filled with sidegrowth

Wanna laugh? my current "vegbox", temporary solution..

Smoking this in the meantime..chemdd drysift.



Wanna laugh? my current "vegbox", temporary solution..

Nothing to laugh about there bro, the vegbox is the new star of the show in my eyes.


Green is Gold
Definitely digging your setup Un, reminds me of how I first got started with a vert 150 in my closet growing mexican bagseeds lol! You are gonna love it the buds will get so much bigger in this setup, props!


Nice going! Hell should've seen my very first veg box..lol..now THAT was something to laugh at!
Looks good...can't wait to see more pics! B)