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would u like to c my multi strain,multi Kw?

i had my grow "journal" in the vertical section, a northern farmer style garden. i grew a 2k stadium that finished well and with that under my belt in gonna try to "double up". i hope i got your attention. It will be a 360stadium on top another 360stadium with vertical lighting in cool tubing down the center. so far id say itll probly be hand watered cause of lack of funds..

i recieved a batch of 101 WhiteBerry clones and transplanted them into starafoam cups today. they are beautiful clean clones that have a strong stink to them. healthy and ready to boom.. yeah... ill be cutting a huge batch of clones off my 5 m-39 mothers tomorrow.

ill be starting my building tomorrow, itll come together quickly. im out of batteries for my camera so i cant even pic my clones..

i have 4 strains now, M39(50), DragonFly(60), a mystery strain im callin stinky(60-65), and now whiteberry(50).. the whiteberry while be ready to clone in about 2 wks, dragon fly i top tomorrow with the 39 cloning which are more than ready, and stinky well here shes ready too..

ill get pics up soon for now check out my last grow...
take care all



New member
I'm subscribed !!! Waiting on my whiteberry now, should be starting it in a few months from seed. Pic's and tips would be great.
the culprit. fucking powdery mildew.

the culprit. fucking powdery mildew.


my table in the temp veg room for easy watering.

nice pole structure on these whiteberries.

the fucking powdery mildew before the first treatment

side shot to view structure.

whole room view. my mothers are butcherd cause i needed to be able to dip all the vegatation into a 5gallon bucket. i didnt want to spray with pm too easy to miss some spores so ill be keeping smaller mothers and dipping to prevent pm for a the next little while..

same plant 3 days after the dip..... pm is almost gone ill be keeping up the dipping often until i feel secure (never) lol

im in a temp room while i clean the house and dip all the plants. im rebuilding new rooms hopefully pm free..

im transplanting all the whiteberries into 1 gallon pots tonight after another dip so ill be putting them into another stadium style setup.
only this time i will be wrapping each bulb 360degrees in plants to maximize light furthermore. hoping i make 2.5lb a light this run. about 96 plants per lamp. im gonna need about 12grams a plant dry to make the weight. which is very realistic and im pretty sure ill be able to achieve. from what i read, whiteberry tends to have a thin tall pole structure and very tight hard nugs. says something like 550gr per m2 or something so ill be arite.

ill get more pics up after the system is loaded up and switched over to 12/12. probly tomorrow or the next day.

all transplated after another dip of the ZP

all transplated after another dip of the ZP


all transplanted. once i see them start to take off ill flip the switch and flower this batch.

mix bac of clones, some dragonfly's, mystery bud, and m39's

cheap mother and clone station.. keeping the veg numbers low so i can get rid of the mildew quicker and then ill start up the other room for veg again... its such a pain in the ass all the fucking pests and diseases. i love keeping a tidy spot, simple, and effective, this whiteberry strain is putting a strain on me.... just kidding.. i cant complain i had pm 3 years ago and its only back again now so itll hopefully be 3 years from now or never the next time i see the shit again..

take it easy people ill have some pics up soon.. gonna be loading up the system tonight i didnt do it last night. ive had a cold and my sinus' keepin me lazy for now...

the PM came in with the new batch of clones. its not because of my doing. i run a clean ship. lol. my humidity is between 45-65 in veg and 45-55 in flowering. i run an exaust 24 hours a day and i have a dehumidifer with a humidistat so it controls itself. i have the condensation or runoff ran directly to the sump pump in he basement. set it and forget it..

im hoping that the pm i saw will be the last i see for a while...

thanks guys. ill get up the "goods" soon..

and for you HL.. dragonfly..

and for you HL.. dragonfly..

well shes about a month and a half now, she just showed her pre pistals around the 6th nodes. im pretty happy even thou i was pretty sure she would be a she anyhoo.. like ive mentioned this is the best weed i ever smoked. and im not an amature smoker nor a lightweight... im rooting the 2 first clones off her now and 70days from rooted theyll be ready. i cant wait to smoke it again...


Garden Nymph
OOh! You got lucky CC! If that were me I'd probably get a male lol. BTW she looks purty. Lovin those big leaves.
Good luck with her, glad to hear that you'll try to make some beans. Have never heard of that strain round here, so will be watching your grow!
generally when A seed is found its because nature finds itself a way to continue on. it feels the urgency to produce seeds and with no males in a clone only flowering room and pops the random banana that pollinates the same bud or plant. these random rare seeds if sprouted with love and grown properly should be female. the stress you give it when its young will turn it too hermie, or worse even a male only. every random seed ive grown myself from hermies in the female only flo room, has given me only female seeds.
HL seen my QuebecGold strain pics, off those 250 so plants grown over 2 crops, i collected 486 seeds. since i have given 100 to a close buddy and 100 sprouted within 24hrs and are growing intensly. in about 2-3 weeks ill be able to back up my claim.. ill post it up on here..

thanks hippie. you would hav gotten a beauty female too...

i shoulda stuck with my name flux, as in consistantly changing.

i shoulda stuck with my name flux, as in consistantly changing.

cause once again ive changed my mind. the whole double decker stadium was too complicated because i am missing 4" for 8' in 1 corner of my room, to floor or whatever is more crooked than i am. lol... so ive reverted back to my side by side stadium method. ive only built 1 stadium so far, i have about 2 wks before my clones will be strong enought to enter the flowering room, ill be starting clones ever time i get the last batch rooted and into veg. id really like to run perpetual from now on. every 2 weeks i load 1 of 4 stadiums i want to build. i was gonna do em doubled up side by side but too fucking complicated. ill be putting 2 per room, and ill have to build a room in the basement for the other 2.. im thinking keep it simple for the winter and work my ass off handwatering or whatever and then come spring id like to get a big garage or something where height doesnt matter. make the cabs tallers and cool tube em.

anyways this is where im at for now.



enjoy, tomorrow or the next day from 6am-6pm will be there first night of flowering. im pretty anxious, by time these ones are done my last harvest will have been 2.5monthes earlier :( i gotta get my cloning dialed in to not loose weeks constantly... i think im gonna put money into building up a aerocloner, cant argue with the sucess rate.. lol

pics before final construction.

pics before final construction.


i hung a lamp and put 100 in there to give yous an idea. 5.5'x5.5'. it could probly be bigger but my room is 11 feet long, i want 2 like this side by side. i post these temperary pics because once i add the walls and cieling getting whole garden shots become next to impossible to capture. and this way you can see how its built framing wise. the shelfs are on 10" rise from each other and the first shelf is 12" cause ill be throwing down 2" of stryofoam so the pots on the ground arent cold.

be back soon with updates. feel free to ask questions ill try not to bite :)