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Whats your current favorite cloning method??


Well-known member
I've always sucked at cloning, ill admit. I was lucky to get 50% with the standard rockwool technique.

I have a few plants I'd really like to save, and they're already transitioning to flower.

What's your current favorite method? Most fool proof? I've never tried anything but rockwool.
The hempy clone tek has me interest, seems really easy.


Well-known member
Amazon floating ultra sonic fog maker snip 3 nodes drop in a foam cooler drilled hole with some water
with or without IPA powder or gel, willow water etc not necessary
Put a clear solo cup over the clone with a few holes in them
Runs about 80F degrees
Cheapest way 30$ works great 🤷‍♂️ plant once roots are a few inches long
Goto resturaunt trash they get food shipped in free foam coolers seafood especially
You could use a black 5 gallon bucket with lid
Reduce reuse recycle drink from the solo cups atleast once ;)
The misters are like 10$ and the float is 10$ use it for Halloween spooky fog :pumpkin:
Few days to a week :plant grow:

Get as fancy as you like they dont all live, air bubble in stem kills
after cut drop immediately in distilled water glass
keep cloner filled up high first few days

Bonsai Mum's OT1 Fogponics
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Well-known member
I make mine with Eazy plugs, clonex and greenhouse with a heatmat underneath. I take them out the trays and set them in a thick layer of perlite

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
I invert a plastic cup over a smaller cup of water and feed the cutting through a hole drilled in the inverted cup's base. No additives or root-growth hormones are in the tap water I use, and the success rate runs between 30% to 50% at best. Since I have a dozen mother plants under 16/8 light/dark LED illumination, I can afford to lose dozens of clones that succumb to the dreaded stem slime syndrome. Rooting with this caveman approach takes between one and two weeks.

I learned about this back-to-basics clone method in this forum and resorted to it after a string of failures using air stones and other complicated methods that all produced abysmal results despite their complexity.
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Well-known member
1 wet jiffy. 1 butty (sandwich if yer posh like) bag. 1 healthy cutting.

Diagonal cut below a node using a Stanley blade. Cheeky scrape at the stem where it’s going in the jiffy. Place it in the butty bag. Leave about a week and you’ll have a rooted cutting. I always do 5/6 to be sure I can pick the best. No clonex. No mycorr. Nowt. I too struggled with cuttings. Too much bullshit surrounding this hobby. All I needed was a butty bag and a jiffy.
I use large clear totes upsidedown as humidity domes. Try letting your cuttings sit in a cup of water with a drop of peroxide for a day or 2 to adjust before potting them or sticking them into rooting cubes.

I use a dip n grow root tone and stick them into a 4inch pot to start. Mist the clones ALOT but keep the media fairly dry to prevent rot. Mist with peroxide and switch off with low doses of foliar feeds to help them along. I've seen roots in as little as 4 days.

Can also use the totes right side up with the lids on em if you are using rooting cubes. We would use Oasis cubes back in the day but I get about 80% success with the Coco coir.


Well-known member
I use aero cloners without lids. I like to take nice sized cuts so I don’t pack the cloners full.

The best results I get are with 74-76* water with 1/2 strength Lucas formula and garden friendly fungicide.

Cloning success is all about keeping mothers in perfect health. Any issue at all and it adds a week to the cloning timeline.


Active member
razor blade, one inch rockwool. Take cutting, vertical cut on the bottom about 1/2 inch long. up the shoot. dont break the other cell wall. Just cut half way into it. humidity tent for 2 days. then open. 1-2 weeks later, roots. really good success rates.


Well-known member
Lol so as usual with cloning it seems we are all over the board here with favorite methods 😅😅

I only need a handful of clones so I think I'll gonna grab some rockwool cubes, and also some perlite to try the hempy method. If they have jiffy cubes ill give them a shot too. Really don't have the money or desire to mess with bubblers or aero.

People that use ziploc/sandwich bags...any advantage other then easy separation of phenos??


Active member
Lol so as usual with cloning it seems we are all over the board here with favorite methods 😅😅

I only need a handful of clones so I think I'll gonna grab some rockwool cubes, and also some perlite to try the hempy method. If they have jiffy cubes ill give them a shot too. Really don't have the money or desire to mess with bubblers or aero.

People that use ziploc/sandwich bags...any advantage other then easy separation of phenos??
with the rockwool. iv noticed that if the ph slips above 6.0 youll develop root rot, black or dark tips and very little to no progression. 5.5-5.8 do not leave a dome on them for longer than 48 hours (even 24 is fine) but you can cause them to damp off in the first few days and wait weeks for nothing. after the 1st week or even 5 days. start adding mycorrhizal.


Well-known member
Lol so as usual with cloning it seems we are all over the board here with favorite methods 😅😅

I only need a handful of clones so I think I'll gonna grab some rockwool cubes, and also some perlite to try the hempy method. If they have jiffy cubes ill give them a shot too. Really don't have the money or desire to mess with bubblers or aero.

People that use ziploc/sandwich bags...any advantage other then easy separation of phenos??
I think it’s like a lot of things. Pick a generally accepted method and work at it until you get typical success rates.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
1 wet jiffy. 1 butty (sandwich if yer posh like) bag. 1 healthy cutting.

Diagonal cut below a node using a Stanley blade. Cheeky scrape at the stem where it’s going in the jiffy. Place it in the butty bag. Leave about a week and you’ll have a rooted cutting. I always do 5/6 to be sure I can pick the best. No clonex. No mycorr. Nowt. I too struggled with cuttings. Too much bullshit surrounding this hobby. All I needed was a butty bag and a jiffy.
I'm gonna try this since I'm tired of getting 30% success rate rooting in plain water


Well-known member
People that use ziploc/sandwich bags...any advantage other then easy separation of phenos??
They’re cheap. You can bump two in there easy. I find it’s easier to see progress without lifting a lid or ruining the humidity. Just look at the bottom of the bag. They take up absolutely no room. Just throw them in the corner. Also if you turn them inside out you can stick yer egg mayo in there for work once rooted …

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
All these methods work well if conditions are right. The main one is temperature, keep temps around the root zone at 78 f/ 25 C and your success rates will increase dramatically. Another mistake most people make is too much light.
Here is a good video on propagating cuttings. Best of luck



automatic shoes
Using coco in 8oz cups because I dont have rockwool right now but i do have coco and cups. I prefer rockwool but this way works fine and it worked for me when i was learning and failing. Biggest factors in success is healthy mothers and keeping temps and RH stable. 75f is good. High humidity for first week and then start cracking the dome and getting them acclimated. I use 24 hr light, low light (14 watts led bulb) and use a shade cloth on the dome for the first week or so. Re-wet medium after about a week if needed but too wet is counterproductive. Cups are filled with charged coco, wet to field capacity with full strength nutes (1.2ec)

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Well-known member
Rapid rooters, power si, clonex solution, clonex gel, heat mat and dome. 100% success rate.
I used those when I grew in promix. When I went to 100% inorganic medium in hydro, the rapid rooters had to go.

I think they make better roots than an aero cloner. It seems with some of my cuts that the aero cloner roots are sometimes attached to the stem with a weak brittle attachment. Scoring the stem a lot seems to have corrected that issue. But still, something in the process of making roots differs a lot between the two.


Well-known member
Silica and Calcium makes strong roots?
I was gonna look into Meristem Media recipes
Saw here several people are feeding weak fertz
Hormones minerals and vitamins ???

I dont add anything just ultra pure water
With some anti slime chem the fert is ok ?
Does water ph ec have variable results?

Have noticed rough ends scizzors or pinched ends instead of surgical razor cuts produce more healthier looking roots, similar to scrapi g the cambium layer . Variety of strain makes everthing vary, its a apple to orange comparison unless all clones are the same...

Anyone on the nute part ?
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