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whats with sandy bud in the uk?


My little pony.. my little pony
Next time you go to buy some weed just print off some bills onto sandpaper.

The silica in the sand is very bad for your lungs, much worse than glass.

Likely they put it in to add weight, best to make your own bud instead.

There are practically no excuses anymore for continuously buying sandy or glassy bud.

Do not support it by not buying it, just make it yourself, and way better!

Now it is agreed that no one should knowingly buy and support sand laden buds. But for those who do it to themselves anyway for some reason, make sure you ask for weight compensations where the sand is concerned. Just remember, it can be deadly, best to eat the sandy stuff, not sure about smoking the glass buds, I get neither.

Makes you wonder just what other types of things are irresposible dealers putting into the medicine making it harmful for their own profiteering.

Heard of bug spray poison back in the days, but never seen that or anything like this glass or sand stuff. If ever do, its curtains for the guy that sold it or the guy that sold it to him. Better not front a bag of glassy weed, will hurt somebody real bad. Those are no friends to worry about, so kick em' in the nuts!
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water cure that shit..then smack your dealer or grow your own
page1 said:
Its realy starting to get on my nerves, almost every time i get some bud from any of my dealers they always have sandy bud. This is where as the plant is growing, people put very fine sand all over their buds and it all gets stuck into the bud as it grows. alot of people will mistake it from chrystals because thats what it looks like, but if u touc it and put it in your mouth all u can feel in your teeth is grit.

i just find it so upsetting that people feel the need to ruin perfectly good herb just for some extra money. the sad thing is the bud usualy smells pretty damn good, so without the sand it would be some top grade shit. the sand makes the bud extra harsh and it is supposed to be incredibly un healthy for you. plus when take a rip of a bong it makes a realy unhealthy sounding fizzing noise which makes me feel realy bad about smoking it.

i realy cant wait untill i get my perpetual harvest up and running now.

who else gets sandy bud? i hope uk is the only place people do it because it will be sad if its happening all over the world.



ISO, or even Butane, are you crazy? They put chemicals in the weed and you're telling this guy to mix it with a solvent? Shady advice....Water cure sounds the least dangerous


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Damn it..i thought it was local... Bought some sandy weed one day. I thought it was a fucking joke at first..but to my disappointment it was not. How do they sleep at night ?


9Lives- How do they sleep at night ?,,they sleep by remincing on all the people who bought their shitty weed,while their smokin their homegrown.water cure or like someone said a bong would help as well.I agree with unicorn,growing your own would help,but so would going around everywhere planting seeds,you do live in europe.i doubt a lot of people would ripp it.those assholes dont care about you,so i say u go back beat the dudes ass,then force him to smoke a pound of this shitty weed.sounds fair 2 me.Identifying is the key.if we had more pictures of this "glass grass" more and more would be able to indentify this bud and not buy it.Im still not understanding,is it mainly the street dealers,or is it the coffe shops 2?i dont see the shops sellin that shit,but its possible if they didnt know what to look for.


Joint Date: Today.
Flamengo said:
I swore I thought Europe had way more herb, tolerant laws, and straight up plantations (Switzerland?) to support the demand for good herb. Why the hell is this crap everywhere. Is it the long winters? What's going on?
God bless Cali

i wish it was like you say man. Theres nearly no herb around and loads of commercial crappy hash . In switzerland its illegal but they seem to be pretty chill with small amount, and in holland its onlly legal to buy it and carry a limited number of grams.


if we had more pictures of this "glass grass" more and more would be able to indentify this bud and not buy it.-

here is a pic of an 8th, as you can see on the second pic there is a small pile of sand/glass on the left. the sand/glass is exactly the same colour as the bud and to most people who havnt heard of this would probably look at them and think they are chrystals...and it looks an extra small 8th too because it should probably weigh 2g-2.5g but the weight of the sand makes it 3.5g:(

damb these con-merchants to hell!



:wave: ...so that is what it looks like.im leaning towards fiberglass,but idk. :yoinks: that picture sickens me to the bone.i thought water was bad,but mann this is wayyyyy over the line.not buying their bud would be the first step of getting rid of this stuff in my eyes.if no1 buys it,what will they do with it.would they throw it away or smoke it,i mean if they bought large orders of this stuff to slang,and no1 will buy it,what will they do then.i would lmao if they smoked it,serves em right.i still think they should smoke it.just so they know its not kool to altar bud,if its indeed glass like you all say,then how do you guys even buy it,idk about you but before when i bought bud,i would always examine and sample it first before buying,if the dude didnt want to lend a sample,i didnt want to lend my money to him.Im not saying its all your fault you got ripped off,but atleast some percentage is your fault for not examining your bud before purchase.Its still sad someone would go to such extremes for a couple extra bucks,i fear like the rest that this will arise issues for the sick med patients(as if they dont have enough problems)the dea already has problems with med-dispensaries,when they get whift of this,you can bet cannabis will be worse then meth crack and heroin put together.Soon youll start seeing crazy anti-commercials again.dealing is a shady bizznes.like others stated growing your own would be benneficial in every aspect.Who dosent like free dank buds.


New member
I just had to chime in on this,whoever is putting what ever it is on the herb should get one of these :spank: :bashhead: and if you were in america you would get one of these i cant find a ak47 assault rifle smilee but you get the picture.I cant belive its all over the place iam in southern europe and it was te only thing around not just one person had it either erybody had it.i dont have any pics but bware its here ,but i can say that things have changed in the last couple months oh yeah the chumps who were sellin the stuff even went up on the price sayin it was hard to get,growin your own is the way to go,i wanna get high to but i dont wanna die behind it cause of some money hungry :moon: .well just had to add my 2 cents :joint: :joint: be safe everyone.............
grow your own


well its hard for me to give it back to the dealer and get my money back, because i usualy get friends to get me bud from their dealers, so i cant exactly tell my friend to ring him up to get my money back, its to much hassle for my friend to go through for helping me out. the sad thing is last time my friend got me some bud from this same dealer it was amazing and had no sand. im going to get my friend to ask next time because alot of dealer will admit it has sand if you ask because they know you know what to look for.


:wave: Doc thanks for posting your pictures,and the link.
Thatsthatshit-very nice picture man,i can tell the bud on the left has a lot of the glass on it and down on the bottom the bud on the right glass shoe dosent look like it has so much,is it your homegrown?
With the pictures posted,i would like to post a link if it works,you should arive in a thread created by res.www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?+=45726 .(If link dosent work please go to reservoir seeds,and click ecsd goes purple,as thats the thread i tried to paste).In that thread there are pictures of some of if not the most finest herb around,if you look at the pictures of his bud youll notice they dont even have as much crystals.Now if some of the best herb around dosent have as much crystals as some herb you buy off the streets,shouldnt you be a little suspicous?Page1 i understand that in your case its hard for you to look at the bud,and refuse if its indeed bad bud,but for the rest if your buying bud off a street vendor,and it dosent have as much crystals as your properly grown homegrown,it should be a big signal gone off in your head.Especially when you can barely see any green,because its so covered in glass.Sad times when some1 says they would actually prefer mids.I still think the only way to stop this is going to the media,haveing are story brodcasted worldwide,so everyone knows to watch out.if these dealers see this on t.v.theyre gonna know the jig is up.But im sure doing that will somehow create even more problems for us bud smokers,only this time legal problems.
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i just got some more bud from the guy who i got the sandy bud from before. i got the number of my friend and i actualy asked him if the bud he had at the moment was sandy. he said no so i met up with him and said he had to prove it wasnt sandy before i got a quarter. so he said ok and he actualy took out a nice bud in his car and let me look at it and it was realy nice herb. then he rolled a fatty and we smoke it and i got the quarter. im a happy customer once again, he also told me how he is never getting sandy bud again due to complaints. he travelled twice the distance for some nice amsterdam quality herb.


:wave: glad to see you got some bud worth smoking,im even happier to hear it wasnt sandy,I knew they couldnt keep it up forever,if no 1 buys it theyll stop trying to sell it,im glad to see your dealer stop doing it,but what about the rest,i really hope they stop selling that shit as well.no1 should have to smoke it. :noway: I would,i would stop smoking to avoid killing myself.Some street vendors are shady,and your friends can be even shadyer,i dont advise you to have your friends get you bud,they could go as far as taking buds or taking it all.i hate street vendors,if i started buying bud again i would go to some people who i know grow,they dont worry about making it weigh to the point,and its guranteed to be knock you on your ass smoke.your not smoking sandy bud and thats all that matters,hopefully this sandy bud will come to a drought and the european streets will be flowed with dank again. :joint: P.S.---------post some pics and a smoke report if you got time :wave:


i would be so pissed off..that is seriously messed up shit...does it tast like salt...is it beach sand...maybee something floated up to shore somewhere

page1 said:
if we had more pictures of this "glass grass" more and more would be able to indentify this bud and not buy it.-

here is a pic of an 8th, as you can see on the second pic there is a small pile of sand/glass on the left. the sand/glass is exactly the same colour as the bud and to most people who havnt heard of this would probably look at them and think they are chrystals...and it looks an extra small 8th too because it should probably weigh 2g-2.5g but the weight of the sand makes it 3.5g:(

damb these con-merchants to hell!

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New member
hey lads
Over here in Ireland (green isle) there is tons of it..:( it often happens when stuff wont shift in the UK they send it over here it. The first batch was so crap must have been 50% additives it looked under the microscope and it seemed to be sand with some kind of bondant, silcone or sugar or something. Very hard to tell with the naked eye but as somebody mentioned just put a tiny bit in you mouth and feel the grit.
The second batch arrived and it was much better quailty weed but still the sandy grit but not as much. Again as somebody mentioned it was very nice weed before the additions :(
dealers :Increase the price if you need more cash for your product dont add to the weed !!! people will still pay for quality methinks.

In fact fuck that : for that price of an oz 280€ of this shit get a wardrobe and a nice little hps light couple of seeds and hey presto 3-4 month time sand free buds :)

be good all and send it back if its shit - i know its difficult to do sometimes but if you are buying a product that is the same price as gold fuck them send it back the message will filter back.


It's starting to die out now, people are complaining once they start feeling the grit/glass grinding against their teeth everytime they close their jaw after toking on a joint of it. There's no particular taste it's just a weird dusty like smoke and hardlyany taste of resin becasue they probably knocked the crystals off first. your nose gets bunged up and your throat flares up and you just get a headache.