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What is the scoop with sm-90?



sm 90 is good for killing and preventing algae and fungus

it will deter mites and is effective at slowing them down, but as is the case with pretty much all kill treatments, you have to spray with different chemicals multiple times if you have an infestation
( 2 to 3 times a week for at least 1 to 2 weeks after you havent seen any signs of them).

low doses are better for the root mixes especially in a soil or soilless mix, while in hydro you can go a little higher (2 -3 ml as on the bottle)

for the bug spray, medium doses for prevention, higher doses for problems (15-30% sm90/water solution)

sm90 also works to keep hydro systems clean this could be very effective for people running sprayers and having clogging problems
I know this is an old thread.

But triethanolamine is not exactly 'harmless'. Biodegrades quickly, but should be handled with care. You don't have to drink it for it to be harmful.

It is an eye and skin irritant. It caused an increase in an incidence of tumor growth in rats, which extrapolation to humans is unclear.

The triethanolamine is why it kills mites, fungus, algae, etc.

Repeated exposure can cause kidney and liver damage, even through skin (dermal exposure mentioned), according to the MSDS. Here:


I'm not sure how for years and years and post after post, with literate and intelligent people, people are coming to the same conclusion that it is some wonder spray that is harmless except to all the things growers hate.


It works well against mites and algae because it is used in combination or in complexes against these things as well. For example TEA-copper complex is an effective algaecide with many brand names.

I guess with people spraying poisons, some legal, some not, SM90 is the least of peoples' risks, but grower exposure is and should be a concern, especially when people are saying falsely that it is purely organic, and it smells like coriander oil.

TEA is also toxic to many aquatic animals and fish. Can't imagine how much is being dumped with nutes. Please be responsible.
Stott et.al 2004 suggests a mode of carcinogenicity of hepatic choline deficiency. This could mean poor extrapolation from the 1999 study above from rats, to humans.

Still, with too little in the literature, I would think safety comes first. "Better safe than sorry" is a wise cliche especially when concerning PPE, which doesn't cost much, health, and chemicals. Could be a skin irritant for those sensitive as well.

Studies suggest TEA is non-genotoxic though (doesn't damage DNA).

Additional info: Some laundry and dish detergents have some TEA, for example some Wisk products (2X Concentrated, or Deep Clean.)

It is expected that those with sensitive skin may have problems with this chemical. It is relatively bad for the environment.


Active member
sm90 is an add in to make your roots a little stronger it doesn't
Work on mites ,makes your plants smell good that's about it if you left it out you wouldn't notice it I use it I know

Mike D

New member
I have to beg to differ on the opinion it doesn't work for spider mites.
Looking for a solution to my mite infestation I came across this thread
And decided to give it a try

One foliar application and a 3ml per gallon in the rez resulted in seeing only a few. A second foliar spraying 4days later and the same rez treatment gave me no sign of live mites 14 days later. Microscope review and I could find no live mites or eggs. Foliage is a nice dark green and the ladies are drinking more than ever. Explosive growth.... I am going to run this as a preventative from now on.....


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
I agree it does work on mites, I've used it before as such, and continue to use it sparingly as a soil treatment.

But it's basically canola and coriander oil, and they charge waaaay too much to be using it in a 1:5 ratio. You can wipe out mites for a fraction of the price they charge.

Mike D

New member
Compared to the price of several other options this one was most economic and allowed for use during bloom. For the plants I could move (Ebb and grow sysyem) an upside down dunk into 95 degree water cleared the mites. Dunked under for 8 MIN(dissolves eggs outer case) and the repeat dunk up and down quickly to remove live mites cleared all the veg stage plants. Did that four days in a row.

Regardless, all because I accepted clones from another grower and did not inspect for stowaway.
I wanted to revive this discussion and figure out the effects of Sm-90 on my beneficial microbes and fungus life in my Rockwool

After being infested with RA's a second time, I have had to try and protect my root zone with some Met 52 ec (liquid) and OG Biowar root pack and foliar packs watered in every week or so. I like Sm-90 as a foliar spray to prevent PM and was curious if the overspray needed to be collected before it drips down onto the Rockwool.

Would this harm the Met 52 and OG bennies?

I could easily cover it with a towel before I foliar spray.


Sm-90 does not harm beneficial bacteria. Several years ago there was a lot of misinformation saying it does kill beneficials, but it was proven that it doesn't. A few members from icmag contacted the company directly a few years ago.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Sm-90 does not harm beneficial bacteria. Several years ago there was a lot of misinformation saying it does kill beneficials, but it was proven that it doesn't. A few members from icmag contacted the company directly a few years ago.

Eh, I've read the same. As far as taking the company at their word, they also claim they bought the formula from a researcher right before he died. He is quite alive from what I gather.

Disregarding all that, canola oil is fungicide, with sulfonation increasing the effectiveness. I haven't read anything to suggest sulfonated canola oil is selective in the effect it has, but perhaps I'm mistaken.
Then I probably will just cover the soil to prevent any overspray to insure my Met 52 stays unharmed---since there is still uncertainty about the overall effects of this substance


Here is a quote from member dongle69:

That is a common misconception about SM90.
SM90 does not have a negative effect on beneficials.
I did some research a little over a year on the subject.
Many web sites are giving wrong info that SM90 kill beneficials.
Another blurb from Kelly:
I have spoken with the micro-biologist and he has assured me that the SM-90 was not interfering with colonization of beneficial's in the root zone.
I have also verified with a microscope.
He also told me that he is aware of the misinformation out there but it is on too many web sites to keep up with and correct.

Up to you to believe it or not. If not, you could verify yourself under a microscope.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Pass. It takes more than a forum post or company spiel to prove that one, at least for this prick.

"canola oil fungicide site:*.edu" as a search query in Google is a good place to start. Sulfur on it's own acts as a fungicide. Two broad spectrum fungicides together forming a compound that is selective is... very unlikely, to put it mildly.

FWIW, I do use SM90 as a soil drench (foliar is a joke re: price) occasionally, but obviously consider it broad spectrum. Misinformation is rampant on cannabis forums, take what you read with a grain of salt, especially the wanker chicken pecking this post out right now. Fucking tablets.
Ode to Mikell
It was worth reading the last 6 pages for this one snip it: Misinformation is rampant on cannabis forums, (this quote was stolen from Abraham Lincoln) take what you read with a grain of salt, especially the wanker (So British) chicken pecking this post out right now. Fucking tablets. Which tablets are you referring to?


New member


iv'e also heard sm90 works as a folier spray for powder mold...infact I just sprayed this morning with it....in Humboldt county a lot of people used that stuff for a variety of solutions it smells amazing and ive never seen any burn related issues from it, and as far as I'm concerned it does work for pm

although I was a bit hesitant at first because in Washington with the 509 grows they test the product for all sorts of things even ecoli...but the sm90 hasn't been a problem....

however I am learning that a lot of the grows I worked for in Humboldt seemed to have a lot of information passed down from other people and a lot of the info can be somewhat questionable

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