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What is better for veg? 24/0, 20/4, 18/6


New member
Ive been growing these babies under 24/0 from seedling about 4 weeks ago, i had a soil contamination problem 10 days in, then i bought fox farms ocean forest and they started doing way better, but there still not as big as i hoped and ive always wondered what time lengths get better results in veg.


sry i agree with NZ its a prefferance i have grown my need seedling 24/0 and have had massive root growth and in 8 days from starter cups to i gall pots.

Well the plant dosent need a dark period for growth so you would get faster growth if u go 24/0 compared to 18/6 seen some statement of 30% faster. Donno in reallife how its worth and worth electricbill wise .. :)


there are plenty of threads around with the same Q.

fact is, its personal preference.

24 hours they will grow without rest.. im veggin' under 24 hour light right now, but only coz its cold, and if i turn the light off, the temps will drop lower than i want.

i will end up veg under 18/6. just to save my electric bill, and give my girls time to sleep.

yes.. your girls sleep...

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not to be a nitpicky or anything. but the 24/7 light isnt the fastest grow rate... In the first week from Seed maybe so, BUT after that is good to get a few hours of "night" in there.

20/4 is probably the best and fastest VEGGING light sched for you want your Roots to develop in the beginning weeks of your plants life. 24hour light does not promote root growth nearly as well as 20on 4 off.

The root only grow well in the Dark period as when the plant is UP and theres light its working on making food, Photosynthesis...so onces lights go out it will actually use that food it made.

So through your babies to 20/4 or since you say your 4 weeks in.. id through them into flowering 12/12 by now..



New member
hey thanks alot military i switched them under 20/4 so lets see how they do for the next couple of weeks


But if temps and kwh are not a factor?

But if temps and kwh are not a factor?

20/4 sounds pretty good now after that explanation. However, I've been using Roots soil and had incredible root growth with 24/0. I don't yet have the veg lights I want, but hey, only Ruderallis is native to the Alaska lattitudes and I'm growing regular Sativa/Indicas now.

That said, my soil wicks very well and the Mandala website said to just fill the whole pot with dirt and then water from the top then bottom then top then bottom, repeat. I have 8 of my pots in a big plastic tub. I can just pour water in until they sit in 3/4 inch of water. They drink/wick it all up in 2 hours or less if they were on the dry side.

That said, I water from the top right after transplanting to bigger pots. I don't begin the top/bottom watering until I can see roots poking out the holes in the bottom of the pot. I've sworne off using gravel/lava rock or whatever. I like to lift each pot and tell by its weight if it needs water or not.
I think to truly get a gauge on this we need to get one strain and run it on each different light schedule and note the differences. That would truly reveal the difference because with so many different strains some may run better without rest while others may like that dark period better than other strains.
Got this from somewhere - Think poster is ot1

Lighting Schedule

We did a lot of experiments with light times a few years back using known sativa and sativa dominant clone lines.

With Vegging under HID lights.

20/4 produced the sturdiest growth and the most bulk. Best final yield, taken as 100%
22/2 Less of both growth and bulk. Yield 88%
18/6 Sturdier than 22/2 but slightly less bulk. Yield 87%
24/0 Much lighter in all aspects than 18/6. Yield 79%
16/8 The weediest plants. Yield 67%

Plants vegged to final pots under fluorescents at 20w per sq ft on 18/6 yield 49%

Have not tried 36 hrs dark but did try 48 hrs from 18/6 veg. The final yield was down between 15% and 20% by varying the pure sativas
with the biggest loss in final weight and caused the odd herm, [sativas] it did reduce the flowering time by 5 to 8 days.

For the mum lines we have 20/4 to 12/12 gives the best crop weight and bud quality, really that’s all I’m interested in.


BonsaiBud- Ya well lol you cheated :p using a root enhanser is of course going to have some great root development because your tricking the plant :p Its working twice as hard in all reality, because with this you'll see that the plant itself it growing but the roots are also...

BUT still to be said MOST plants grow RAPIDLY during the dark cycle... im almost SURE of this because iv read from many PROs and they all say this same thing also. So regardless your strain (JackOneill) im sure that all plants have there RAPID growth during the dark stages.

Of course they all grow in the light blah blah blah but it is much slower. Why you think they say that your plants get 2-3 times the size once you switch to 12/12 flower stage :p hehe

Well, also a good test will be to see how Magius's plants like the new 20/4 light timing. He does have to post pics like NOW though lol... :p then post an update in a few days.

EDIT>>TechnialFarmer very nice post man.. You posted that as i was typing mine :p Couldnt have said it any better :p That is for the sativas mostly though but fuck ill say it lol a plants a plant :p AHHAH thats right :p Im prepared for all the PROs to attack me now :p hehe JK I understand enough for myself to get some great bud thank you very much heeh :p

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i've been using 18/6 throughout my veg cycle (and my moms) throughout my grow (except when i began with 24/0 and quickly learned from locals that they need some dark time for root growth.)

i think i will be switching to 20/4 and see if i notice a difference in growth through veg, monitor continued growth once switched to 12/12, and gauge yield accordingly.

20/4 produced the sturdiest growth and the most bulk. Best final yield, taken as 100%

that quote is enough for me to experiment with 20/4. and i've seen that 'report' and similar data from several sources.
It all depends on how fast you want your plants to be sexed really. IMO, if I'm not in a hurry it's 24/0 if im in a hurry it's 18/6 with a walk back schedule. But they do grow faster with some night time.


New member
Why you think they say that your plants get 2-3 times the size once you switch to 12/12 flower stage :p hehe
This is quite misleading since the "size" you talk about is mostly the stems stretching out.


Active member
ICMag Donor
In nature, the plants see a progressive increase of light hours until the solstice. And then a regressive decrease of light hours until harvest.
Does it not make sense to try and recreate what the plant would see in it's natural habitat? Especially when dealing with landrace and true strain genetics.
Some true strains require more hours of darkness than others, and will do much better with either a less direst light, and others quite the opposite.
IMO, there is no boiler plate answer to the question.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I use 24 hours for veg. But I MUST STRESS that I have the Jack Bauer "24" clock ticking constantly down in my room.

This post took place between the hours of 6 and 7 am on Tuesday April 29, 2008.


I think it's the countdown that really makes them grow like crazy.




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This is the money you could be saving if you grow
According to a video i saw yes on youtube, the Dutch like 18/6. I like 24/0 the plants grow faster and are bushier with tighter nodes.


Im runing 17/7 primary to reduce a bit light bill. I havent seen a difference from 18/6 really, my ladies wont flower under 17 hours of light, so for me works great.