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Unofficial Glossary for New Growers


Active member
I hope someone can help here, but as many people know, as part of some members signatures they put links to glossaries for different topics. Every growers journey takes different paths, and for me at least, a lot of the knowledge I am getting each and every visit is just by PURE ACCIDENT.

You see a post by someone you haven't seen before and look! There's another link with some more info that you may use now, in 6 months or 5 years. I have no doubt at all there are many forums that for whatever reason we'll most likely never visit.

So, my point (finally!) is that with the massive amount of knowledge here in the form of stickys, along with all the stuff from Overgrow that pops up here and there plus even stuff that come from NON-pot sites that we use here, could Gypsy or another site Admin with the help of the forum mods make an INDEX of ALL stickys on the front page? I for an example have about 60+ links from different areas on IC Mag bookmarked, but they get forgotten pretty quick. Funny thing is, most of them are stickys!

This is the place where I assume everyone goes to first to sign in (yeah i know you can jump from a link if you get thread updates) so a lot of people will see it a lot more often.
It will be a huge load of work I suspect, but with the hundreds of thousands of members on IC mag but as NiteTiger says in his sig: "Remember - Every elite started as someones bagseed."

When this site was first started, it was bagseed. Now it is elite. The process never stops, nor should it.

My apologies for being off topic here, so anyone with the power to do so please move this to somewhere more appropriate and/or pass it along to someone who can do something about it one way or another.

Thanks for reading.
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Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I can see what you're saying, but I'm not sure the stickies could be handled much better. If we had them all lumped on the first page, new visitors would be overwhelmed with loads of info without building any sort of foundation.

As it is now, each section has its stickies at the top, relevant to that section. New Grower's Glossary in New Growers section, Cheap and Simple Hydro sticky in the Indoor Hydro Section, etc.

This post, for instance, gives you a reference as you move forward into the other sections. You know what DWC is when you get to the hydro section. Imagine jumping into one of these 60+ page threads as a newbie with absolutely no point of reference.

So, I can see where an index of stickies would be nice, I don't think it's necessary, or particularly more helpful than the current organization.

Welcome aboard! If you make it through your first grow with your sanity intact, you've got a new hobby for life! :D :wave:


Active member
Good to see there are more level-headed people than me here. I just had a picture in my head of the mess it'd make.

I'll have to learn if i can make some threads/stickys that are of interest to me to word docs or pdfs, so i can read them on paper, rather than on a screen.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to do that?

Reg Dixon

ICMag Donor
Hi thanks for the glossery. Can you add the definition of 'flip' to the list please? Also could I suggest if it were alphabetical it would be a better reference point.


There you are Reg I thought you got lost and needed help!!!
Flip as is 'smartass'? or in reference to changing a grows lighting cycle from vegative (generally 18/6 or 24) to Flower (generally 12/12)??...;) pal


Wow! Thanks NiteTiger and paladin! Yall just took me a notch higher up the rookie scale with this thread. I can't wait to get started with somethin indoors.....


thanks NiteTiger! this really helped me get a bit more of an understanding for the "perfect grow" that i have as a future goal. i was wondering if you knew or anyone knows wehn a plant is supposed to be harvested at by the looks of the bud? thanks!


Active member
A bud close to harvest looks like this, with retracted pistils and swollen calyx's. Once it looks like this - time to begin checking those trichs!




Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Took the time to alphabetize the entries but am hesitant to add to the list. NiteTigers done a HELL of a job here and all credit goes to him.

That said...

Flip aka light flip. Changing light schedule from vegetative (24/0-18/6) to flower (12/12). A "one size fits all" solution. Few varieties require 12 hours of dark but, all varieties will flower at 12.

Flip Flop a relay system allowing two lamps in different rooms to work off one ballast. When one is on, the other is off. Then they flip flop. The on lamp goes off and the off lamp comes on.

SFV This is an educated guess. I'll say San Fernando Valley. Think Cognac. It's only Cognac if it comes from Cognac. If it comes from anywhere else, it's Burgundy. SFV whatever is that strain as grown in the SFV. But, that's a guess.
Nite-Tiger - K++ great thread for the new folks.

I tried to contribute when I read the list...it was like: "quick, name something people dont know..." Lots of staring and blank stuff. I will be back when I have something to add.

Nite-tiger mentioned 60 page threads...I guess I am weird. I like the long ones...growing large plants outdoors has got to be one of my favorites. Anyone else like the long threads cause it means there is often something there amongst the assorted baloney? (rhetorical, dont want to get the thread off track)


a clone is a pheno but remember it will always be the same pheno.

a clone is an exact duplicate as the donor mother in every way including age


nite tiger

nite tiger

great job; had a hard time finding. i wanted to increase the vocab for international terms like "dank" = prime but got shot down for it.

GA = gibberallic acid
humic and fulvic acids

check: www.super-grow.biz for a bunch of hormones and additives

FEM = female seeds


multi-harvestor = outdoor; FLO and AK-47 new bud sites will form after harvest. works indoor too.

GH, AN, DM, CANNA ect......