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UK Growers thread

Easy Col. I think it can be safe enough to spray plant's in flower, up until the 3rd/beginning 4th week of 12/12. Bareing in mind that most plants don't have pistils for the first 7 days.

Fuck it man, there's products out there for foliar feeding in bloom for dog's sake. I know of the Bloom Boost from canna for instance.

Basically, before the fourth week from when pistils have shown their presence (35 into 12/12).

If you got a problem you got to deal with it before it get's out of hand.

If you see just 10, maybe 15 critters. That can be multiplied by 1000-10,000, in only 5 days.

Peace Tc


Thomas Cherry said:
Easy Col. I think it can be safe enough to spray plant's in flower, up until the 3rd/beginning 4th week of 12/12. Bareing in mind that most plants don't have pistils for the first 7 days.

Fuck it man, there's products out there for foliar feeding in bloom for dog's sake. I know of the Bloom Boost from canna for instance.

Basically, before the fourth week from when pistils have shown their presence (35 into 12/12).

If you got a problem you got to deal with it before it get's out of hand.

If you see just 10, maybe 15 critters. That can be multiplied by 1000-10,000, in only 5 days.

Peace Tc

Thanks TC. Have got some pyrethin based critter killer. Will give them a blast tonight before lights out.

Wish me luck!!!



Active member
hey ryu :joint: yeah the hashberry does seem to strech for the sky,had to tie them down through budding till about three week before finnish.Super strong side branches nearly as thick as main stem,have found three phenos so far,one is almost purple, one is chunkier but green and the other has smaller buds but more crystal.Hashberry is one of the best strains i have grown and have a mother of the purple one :jump: just set off another 20 clones so will have a bit more this time.
hey stealthsheild thanks man,got some tnr outside this year but getting hammered with this bad ass weather,good luck to all


Cheers for the Hashberry heads up Bingobango, I got so much going on at the mo, I managed to completely overlook how she was gonna stretch. Fierce growth.

I would love to flower out 20 lil suckers at once but the multi strain thing is way too addictive. Currently flowering WW, Hashberry, Bubblelicious, Lemon Stinky, Durban Skunk, Thai Haze X Skunk, Northern Lights, Top Skunk and a random sativa freebie.

Vegging some of the above, El Nino which I think are on the edge of death (overfeeding), Ak48 waiting to pop and 2 sexy little Double Strawberry Diesel Just popped about an hour ago. :)

Never actually been told what strain it was when buying before so now I got the choice, kid in a candy shop. Pretty sure it's limiting my yield but it's just for me n my girl so as long as theres a smoke, its groovy.

Will post a few pics when I figure out just what I got myself into with new DSLR.
Peace UK


Active member
Thats some top strains ryu :rasta: just popped some biddy's sister from magus so im hopefull for fem's and popping some bubbleberry from sagamartha,i agree multi strains is better than one,freebi's are always cool,hope it's a good one :jump:


Cheers guys,

There isn't exactly much of each but there will be when i'm finished searching. Plus I have a real wonky uncomfotable crawl space with laughable headroom, but at least it's mine :)

WW is a keeper along with Kali, Lemon on its last round as I only got one skanky lanky low yielding wench.

Just tasted an early 7 week sample of NL and Durban skunk. Nl is real smooth with a little mango kinda aftertaste, silly grin after just a couple hits but seems quite mild.

The tiny durban skunk sample really suprised me, real full smoke from proper tiny buds. Body didn't want to move but my mind away with the fairies.

How long does this Durban freebie go, shes at 8 and looking like another 2 at least?

Edit on the 2 DSD. that would be 1 dsd and a cucumber i planted and didn't label, lol.
Plus my first AK48 baby.

Huzzah Muddyfunsters! Finally got the hang of the seeds thang :)
im also from the uk but im across the water in northern ireland

im growing some white russian 5 weeks in flower this is my 3rd set of clones of the mother plant

i would love to grow some uk cheese i would even kill to grow it lol

any more growers here from northern ireland

zafira sri

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thats more like it UK, buds everywhere.

Zafira, that last tric shot is crisp. What camera you got?


Zafira those pics are really good. Your crop looks really good too :)

ps it's a Nikon D80 :)
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new start

new start

im so excited i haven't been able to grow indoors for a while, ive got a few outdoor but doing pretty crap really, i found a friend thats got great zeal like me for growing but he's a noob ive taken him under my wing so to speak :joint: we are going halfs on a venture, im going to build a 6' square flower box housing 1200watts and a small one for babies and clones cant wait ive got strains i never got chance to grow in the past so im like a kid at crimbo :muahaha: also i ordered some bluecheese last night :jump: good thing is i aint got to buy any beans im well stocked up :) definately going to try some DC crosses ive got and some DP strawberry couch......the list goes on lol

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Zafira I would like to know what lens you have used as am about to purchase a macro lens.
hey dave as long as its a decent camera thats all that matters, plus when on macro mode its good to use some sort of tripod, as i found out you take a normal pic about 12" away or close enough that it stays in focus then edit it in photo shop to get the closeups, hope that helps man
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the pictures i put up were from my last grow
as i said i am 5 weeks in flower this grow so i must get some pics up of it and a pic of my mum

Ryu dave is right its a nikon d80

dave heres the stuff i used to take them pics

Nikon 105mm VR Micro-Nikkor lens
extension tube set
macro ring flash



Cheers stealthed :)
Thanks zafira, I have been looking at the 100mm macro lens from Canon :)
mmmmmm maybe a good idea to ask in forums for a macro lens comparison :)