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UK Cheese - Mandala Hashberry - Paradise Sensi Star



looking good mate

sorry to ask and such - but what melasses do you use? im looking into giving it a test in general - seems interesting.

steroids?? metrop amino-bloom?

jeez so many new products i can only dream of finding in my growshop :(


metrop is a dutch nutrient company.. very concentrated and pure nutrients, this one is amino-acids + vitamins and works as a flower booster. The molasses I use is from Atami, it's called ATA Flavor. As I understand it, besides from feeding the micros in the coco, it also helps with nutrient chelation - making it easier for the plants to feed.

And, oh, thanks :)


hehe yeah man :D it seems interesting the properties they aclaim to the molasses. :D im going to check about the atami flavour and see what it is.

also im thinking of checking in the healthfood stores for natural molasses - should work the same only cheaper.

the metrop company seems interesting - they are not available down here in spain - but i found a webpage of a growshop that stocks em.. interesting stuff!



Yeah, i like their products. Their Cal-Green is great stuff. The nutrients are maybe a little too concentrated for small batches of solution, better mix 100L at once at least.

For the molasses, just look for the unsulphured kind. It should be available in spain.


man i just found a description of the atami flavour. its Beet-root molasses.

i know they use that back home in sweden to feed to the cattles.. saw 25 liter bottles of it when i was kid..

in general no one here knows molasses - thats why i think i got to look for it in special food stores

i have very precise measuring equipment. 1/10 of ml precision... i use small syringes from the farmacy - i just throw away the needle and use the measuring part. there is a variation of sizes. smallest i seen measure 2,5 ml with 1/10 ml intervals. buti bet three is smaller..

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yeah i got those syringes too.. won't do you any good since the metrop stuff is SO thick. You have to mix the solution very thoroughly to get it to dissolve completely. I use a mixer.


damn hehe :D a nute-shake :D

sounds VERY concentrated indeed! im going to sit back and check how it works in your grow :D you tell me if its worth it or not later :D



Moved the two hashberry ladies to flush today, going to let them go for a week or ten days more now. Maybe the spear pheno gets another week on top of that, we'll see. I want to reveg them both so I really can't push it too far (I think).

Shaved the bottom 1/3 of the cheese that's just starting to flower. Big bitch as well, loving the coco so much I had to move three more drippers to that pot.

Got two Rhino ladies just starting to show flower too.. They are fast, they'll be done in about six weeks from now.

Did intensive pruning on the Sensi Star, this pheno has the greasiest buds but also the most large-ass leaves you've ever seen. It's a jungle. Cleaned it up so lower budsites will get decent exposure.


Today is cleaning day. Dumped and sterilized the dehuey, emptying wastes, cleaning pump + res + drip hose. Cleaning the growroom.

Refilled res with 2,5 ml/l of canna a+b, liquid silicon, bt (gnat off) and ,8 ml/l amino flower
pH at 5.7

Did a flush with little bit of molasses for the hashberry ladies, hope they'll finish off nicely now


go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey metamorf,i dunno how iu missed ur thread mate , K+ for ya skillz :respect:
ur cheese looks pukka mate ,lovin that leaf ,great shot
hashberry are fat ,u runnin quite a few strains ,gotta love variety
they all look real healthy
grabbing a seat

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Thanks a lot m@rg and CMoon :)
I'm trying to update & upload some pics right now but hey, the upload don't seem to work.

Well, now it works. Hope I get to finish this post before the connection dies (again) :)

Some new pics:

UK Cheese, still quite a way to go.. About 4-5 weeks of 12/12 (i don't really count days)

Sensi Star.. Waiting for the buds to start fattening up now

Checking trich maturation on Hashberry... Some nice amber there

Wtf?! Someone's been shagging my Hashberry! I've seen this on this strain before.

Hashberry main cola
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Yah man, I'm gonna chop her tonight. It's the pheno I like so she's gonna go reveg for a while now. The other one (the spear) will get another week flushing.


Pheeew... I'm stoned on that hashberry. Been cutting-and-a-cloning today, gave my mommas a real good trim. Had to hang the friggin' cooltube in the tent again, outside temps just wont go low enough yet.

Been having too much fungus gnats for a while now, i'm gonna let the pots dry out a bit more between waterings now so the drippers are out for now. Just as well, I've got three strains with quite different requirements in there - easier this way (at least for a while).

Oh yeah, I'm going to try to piece together a diy sulfur vaporizer sometime soon... So fed up with that powdery mildew bullshit!
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here its about 20 - 23 in my basement and grow.. hehe its refreshing :D

try adding a lot of ventilation it should take away the mildew - make sure it blows enough so all the leaf move and dance. i never had mold and my region has many times 80% humidity

peace mate!
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Yeah bone, I hear ya on that. I got the PM by means of the UK Cheese cuttings that I got mailed to me. Didn't catch it in time and once they got in the garden, it started showing up on other plants. It's not too bad though, I use some bacterial spray to keep it from beeing able to breed and also some neem + baking soda to kill spores. I still need to get a sulfur burner but not until after this crop since I don't know how the sulfur would affect the buds. Anyway, RH is down to around 40% at daytime and 50% at night now and temps are also way down som maybe I'll get rid of the crap soon.


Okay, little picture update:

White Rhino, got her second hair cut now, hopefully makes for some fat colas.

White Rhino, just starting to bud up. Some N deficiency I think too. Intentional, though.

UK Cheese, man this is a large ass lady, she's about 70 cm now

She got a proper haircut, no popcorn here thanks :)


looking good :D

if u get a bit of N defiancy you can allways boost the nute level a slight bit momentarilly, but since its intentional :D i will just lay back and check the experiment :D i guess its for controlling stretch ?

peace mate!

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