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I’ve been figuring out the dose. Long story short, one gram of pure Tryptophan doses about 30 litres of (distilled) water for foliar spray you apply weekly. You will see 25-30% increase in vegetive mass if they respond like the humble potato.


Well-known member
I took tryptophan once and yes it can lift your mood. But as far as I recall it should not be taken when you´re on anti-depressants. I remember reading sometimg about a serotonin shock (or something) and it can be fatal.
It might tbe worth googling the keywords again :)

If the tryptophan does prolong the vegging period for plants then it could be great for cloning autos, meaning you won´t have to buy as many seeds :)


Well-known member
Read the first post, that’s reason I’m growing an auto for my Tryptophan test.
I guess by the time I had finished reading the thread I´d forgotten some of it lol
well this will be an interesting experiment and I hope you keep us informed :)


Update. It’s been 3 days since I gave the Auto its first foliar application of Tryptophan.
Within minutes the stem curled. Within hours it was back to normal.
All I can see after 3 days is that it’s stalled. Still looks healthy.
I dosed on the high side because 10 mg, when I weighed it out, is like nothing (like a light coating of dust on an spoon) and my intuition told me just add a touch more. About as scientific as adding sugar to coffee!
If it works, I will have also proved dose isn’t crucial I guess!
To be honest, I can’t see an amino acid doing much harm anyway.
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