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To trim or not to trim ?


Hey growdaddy, had a look at your gallery but wasnt sure which pics were the ones flipped on the 24th.
Can you show me some so I can compare ?...........cheers bro:joint:


Cheers Manwithnoname, tagged your grow as I'm gonna try and LST/Scrog my next grow.

Yours looks like its gonna be awesome :woohoo:


thanks! i hope it turns out ok. this is the first time i am trying scrog. cant beat some pvc pipe and fishing string, el-cheapo :joint:


yea scroging is cheap and good i just hate that their is not much room to move plants around. i kinda scrog but i just use screws all the way around my buckets. then using thin line weave in and out of whatever branvhes i want down to create even canopy seems to wrok great so far.
lookin mighty fine there. man i enjoy this site soooo much!!! i would luv to see that side by side comparison again with the two plants one trimmed one not. i been doing this for awhile and i seem to always trim to let the light come in. The secondary branches love it and explode right after the trim. BUT i read in many places that were accredited that say that taking off leaves is not a good thing unless there is 50% damage and that does make a lot of sense because if the plant grows it then it uses it, maybe on day ill let the broads go natural. Through personal experiences i found that......The ladies love it trimmed!!!...and it feels better lol


yeah i found that and my same question was with you which ones are the one that he flipped on the same day i did. I found how to see the photos right after i posted on you thread.


Hey Folks, thanks for the kind words:joint:

Things are coming along nicely although 1 or 2 of my girls are showing signs of heat stress so I'm gonna move them to the edges of my growing area

Anyway, here's some pics of my harem at 40 days.

They have around 30 days left then I'm gonna get right in about them and show them who's the fekin daddy :woohoo:


Thanks Ganjagrower:joint:

Things were going great up until a few days ago when I noticed that some of the leaves were yellowing and crisping up so had a good look through the Infirmary for people who had similar problems(too lazy to post my own pics there :abduct:) anyway after thinking it was a mag deficiency I upped my PH from 5.8 to 6.1 as I read somewhere that this is good to únlock' that nutrient.

I also dropped the PPM from 800/900 to 600/700 and put the drips onto 30 mins ON every 2 hours during lights on.

After doing that this morning I was up and down like a whores knickers checking them I realised that every time I opened the Zip .........(I have rigged up a camping tent front as the door to my harems hooch)......it was really humid and there wasnt enough air circulation and that was causing the problems.

Anyway, thats what I think the problem was but only time will tell, I'm gonna drop the PH bck down to 5.7 / 5.8 in a couple of days time.

According to the seed packet they have 1 to 3 weeks left so what I intend to do from now on is just add water and PH until they gobble all the nutrients and when the PPM is showing zero continue watering to flush..........will this work ??:confused:

Anyway, heres a few pics, sorry about the quality.

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