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Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Hi all m8s

today I discovered my grow is infested by thrips.
They are still larvae,but I'm only at day 36 of flowering...so they have time to suck off a lot of sap...and obviously I really don't want this!

I have phyretrum,neem oil,confidor,sodium silycate and other stuff.

I already read the sticky from mynamestitch (thanks a lot bro) but I would if possible to know wich one is the best way to fight these little suckers.

here a couple of pics



Any tips is appreciate,but if someone knows exactely a good way to kill them...if someone already had this trouble I will thanks him\her soooooo much!

Peace to all folks,have a nice life.


life gardener
i had thrips in the past.
i bought predator thrips and the bad thrips go forever.
i try pyrethhrin but not work. also traps with glue works because
thrips flying.
the predator thrips named orius laevigatus.
good luck my friend


There are FOUR lights!
Get anything with Spinosad in it.
Such as this

Kills them all and it's organic


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
oh buddies,really didn't expect all of these replies...thanks a lot to all of you:respect:

I live in Italy and with a rapid search I didn't find Monterey Garden Insect spray...I think it doesn't exist here in the boot.

if not mistaken Monterey G. is based on Spinosad active principle,right?
I'll try to find any product with spinosad in it.

I don't want to buy natural predators because the last time I ordered them they arrived all dead (for spider-mites).

I'll try to find a right product with spinosad right now.Sure it is safe on plants?

Thanks again to all of you,I really appreciate this!


Active member
Can't you order MGISpray through the net? Takes more than one application to kill all stages, but agree with all MontereyGIS works great.


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
neem oil. dilute down, use a wetting agent, and spray 2-3 times a week

remember neem doesn't kill on contact, so you will see them after you spray, it takes a while but works

EDIT: didnt see in flower


There are FOUR lights!
Neem doesn't get them all, imo. Tried it, they came back.
Got the Spinosad and killed them all with 1 application.
Ya really can't beat it.

1 thing though, it's super toxic to bees, so don't spray outside in the day.
Less of a problem once it dries. Kills caterpillers too!!!


Well-known member
If they are vegging try microscopic sulfur in between a rotation with spinosad if they persist, be careful how much you use otherwise you could burn the plants. This is just to try and prevent a resistance to spinosad, those fuckers will build up tolerances fast. The only other method is predatory mites. Spinosad can also be used as a drip if you need the rate let me know I'll dig it up.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I may be wrong, but that doesn't look like any thrip damage that I've had before...are the black dots what the damage is supposed to be? Thrips usually leave shiny/silver like streakes on the leaves when they have attacked my girls...I never saw any type of black dots like that...Good luck taking care of it, and I hope it never comes back!


what also works quite nice is "BIPLANTOL Contra X2" imho .. its also non toxic at all, but worked wonders against heavy thrips in my mother plants :)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
I may be wrong, but that doesn't look like any thrip damage that I've had before...are the black dots what the damage is supposed to be? Thrips usually leave shiny/silver like streakes on the leaves when they have attacked my girls...I never saw any type of black dots like that...Good luck taking care of it, and I hope it never comes back!

Hey man.....maybe you're right!damn'it!
I check here and there and discovered those black spots are due probably to leaf miners.In this pic (not mine) you can see those black spots,the same of mine.
However I'm not sure of this,because those spots could be thrips poo too.
The only way to know wich motherfucker are infecting my plants is to use a microscope.Tomorrow I'll check it again!
Thanks a lot Meltingpot,really.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey, no problem! Glad I could help, and glad that I spoke up. Hopefully that spinosad didn't cost you too much! Be well my friend.


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Hey, no problem! Glad I could help, and glad that I spoke up. Hopefully that spinosad didn't cost you too much! Be well my friend.

No really doesn't cost so much.it's cheap enough
But now the question is:what I should use if they are leaf miners?
I only know neem oil could be good,but I also know neem oil is not so strong...mmm don't know.tomorrow I'll take a better look and decide what to do.
Now I'm going to sleep,eh eh.You are in the US...I'm in Italy and now it's 2.00 AM
thanks again bro


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Hi folks,
taday armed with a 30x microscope I check it again.
Ensablished those bastards are thrips.For now they aren't too many.
Most of them are still larvae,few are already adults and there aren't so many eggs,but there are some.
Tomorrow or the day after I should receive spinosad,so for now just wait for this shit.

Here are few pics of thrips,sorry for low quality.

Damaged leaf







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