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This thread is da peat puck freaks..


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Those in the Midwest, you can find coir pucks at Menards. Check out http://www.fibergrow.ca/ I have to admit, so far I can't find any way in which these are inferior to peat pucks. They cost only a smidge more too. Totally worth it, especially since you can reuse the coco after you take the plant out of them. Biodegradable cloth around them too!


Peat pucks RULE! Yeah Peat pucks... I tried others, always go back...

I'm waiting for the summer sales to start on the peat pucks... If ya'll see any big chains selling off theirs spring stock, please post here!


Active member
i normally use peat pucks but i think i will stick to the coco pucks for a while now, good results so far but buying 1000 pucks at atime isnt for everyone i split 500 each with a mate that keeps the cost down under 5c per puck.


Active member
Any Advice?

I soaked 10 peat pucks with RO water and half strength superthrive.

4 popped out and are tall.... one popped through today and is small..

The other 5 i was worried about....

So, I grapped a paperclip and moved some of the peat away to check on them...

4 of them have NO tail and are still the same as when I started (I know, I know, I should have paper toweled it first)

1 of the 5 has a tail root and was moving up towards the top... I left it with the others.


Should I take the other 4 that haven't popped a tail and throw in some paper towels? or should I toss in a shotglass with water?

Any advice would be much appreciated.

Also, I started on 6-11-09 by soaking overnight in RO water in a shotglass...

Then on 6-12-09 I put into some Peat Pellets.

It is now 6-16-09.


The Hopeful Protagonist
MileHighGuy - I always use the paper towel method to get a taproot before putting in peat pucks.

As far as removing them now, may not be the best idea....best to just keep them moist and warm and wait it out.


Peat Pucks Rock :headbange


Mile: Ride it out. 4 days is not that long. Way too soon to start digging... stop it!

IMO, After you soak the peat pucks it is important to "fluff them up", and then reshape them to "unclump" the peat. This helps avoid dry spots in the pellets and helps with cloning in peat as well.

I like dirt for germing, but I like peat pucks for cloning....


Active member
lolaGal has given great advice, only other thing when pre soaking the pucks i do the came as presoak coco=
*rhizotonic or vit B.
*friendly baceria/ canna zym (peat often has alsorts of spores) could get mould that spreads to more pucks or plants.
* A little nute because peat and coco dont have any nutrients added. No food doesnt get seedlings off to a good start and and consistant at all






give then atleast aweek before replanting the seed. you may have had a bad germ rate or some how damaged the seed with wet and dry soil when needed to be moist. How do the other seedlings look ? anything like the one in the pic above, soil pre soaked in vit B, weak nute, friendly bacteria.

Hop you get some through these next days.



Next Stop: Outer Space!
I have to say I am really loving the coir pucks. They're better in every way that I can tell, plus the netting is biodegradable.

Whatever you use though, couldn't a press be made to make our own? Who here makes their own pucks/cubes?


I use peat pucks for germination and cuttings, yet to find a better way.
I pre-soak them with Ferro Bio-Roots and Ferro Enzyme Plus. :smokeit:

Peat Pucks RULE!


Next Stop: Outer Space!
After a test to successfully root a cutting in a 3oz plastic cup full of coir, I'm now switching to that method. It's basically just like a puck, only I can reuse it a lot more, and it's much cheaper.


This thread / these peeps helped me go from 0% to 100% with rooting cuts in peat pellets. :respect:

It usually takes 'em just over 2 wks to root.
But I'm counting rooted clones, more than days. :D:yes:

:listen2: I've always just sown seeds directly into the soil I was growing in. ("soilless" LC Mix)

Hey magiccannabus,
I'm currently in the process of switching from peat pellets, to coco.

I'm using 3 oz cups (w/ drain holes) too.
For both sowing & cloning.

So far, so good!

This is round 2:


I had the "6 plant duplex" laying around the house. So...

I don't like transplanting from these duplexes.
(Hard to do one without the others falling out too.)
So I usually cut into individuals once ready to transplant.


I keep a dome on my cuts 24/7.
(Except for this pic, of course) ;)

"Waves" in heat mat (& shelf it sits on) keep dome from sitting flush = plenty of air exchange. So far...

Heat mat is on a thermostat = stays at 80F


Easy as :pie: :yummy:


Sometimes my "wooden toothpick flag labels" will get a little hairy where they go into the peat.

It's never been a problem for me.

It's just a symptom of the conditions that favor rooting.
(warm, damp, & humid)

If it get's to be too much,
you can increase ventilation &/or decrease moisture. :yes:


100% with peat pucks, always !!!

May I recommend the Jiffy brand? Seems to be the best. I have tried other brands with lesser success.

My best success/recommendation is for the giant peat pucks, the big ones work even better! Don't have to transplant as soon too.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Right on, loving the 3oz cups!

Anyway guys, some of the things that make the white fuzzies on the soil can be beneficial fungus. I get this on the top of my pots all the time and never get any adverse effects from it. There are some conditions that can cause a similar appearance but can cause problems. It's important to be able to distinguish. Generally the plant will let you know if it's an issue. If you're not growing organic though, white stuff on the soil is almost always a bad sign. For the organic growers I would say don't worry about it, just keep your medium and conditions good and the herd will adjust.


ive had awful luck with jiffys im gunna read this thread more maybe ill figure out how to keep them moist not wet and not to dry.this was always my failure with them.


soak them, clone them, stick them in a plastic tote with a lid. Mist if they dry a little, but most times, they will stay wet enough to root. Just leave em mostly alone. give em a little fresh air and check on em every couple days.