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This Happened in Italy



No worries my friends, I may have felt obligated to change avatars, remove links in my signature, and take extreme measures for my safety, but I did not receive a visit on July 28th, as 66 other very unfortunate colleagues did, and I won't be taking chances. When I feel fairly comfortable with the idea of growing again...I will! Might not do 100 page threads anymore though :wink:



Plant Manager
Good to hear blue...I hope you can get your stash back to 'abundant' status!!! The blackmarket sucks...I hate that for you.


wow the severity of this whole situation is appalling...i love italy and lived there for a little while and this is most unfortunate...maybe they should focus on rounding up all the islamo-fascists that get into the country due to their shitty immigration policies who in turn make false documents for the rest of these jackass militants to use in europe and facilitate mass transit bombings in britain? i dunno just a thought... best wishes to u folks caught up in this, going forward i'd try to use a proxy or anonymizing service and logout of the site when ur done...i'm nowhere close to italy but with the emery thing and now this i've been sufficiently tweaked to delete all my pics from my computer (i know i still have to wipe it) and delete like 200 PMs between my account here and on OG...OGs sheer size makes me like it which is why i'm on there a lot, its easy to get lost among so many thousands :wink: however icmag is great and faster as well...blue i ended up having to find another location for my grow as it was tweaking me out too much to live with it in the bedroom, maybe a change in venue for the grow would give u peace of mind and maybe some more space to grow in hehe...just a thought...


Plant Manager
:mad: it makes me so sad to think that someone could classify bluevelvet a criminal...and not only blue, that can be said for about 90% of the people on this board. These 'criminals' are some of the BEST people in the world!! Why does it have to be like this? :frown:


Rubbing my glands together
Glad you are safe bluevelvet. Sounds like our favorite herb is being attacked all over the world. Two cannabis sites in a short amount of time. Sounds like the DEA (dept of educated assholes) are pushing and getting others to presecute us all. Guess there's not enough real crime for them to waste their time with huh?


sunny...my stash fortunately is still in abundant status, only elsewhere...:wink:

PDNY, I hear ya....and you wouldn't believe how things are with the "shady" side of immigration since the onset of the Schengen pact and the liberal circulation within Europe. I've flown to Germany and Holland in the past three months, and though I hold an extra-european passport which I paid my eye teeth for and which I had to travel over 250km to the nearest Consolate to request and once again to pick up, nobody wants to friggin' see it! ROTFLMAO!

yellow.....(LOL blue....you're killin' me :D), bartender and sunny, thanks for the well wishes, I'm fine and clean and will stay that way until I deem it necessary, don't ya'll be worrying....everything's OK here :smile:

resinryder, yes....things are happening of late, might just be concidence, might not. Actions provoke RE-actions and there's just a bit too much dictatorship going on in so-called democracies and a tad too many violations of constitutional rights here and there around the world. People are getting tired of being stepped on in the name of bogus morals and sacrificing so many of their rights in the name of the powers that be. This holds true for all speheres of contemporary life and is not just related to the cannabis issue. IMO the straw that will break the camel's back isn't too far off at all....



Unbelieveble!! Great to hear your safe Blue...Do you have any info about our member Filimagno..? is he safe...?
Stay safe and don't worry....



New member
Grazie Bluevelvet. Sei un tesoro, sto ancora aspettando le traduzioni, perchè io mi sto smazzando quelle in tedesco. :)

I forwarded to Matteo the links of my post (and the redirection to this one), because on www.mariuana.it there's a communiqué with the reports of the impeachment of Matteo...


Oh BlueV...
This is so Scary.... thank you for keeping us posted on what's happening, at least on here we'll get the truth not propaganda... :rolleyes: Thanks Girl!

....if you need anything that we can help you with, you just let us know, k?...

:friends: Ms.G

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
Anymore news on this...ive been offline, come back to hear one of the nicest people, no sorry actually the very nicest person I have ever "Met" online is in danger...... and been a while since any more posts...does any1 know the score to put this Obsessive Compulsives mind at rest one way or the otger.
Blue Hunny, wherever you are, I wiosh you all the best, and hopefully you will feel able to put your talent to use again some time soon.


Active member


Huggz hun,, all the best,,
we simply out survive the govs' that be,, ok?
I and mine have done so for years hun,,
ALL the best.............................Doc


I don't have anybody to call me red anymore... :(

I know you are out there Ms. BV, stay safe for me. :D