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This Happened in Italy


Willie said:
Though it was a "few" years ago I found that while in Naples, smoking could be done in the streets with NO hassles from anybody. (unless of course you were stupid about it)

I reassure you my friend we still do. :smile: This or any law that the fascists pass will NOT stop us from doing it. Weed can be found in Napoli but I don't trust it.


wow i cant believe whats is going on... a few friends of mine in naples were just saying something similar to this..man what a bummer. i swear the gov over there is becoming more and more like the gov here in the us.. its lame...man to take down a huge site like that. somebody had to of made a large sell to a undercover ..and thats prob what brought the whole thing down...and of all places naples..madoona! i surely hope this doesnt effect the amount of hash and erb i will be and or get to smoke when im visit my family in november.. i will be mainly in bari where im from but i will be visiting some grower friends in naples. sooo this sucks



the man who grows the herb of the earth will be persecuted by the scum of the earth

left hemi

what do y'all mean be stupid about it? could I for instance, sit in a piazza, enjoy an espresso and a joint? where is the stupid line?




The situation is this:

1.The admin of the three websites in question has been arrested and charged with instigation (despite disclaimers on each of the three websites) and conspiracy to sell illegal substances. He was arrested with 5 of the moderators from his site and 46 other members. A few of the members searched hadn't posted there in over a year :eek:

2. The server has been sequestered by the police, and everybody who ever logged on to one of those three websites or purchased in the grow or seedshop has realistically been noted and filed for reference (7000 people).

3. General consensus two days later is now that this operation is not over and sooner or later more searches can be expected, though the news gave the operation as a done deal.

There are 7000 of us who are now an identity to the police, and who before were just another face in the crowd.

Every single one of us has been officially recorded as a result of this operation.

This implies that from here to eternity at any given time a cop can show up at any of these 7000 doors with probable cause and a warrant.

I don't know what to do. I'm thinking of not starting my grow in September as planned. I wonder if I should even continue growing at all. Bottom line is that I'm in the middle of those 7000 and I am no longer an anonymous citizen, nor will I be as long as I continue living in this country....

and before people start telling me to change countries....its not an option.


Flower Pot

wow.. i am so sorry to hear of this blue.. it has sent shock waves around the world :yoinks: .. my only advice would be to move elsewhere. if possible.. . and change your net address..my thoughts are with you..


The Tri Guy
This is ridiculous, are they going to close down Ferrari and Lamborhini for instigating speeding offences?


Exactly GMT, and the very first thing you saw when accessing ALL 3 of those sites was a pop-up disclaimer which would not even let you enter the sites unless clicking "I am 18 years of age or older" on the disclaimer itself. Go figure....


Active member
A owner who dosn't imbibe , won't answer PM's, isn't talking to his members , sounds like this dude turned. Dosn't sound very good at all . Prayers to all the growers and seed buyers involved and hope all turns out ok....ndn


head inna bag
Hi mates
Imagine one day you found Overgrow sequestered by the cops… the home page you were used on, the familiar green leaf, is now changed into a three letters logo… FBI… just to name one :rolleyes:
How would you fill?:woohoo:
That site was our Overgrow.com, the biggest Italian site, on line since 2000… every Italian grower surfing the net has at least one post in that database. I didn’t like those boards anymore and I haven’t been around for years, nevertheless I have something like 1000 posts, some guides and articles in there.
Seeing the list of people (some of them are really anonymous members with just few posts) the first thought that popped in my mind has been something like: «Uh! Why them? Why not…. Me?» … followed by… «You have been lucky, now don’t be stupid»… then pushed the self-destruct button… now I’m a former grower.
Don’t know if I have to be sad or happy.
Do you think it may help to sing ?.... Always look at the bright side of life… lalà lalà lalà lalà.
ciao! :wave:


I have to join you in that song Fozinho....and I do believe there are thousands of us singing our little hearts out instead of tending to our gardens right now :rolleyes:

My grow...previously just empty, is now empty and half dismantled. My stash, previously abundant, is now just a handful of buds. So now the homegrowers in Italy will have to turn once again to encouraging the black market....sounds like cutting off your nose to spite your face to me! :rolleyes:


So sad to hear of your troubles,above all keep your family safe.It's a damn shame but we must realize that we are not as safe as we like to think,most everyplace you can go online is being monitored,ip's are being taken and clicks counted,big brother is making lists about everything and everyone,when they act on them is up 2 them.I recomend eveyone stop using IE and switch to firefox,a much securer browser,also use one of many IP hiding programs such as ghost surfer,keep you tracks hidin DAILY and even then your not totally safe.My prayers are with you Italian growers today, :wave:


Thanks Red :smile:

The admin of the sequestered website was released from prison yesterday.
Things should slowly become clearer. The panic among growers here is obvious and tangible, most of the other (few) existing national cannabis forums have eliminated or made private their sections dealing with cultivation, and there is not one of those forums in which the situation and the event are not discussed as the hot topic of the day.

Lots of important associations here, both cannabis-symapthetic and not are in an uproar, and if the right people put the right pressure in the right places this could be the spark that lights a revolution in Italian cannabis policies. Constitutional rights have been violated. 'Nuff said.


Thanks sweetie...

Seems like while all the hooha was going on various growshops spread throughout Italy received visits from the Smurf Brigade....they confiscated cannabis seeds in all of them.

Cannabis seeds are legal in Italy. They do not contain THC and are not on the prohibited substances lists.

The funny thing is that one of the growshop owners who received a visit reported that they were particularly interested in Nirvana seeds, seems one of the lab divisions (I don't know how to translate it) in the Genoa police found traces of THC in the Nirvana seeds :eek: :chin:


a big thought to Italian growers

It's a bad time for you, but don't forget the brightning sun behind the clouds :badday:

take care and stay safe


Latest news

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After the release of the admin of the three sites in question the national anti-prohibitionist association website issued a small press release today stating that 52 of the charges (52!!!!!!! :eek:) against the admin have been dropped, and the only charge he is now facing is "public instigation to the illegal use of prohibited substances".
The anti-pro website will shortly be posting a declaration by the admin supported by documentation (I have no idea of what nature).

Things may be looking up in general, though nothing will ever be the same again, as long as the cannabis problem continues to be dealt with as a criminal issue and not the cultural issue which in reality, it is.

Updates will be posted as they come :wink:


Active member
Stay SAFE, Blue! (i know you will)...

they have all the info they need now. of course they let him go...

don't be lulled into a false sense of security, Italian Growers.

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