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Thinkin about movin to Portugal in the next 3 years...


Active member
So looking to move out that way in the next 3 years from the UK and wondered what the deal is with growing to supply myself out there :)

Also any recommendations on where's good? I want a 3-4 bed little bit of land and in a place peeps won't bother me so I don't think a city more outside a town or in a village.

Trying to work out what I'm gonna do for work too! I'm IT trained so could try do some of that remotely but I may need another income stream, something arty or nature related as that's me and my family :)


Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:

Well, first of all congratulations... I'm tired of living here but I have to admit that this country is like paradise to foreigners. One more thing I should say first is that I still have some dificulties writing in English, so sorry for the errors.

Growing in Portugal:

When compared with your country you should know that here you are much saffer to grow your own. The autorities aren't looking for homegrowers that grow exclusively for their own needs and don't sell anything to anyone. Eventually, when someome is caught with cannabis plants (generaly in outdoor grows), they may have to face a judge but nobody goes to jail if quantities are reasonable and if there are no prooves of traffic.

In Portugal it is legal (decriminalized) to have 25gr of weed or 5gr of hash. If they catch you whithin this numbers you won't have to deal with law enforcement. Instead you'll have to go and talk with a "psychologist" a couple of times, and nothing happens.

Growing is still a crime (unfortunately) but, as I said, if you keep a low profile, don't sell anything and don't have more than a reasonable number of plants, there's no reason for you to be afraid of anything. Seeds are ilegal since 2003, but we have many growshops here and you can buy seeds in Spain. I personally have no problem in smoking anywhere, except in closed spaces. Every open space is ok to smoke (if you don't see that a cop is less than 100 meters close to you).

Buying finding good weed is a very difficult job here. You'll find lots of moroccan hash, most of it is shit, like the very well known (even in UK) soap bars. So growing your own really is the best idea. Watch out when looking for hash on the streets, they'll know you are english and try to fool you. Here we "receive" many english people because of tourism and lots of people live from you guys... I'm sorry, but thats the truth. Anyway I'm talking about a minority of the people, the rest of us are mostly friendly and trustable.

The place:

It seems that you don't know yet where you're going to live. Well, if I a foreigner coming to live here, I would definetly chose the Algarve or Alentejo. Those places offer the best weather you can get and also great natural sites, and I'm not talking only about beaches. In Alentejo, in my hometown, you have "Barragem de Alqueva", which is the biggest artificial lake in Europe. And the surroundings of the lake are yet to explore, completly natural without houses, hotels, golf courses, anything, just nature.

See it: http://www.almadeviajante.com/fotos/portugal/alqueva/

But I'm not sure if that is the best place for you to get a job. Surely in the Algarve is much easier. The Algarve is the place in Europe where there are the highest number of hours of sun per year. It's almost tropical. Almost like morocco (in a straight line we are just 130 miles away from morocco). The Algarve coast is vast and rich. Food is great everywhere (including Alentejo and the rest of the country). I don't know if you live in a city or in the countryside there in the UK, but I'm sure your kid(s) will love coming here.

The Algarve: http://www.visitalgarve.pt/?idioma=en

If you know where you want to live in I can show some more sites about the place.

Here is a site (in Portuguese) with IT Job offers in Portugal: http://www.itjobs.com.pt/

Anything else you want to know just ask, I'll be happy to answer.

Hope everything turns well for you in Portugal!

Good smokes!



If you need seeds you can always ship from Spain, check out azores too it might be small but if you want to get in contact with nature i think it is the best place, nice soil to grow too you can check the volcanos and i think the environment is good to grow mushrooms and weed, i haven't seen much news about the police getting people growing in azores. The only thing that sucks is to get to other island you have to get a ferry or small plane. You have Sagres too, i think they have a hemp industry there and few peeps also you get lots of beach to surf :) Serra da estrela is cool too, but i dont think u're going to able to grow outdoor because temps tend to get a bit low.


Active member
Psychotropic Cheers for all that info! Especially the job site, it looks very handy! Looks like weed wise everything is in my favour :)

The battle I'm having at the moment with location is being close to the city I see the IT jobs advertised in on that site above and having the kind of house and space I want and more relaxed life, without breaking the bank. Any suggestions welcome on this one?

Terramoto With seeds being illegal can I still ship them in from countries of my choice? Friends may be helping to restock me when I move over and send what I left them to send on to me once settled, probably from the UK. Also say I went on holidays and wanted to bring some back and I best posting these too and what are the chances of interception and what happens if they do get intercepted?

Anyone know about how hard it is sorting out these renovation projects? Can I get trustable people to write the plans and do the work and still get a good deal? Considering I'm not a skilled builder yet! ;) If I was to do this I'd want to be able to have it run smooth while I'm in the UK earning the cash to fund the project/pay the loan repayments ;).

Thanks for all the answers guys! :)

Tommy G

:|Sweet Seeds®|:
Hi again dreadvik!

Well, when you say "close to the city" you may mean close to the main cities, such as Lisbon and Porto, or you may mean close to any city, and in that case you have a bunch of choices...

Anyway I think that you can get a job almost everywhere in the country, but maybe it will be easier if you get a house close to the sea. All along the coast line, where you can find the biggest cities and industry, would definetly be the best choice. Once you know the place where you want to move in, then you can start looking for a home. For a family of 4 you can get a nice house for about 600 euros a month in the center of the main cities, or 400 euros in small towns or in the countryside.

Man, don't bother with the fact that seeds aren't legal. No one has ever had problems with that. We all receive seeds thru the mail, coming from Spain, Netherlands, Canada, etc, and I haven't heard of anyone having problems. We also usually go to Spain, buy them, and bring them back. I've also brought seeds from the Netherlands with me in the plane, no problem. I used to work in the Faro's International Airport and I had to pass security everyday to get to work. A couple of months after working there I realized I had some seeds in a pocket of my jeans. Well, those seeds passed security dozens of times without being detected. I've been helping in portuguese forums and sites about cannabis for the last 6 years and so I've been paying attention to every news in the media about people being caught with cannabis and nobody has ever been caught because of their seeds. Even with plants there are no major problems, 1 week ago a couple was caught with 500 plants and they did not go to jail. This week a guy was cought with 70 plants and had no problems at all.

90% of the cops here not even know that seeds are not legal, in fact thay aren't looking for them.

So bring the seeds, buy them in the internet, go to Spain and bring some, that's up to you, but don't stress with it.

About how easy can your pojects be renovated... I have no idea. If you are talking about contruction engineering I guess you will not have any problem with that. Portugal is one of the oldest members of the European Union and things here are not much different from UK or other countries. Ok, we are poorer than most of the European Union countries, but that does not mean that we are technologically behind. Anyway you need to get a job and/or someone to help you pass the barrier of language and burocracy. We also have institutions that work pretty well and that help foreigners like you.

I'm not sure if I gave the answers you were looking for and may haven't understood everything you pointed, sorry about that.

Lets see if Terramoto passes by and helps a bit more.

I'm here to help in whatever I can.

Good gardens... good smokes! :joint:



Just a month ago a friend of mine was caught sending lumps of hash or whatever you call it (here we call them hash soaps) over mail, he was sending it for over 1 year and half till now and he never had problems, but hes friends were caught with the hash and they told the cops who was sending. So, you can send seeds by mail, if you buy them on a website be sure the website says they are discreet in the shipping, btw the cheapest seeds you can get from here is from spain growshops. You can tell your friends to buy and send you from there, if you want to get extra secure, you can always send them a letter everytime they send you seeds. If you want to enjoy life while working, Algarve might be the best place to work, about the houses theres alot of houses but since the crisis affected us all, they might be a bit expensive.
Hey all ^^ Friends Algarve is the place ;) lots of sun, nice beaches and bitchs lol jk
but sure for work maybe Lisbon or Porto but well we cant have it all . . .
E sim Madeira é para esqueçer :witch2:
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Active member
Well job wise I'm looking at Lisbon I think :) Plenty of time to get this right tho :) I can always travel like I do now but the difference is in Portugal there will be someplace worth travelling to! :)


come to portugal this is a meca for cultivation this is not like england this is much better the weather,the laws,the girls he he he if you need anything just call


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
After visiting Lisboa, Porto and a couple of little towns on the way, I was pleasantly surpriced with Portugal... It's people, food, culture. I would highly recommend it, even if just for holidays.

My only disapointment was getting ripped when trying to score some chocolate :laughing: and so I didn't get to try any of the local herbal goods.

This year I will be going to Madeira (in a couple of weeks :jump: ) and I would be curious to know how's is the cannabis scene over there?

Tambien falo portug-nol :)

Obrigado :thank you:
