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"The self watering tree operation"


New member
Whats up guys and gals?

Last years tree operation was successfull but we ran into a hell of a lot of problems keeping our ladies nice and moist! ;)

We had 3 plants in 3 trees situated approx 20-30yrds from each other, and 10-12ft up the tree. Now, the biggest plant that grew out was the skunk#1 that was in a 7 gallon pot, fastened on a makeshift 2x4 platform.

We found ourselves visiting the location more so than we shouldve to keep watering them. Everytime we hiked with our water jugs we talked about actually setting up a watering system in a future grow;fastened higher up the tree to deliver water through an ordinary, run of the mill erigation drip system that can be purchased at most hydroponic stores, or nurserys.

This year we have scouted out one of our number of locations, and this one will be another tree grow. The only reason being is the fact that this place is too good geographically and is on a southern slope with FULL sun. >> ONLY problem, there was deer shit like ever 10 ft, and lots of fresh dear prints scattered all over the place. Thats why we decided to go with a tree grow again.

Despite it being a lot of work, you get good results and if its done properly you can get great sized buds.

So this season, with the help of my partener in crime, we have come up with a rough blueprint of the watering system to be hooked up. This is where your guys help comes in.

The blueprints we have drawn up are pretty basic right now, but it leaves me thinking that we will still have to go back and water a lot, do to the fact it will be hard to control the release of the water at proper times. The plants will be grown in flower bags (we've grown with these a few times and they work well for small experimental type stuff and they are relatively easy to hide). Only thing that will be hard is keeping the whole watering system somewhat small, and camouflaged.

If anyone has any ideas as to how to improve this or anything else please let me know. I think its a great idea, but it will require a lot of work and I would like it to be done relatively cost efficient and easily.


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New member
Yes and No.

The location we have now is rather secluded, and has field on either side and a desolate train line in between it.

Right now we're only in the planning stages...I much prefer growing in the ground and this is going to be planned very well if we are going to execute it properly.

If for one second it looks like your going to notice the grow, we will have it taken down...

For now though, we are playing it by ear.

Buddy Luv

New member
How about taking a power station (the kind you jump start cars with) & a pump strong enough to reach your plants or holding tank. If you were close to water, it would be fairly easy.

Buddy Luv




If the DEER are your Only problem,Then I would Plant in the ground. I understand you are looking for "ideas" about your tree grow and watering system.But you have to relize to make a watering system in tree is Not only gonna be difficult but will damn sure attract unwanted attention no matter where your at
both from the ground and air;)

You would be MUCH more stealth and ALOT less Maintance,and surely a better yield.Not to mention sleeping better at night.

Plain small mash Chickin wire is much easier to work with and camo better,thus cutting back on time and maintance.Biuld covers over your plants until they are big enough.Normally about 2-3 feet high and then they can handle a chomp or two from a deer,but by then OTHER plants are availble that the deer normally eat;)
This will allow you to consentrate on planting more hooch and hiding it better. That plant in tree would surely catch my eye from any distant walking thru the bush.

Good luck..
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New member
Plain small mash Chickin wire is much easier to work with and camo better,thus cutting back on time and maintance.Biuld covers over your plants until they are big enough.Normally about 2-3 feet high and then they can handle a chomp or two from a deer,but by then OTHER plants are availble that the deer normally eat
This will allow you to consentrate on planting more hooch and hiding it better. That plant in tree would surely catch my eye from any distant walking thru the bush.

We've grown using this method for 3 years and each time has shown great yields and rather strong plants, its also great because while the plants are at a small and vulnerable size the animals wont get at it.
> Im not sure if I mentioned in this thread that BESIDES our normal ground grow this year we are trying a TREE grow again.

It IS a lot of work, and I too think it would be very time consuming and also somewhat noticeable. BUT; we have come up with a much easier solution. WATER POLYMER crystals and peat mixed in growbags. Camouflaged and hidden amongst the tree.No watering system, nothing overly advanced.

Trust me, ;) putting a watering system in trees is OBVIOUSLY a rather risky undertaking, but like I said I posted here to get some ideas...No worries though. Our ground grow is going to be rather large like it has been in previous years. Cheers.
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I agree with wolfshadow. I'm an avid outdoorsman. I would spot your tree grow as easily as if it had a red flashing light. Chicken wire is Ok, but it sticks out like a sore thumb also. If you use it, at least build a small fire and put the wire in it to get it hot. Its galvanized and sometime coated with oil. Get it hot and the wire will get a dull color.

Monofiliment fishing line works also. The deer can't see it and it freaks them out when they bump into it. You'll have to keep putting it back up.

Liquid fence is somewhat effective also as a deer repellant.

I own land and I have to contend with game wardens, county surveyors, forestry people, loggers, hunters, curious kids , ATVs, snowmobilers and nosey neighbors. And I am way off the beaten path. It is clearly posted, and they are trespassing when they step on it. It is way too risky to grow on it. Try to make a complaint when LEO is breaking the law. They'll get a good laugh out of it, and then retaliate.



New member
Hey folks, please read my posts. :)

This is only for BRAINSTORMING. The pics of the tree grow are from last years and we have not even started the preparation for this as of yet.

We are focussing more attention on getting our clones into the GROUND first. Like every year Ive grown...this is just for some IDEAS.


Outdoor Grower, C99 Lover
ICMag Donor
How about this thing :) ? I think it should work well, I haven't tried it yet :
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an excellent idea mate , we had a bust here recently with plants growing in the trees , im not sure how they foun d them , probably got tipped off id say .. must be a lot of work is all i can say , gotta admire the methods people will go to in order to grow a few plants ....
i can see where water would be a prob though , i spose minimising evaporation would be a good start , but i cant see it being easy getting water up the tree without an obvious pipe line from the ground... there are pumps available these days that will run on 12 volt and pump 18 meters head , im thinking of testing one out myself , they are able to be used inline aswell increasing your pumping capacity .. dunno if thats gonna help you much , but apart from reducing evaporation etc is all i can think of ...


Active member
Man I am and always have been in the woods I have run apoun many grows in my life! I have also walked past them and notice them a seperate time going to mine and think wow wonder if I will ever run into them? I natural to look for deerstands and things when looking for a place to grow, I would see a tub 5 gal bucket camo But then again I had no childhood other than tromping through the woods, I have only run across traps at a grow once The Bastards I pulled up!!! It almost got me but that another story. if there iss deer poop there may be deer hunters! I leave Bamby alone myself To easy unless with a bow! I hope it goes great and everytime I grow somewhere I look at it like maybe I'll get to be with it in the end! if not hope anyone other than the cops got it !!!even Deer! So if your thing gets found just hope your not around doing mantince! my sons and I now explore together places I teach about nature to them and how to make sure you leave a spot better than you found it! Kinda stuff & I find possible new spots to Grow its a get thing!



Risky Business

Risky Business

I agree with Wolfshadow and Cpt. Cannabis. I'm an avid outdoorsman as well. Stealth is clutch on the ground and in trees. I feel a tree grow may possibly attract unwanted attention.

I've never done a tree grow, sounds like a serious chore setting her up and then maintaining the grow for a period of four to six months or possibly two or three minum. Plus I know for a fact most LEO use special optical devices to spot grows. Your grow might stand out for two main reasonsif LEO does ariel fly-bys in your area.

1. Marijuana has a unique spectrum that can be tuned to LEO's FLIR (Forward Looking Infra Red). In a tree you would really stand out if they caught you just right from the air. Your tree stands are close to fields or clearings that might be a good grow potential I'd think twice before investing heavily.

2. Thermal imaging could also dectect your ass. The heat signature given off by the latent heat in your water reservoirs or containers alone could light you up like a roman candle in the night through their looking glass.

I am an avid bow hunter and I'm always checking out trees for possible stands for myself or looking for those of other hunters. You did say you had deer in the area, right?

Tree growing sounds a little too risky and labor intensive to really pay off. Polymers will only cut your watering down a little. During a real hot during the summer you'll be there way too much.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but I'd stick to the dirt and just camo everything real well and leave no trace and go guerilla style in force!

btw: 30-50 lb test fishline line works great against deer (and theives). Place a taught clear line knee and waist level around the perimeter of your garden and you'll scare off more than deer. Hell, you might even catch a tweeker or two.

Just my thoughts.

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you could set up a tarp higher up in the tree hidden below the leaves to catch water. I'm thinking a 10x10 would do the job. after you do that just set up a drip system with a battery powered timer and some hose and spaghetti lines running to your buckets. you'll want to set up the tarp so its not blocking light from the plants (simple solution:plants on south side of trunk, tarp on north side of trunk. It'll make your grow more noticeable, especially from the air, but it doesn't seem like you're worried about this as much. another option is to use a lot of 5 gallon buckets around the tree to catch water in the same way the tarp is, except they might not stick out as much from the air. the advantage to these would be you could put a screen over each of them to block sticks and leaves from falling in.


Smoke weed and prosper
or build a self-watering pot. check out the video in my sig.

Money doesn't grow on trees :D Marijuana does :D