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The Roadkill Skunk Fan Club

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here's is some advice Tom Hill gave us.

India is the king country of medicinal cannabis, always has been. Pakistan has always enjoyed the spill over of genetics from this headwaters. For raw potency i would shop in afghanistan, but for the deep flavors you seek(& i thinkn i understand what your talking about) India & her tributaries are not to be overlooked...


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1 more

Your grassy brain is righton track,:) unfortunately there's a lack of info on all you contimplate regarding breeding if you limit yourself to what the breeders of cannabis today have not to say . I'm not sure why , my guess is that knowledgable breeders don't want hacks to gobble up & take credit for info at their own expence.My advice is to skip the f1 gen,(your not breeding for public consumption, are you?)... what you really want in a plant from clone is an extreme of the two parental lines & you'll find this in the f2 generation... while the f1 is predictable, it lacks the diversity that your looking for..

thanks tom, your one of the few knowledable breeders that even offers advice these days.
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Active member
and last but not least maybe some encouraging news for us skunky skunk lovers.

Hi all

it seems that a few different skunk lines will be ready and tested by ealy next year so it should be fun for all of those who have been waiting patiently to finally get a real shot at what you asked for .Wishing you all a safe time all the best Sb
all the best Shantibaba


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Awesome idead Time2Unite!!! You kno me, i love that RKS!!!! mmmmm.... i remember the dazzzzeeee.... i wanna be sleepin havin a dream of drivin down the highway hittin skunks left and right with my car and then wake up roll over and realize i left the lid off the jar again!

I dont really have any ground breaking info on it unfortunatly. It dosnt necessairly have to be skunk #1 or super skunk or anything i guess. RKS is just RKS in my book... prolly a bunch of different kinds(seems their all endangered), its more a state of mind(smell) ;) that sweet dutch skunk really irks me tho...



Active member
thanks for stopping by alexander and you bring up a great point and alot of the reason i'm doing this.

"seems their all endangered" you say, thats exactly my thoughts, i don't want it just to be memories anymore, whatever we do we need to bring it back, wether it be from a "big breeder", "closet breeder", "someone that knows someone", when animals start becoming endangered people step up and bring it back......thats what we are trying to do here.

if your a RKS lover this is your time to speak up, maybe someone with the power will read this and understand how important it is to the community to bring it back.

i'll scrap everything i got going (except for a couple lol) and go all skunky skunk to try and bring it back if i get lead in the right direction....i just spent 4 months growing skunks and crossing skunks every which way and i'm willing to do it again until we are on to something solid. for anybody reading this i think mass superskunk is a great start for making a version on RKS.



TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Im sure that Amstedammer of TFD and the cannabis college shared some Skunk#2 with us at the 4/20 cup 2005 in the cannabis college, if i remember correctly and maybe Dr.D who was there will confirm it was SK#2 and was describeed as for breeding stock......this was deffinatly not the sweet skunk i have smoked else where and could easily be what everyone is describing as RKS.


Active member
nice, that is good news, anything refered to as definatly not the sweet skunk is good news on the RKS thread. do you happen to remember anything about the smell, flavor or type of high you had? or maybe Dr.D can chime in? thanks for the news
The craziest skunk smelling bud i have ever sampled is some random bagseed my pops grew out two years ago it had the most acrid skunk odor to it and smelt like burning rubber when you smoked it. I picked a fresh nug the size of a pop can or so. Which left a sticky residue on my fingers that was similar to sap or sticky glue. The sticky-ness was still there some what when I woke up the next mourning. I will never forget the smell of that herb for the rest of my life. The stuff I'm tokin on right now has a mild skunk taste but nothing RkS about it thats for sure.

It's too bad me an buddies can't find herb like this it's rare to come across that sticky shit around here it's mostly just that fluffy kind bud. My pops still gots alot more of the seeds but doesn't grow anymore. So I'm going to give them a run this coming spring. Ill keep the Rks fanclub updated.

Keep it real all .....


Active member
hey hey, nice report....any idea of what strain the bagseed came from or was it just some dank buds your pops picked up....did he notice if it was indoor or outdoor grown?

definatly try to find out and give them another shot, let us know.

keep the stories coming guys, i love to hear great rks stories....we can learn from them also.


Old School Cottonmouth
anyone else notice a correlation between hot humid grow locations and pungent musty nugs?


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
My indoor TRC Bluedancer reeks!
But the cuttings grown indoor under a nice skylight are really stinky!!
Very very skunky!! :D


Active member
motaco said:
anyone else notice a correlation between hot humid grow locations and pungent musty nugs?

good point, i'm wondering what the skunks i've grown indoors that only turned out slightly on the skunky side will do outside, especially after i took it a step further and only bred the most skunky ones.

but we had lots of rks up here grown outdoors, northern midwest almost up to canada....but there are years where it gets really hot and humid in the summer but probably not like other places.


Active member
Raco said:
My indoor TRC Bluedancer reeks!
But the cuttings grown indoor under a nice skylight are really stinky!!
Very very skunky!! :D

nice raco....whats the genetic background on the bluedancer?


Active member
Thats the question Simple, we're tryn to find strains that have the RKS trait, the stronger stench the better! and preff. ones with the trait being dominant(most likely the bulk of ones out there are clone onlys, in which case the problem wouldnt be finding the trait in YOUR seed but more finding THEIR clone in your garden! ;)

Again, Great thread!
you know ill be checkin back later....

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Awesome thread and much needed. There are so many reports and so much confusion about RKS, it's great to have one place to sort this all out.

T2U... thanks for getting this started and spearheading the effort to find this highly sought after "wonder". I'd give yah some rep but I have to spread some first.

I'll definitely be seeking out people I know that might know on a local level. We're going to find the RKS and probably in many forms. This is truly and exciting quest.



Active member
we aren't finding any....thats why this thread is important....we need to gather as much info as possible.

there are plenty of strains that are kinda "skunky" but somewhere out there is a hidden ingredient that seperates skunky from full out smells like a skunk just sprayed or got hit by a car......it could be a couple different phenos from different genetics, it could be the location it's grown, they could all have that certain parent lineage that is the cause of the rks odor coming out, it could be skunk#2, no one is forsure at this point.

but so far it's pretty obvious this is a much desired strain or phenotype and many people from different locations have had it. hopefully word gets out and some dude will pop up in this thread and say "ah hell, i've been growin that strain for 20 yrs" and has some seeds and cuts lol.

thanks alex and maistre....you guys popped in while i was writing!!
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ICMag Donor
ok - Fj checked in too :smoke:

Its Cheese#5 - this one got the most bonebreaking smell i ever came across :yummy:
Its definately some of those tastes/smells youll never forget ...

day 46 - (19 to go :yoinks:)




and at least a nice macro - resin galore :sasmokin:


have fun



Active member
real nice fj, i remember you describing to me the odor of them cheese f2's, sounds like something we definatly need to look into. in the meantime i'll be happy checkin out these skunkyballs#7's!! keep us updated buddy....peace
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